1986 Super Sativa Seed Club Calatog! Full Color Pics & Scans

Cool stuff. I know AK Bean Brains had alot of this old memorabillia stuff for sale years back. May be worth hitting him up if there is an interest.

Bob Hemphill’s Cricket And Cicada was recently or is working some M4 and M10 hybrids from what I remember. Those will be worth checking out for me.



Then they didn’t come from me. I used white manila envelopes and up until the last batch I typed out the labels for each packet, and they were shipped from inside the USA. Still have some of the original envelopes I stapled shut in the 1980’s.


My hazy memory seems to recall that the first package I received (mid ‘80s) from SSSC was postmarked as from Arizona. I remember thinking that I don’t know what this small package is.

Very happy to see my SSSC seeds inside. I had been feeling increasingly paranoid and apprehensive waiting for my seeds to get to me.


Those pictures look very familiar. I think my teacher back in the 90s had a copy of this. Thanks for the memories OP.

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My crystal ball says the package was postmarked Indiana, from a gentleman named “Don Wilson”, in a padded 4x6 manila envelope. Or so my ball says (smile).


Manila, makes me ask for some pics of the Philipine Strain used by SSC. Mainly i just want to see old Philipine. Never seen before (if those were old Line)

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This it awesome! I have been saying that messing with autos is going to ruin a lot of good work. It just seems like working backwards to me. Did you guys read where they said they are banning ruderalis back to Russia? I think it’s funny new growers see auto flowers and go yep, that one! And then cry when they get a stunted plant they can’t clone… very cool post bro!

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Only Philippine strain I remember was the “M2 Manilla Fillipino”, a 13-foot tall hermaphrodite landrace. Never ran it or even saw it. Sorry…


What I found interesting was that it mentioned Skunk 1 genetics being Afghan x Columbian x Thai
If I ain’t mistaken the skunk 1 every one knows is Afghan x Columbian x Mexican

So now I wonder which is the original Skunk 1!?!


Good luck with that. Very controversial rabbit hole to fall down. “Skunk #1” has been so mongrelized and bastardized since the mid 1970’s that I honestly doubt anyone could conclusively say. Kees let some really weird shit to get into his catalogs and he wasn’t breeding his retail cultivars, he was sourcing them from local 'Damster breeders; and taking them at their word for whatever they said. And they said some really wonky stuff. No one had yet gotten on the “Sam the Skunkman” train back then (IMHO, at least not as much as some claim) and the name “Skunk” was used for SO many stinky indica strains that it came out of the gate watered-down with folklore and false claims of propriety before it even left Cali.

I could rant on that one for hours.


PleAse do ! Even if it’s copy and paste material!
I actually recall reading On another forum that the skunkyiest bud around in Oregon was in the 70/80’s and it was a Thai Haze crossed to some mystery Afghani. I found that interesting once I saw this mention of Afghan x Columbian x Thai.
But I read on forums too how Skunk terps are from Afghani indicas.
I’m just starting to believe that like just how you can make plastic bags outta hemp or petroleum, their is a way to still have the same outcome. Long stretch on the apple and orange analogy but I’m sure you get my point on how different genetics could theoretically still produce the same terps desired as long as the plants being used have a possible chance of producing The desired terps in a breeding project.


Awesome, thanks for sharing!

Keep in mind that around the 1960’s-1970’s most pot smokers (no where near as many as now) were used to seedy Asian, Mexican and Columbian strains. When indicas showed up they were stinky and bulky, so the name “Skunk” started getting used for almost any stinky indica. You had people toking Afghani and Paki strains and calling them ‘skunk weed’. Then a few (mainly) profit-oriented growers seized on that name and used it to market simple indi-sat hybrids. They saw the dollar signs and people like Dave Watson claimed heritage rights which may not have been as credible as some claim. Along with those claims came DEA connections and a serious drive for profit, profit, profit – and patents – which continues today (i.e. look into GW Pharmaceuticals, et al).

Personally I think that there really was no “Skunk #1” – just tasty, stinky indi-sat hybrids who claimed that name for marketing and profit. To me it was simply good cannabis which became (intentional) folklore and named for the profit potential of a select few; who still milk that same old cow today.

All just my own personal opinion, shared by some and vehemently denied by others. Like with other folklore - there are nefarious people wearing crowns which are not deserved; and more than a few people who claim ‘ownership’ of “skunk weed”. Same thing happened with ‘Thai Stick’, ‘Acapulco Gold’, ‘Maui Wowie’ etc. More an issue of chance, folklore and marketing than of intentional, talented breeding.


I very much see your perspective and I can actually subscribe to it as well!
But, my only stems to pick here are the fact that I have experienced some of that skunk bud and I know I have not come across any bud like that since and it the scent was just that of fresh skunk spray.
Don’t get me wrong, lots of very strong smelling strains out there and I’ve come across a few but none can match the potent smell of this skunk bud, still no idea what strain it was as it was BM. All I can describe is 2 golf ball sized mugs making up the 1/8. Very dark green buds with medium density and very little to no hairs at all. Simply put, kinda chasing that unicorn myself now that I have started growing. Got seeds, have a dream and a desire to grow good cannabis. I got a ways to go but it’s all about the journey right??? :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4: If I find ol Pepe le Pew I’ll let you Know :skunk::dash:


Might just be a case of the unique terpenes of some phenotypes of indi-sat crosses, you know?


That’s what I’m saying! Doesn’t have to be this x that x Afghani
Like they say, more than one way to skin a cat. :call_me_hand:t4::call_me_hand:t4: