1987 Dog Bud

I got a freebie of 1987 Dog Bud x NL5D. Is it possible that someone would have that strain, much less give it away as a freebie?


:thinking: Possible, but how much so, dunno. It does seem improbable but some of the most respected seed-makers out there are known to be generous & prefer giving to a beginner over a sophomore seed-junkie. :wink:




Highly unlikely.


yeah unless they’d been sitting on the seeds or the plant for this entire time and just now decided to break em out…

I know shantibaba found a whole bunch of old seeds he’s cracking this year to bring back the old classics. Could be a chance I guess, but definitely gonna need to do the research because yeah, highly doubt :joy:


The breeder was Gas from Swami Organic Seed.


Then I’d think there’s a chance it’s legit. Swami stays on old classics.


Its Chem 91 (or its predecessor dogbud) x D’s NL5. Its apparently legit but not for certain. Just a headsup, they got a sale going buy 3 for the price of 1 and get 1 Breeders Choice this weekend.


Thanks for the heads up on that. I’m placing an order today. He’s giving four packs of seeds for $100. I can’t pass that up.


Those sound very interesting , would be nice to take that back in some heavy chem d lines

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Thanks Gas

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I ended up getting
Cherry Bomb
Chocolate Thai
’77 Jamaican x Lambsbread

Asked for NL5 x NL5/Haze as a freebie

Thanks to Gas for these true strains. And also for that '87 Dog Bud cross.


Any time anyone claims to have very desirable older lines that no one else has, I assume they’re full of it.

Just happens to have the impossible-to-find-let-alone-verify line that produced the chem cuts? Sketch.


I was thinking the same thing but why would he lie? That would be such a stupid thing to do.

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You new to the seed market?

You can lie freely and still make money. It’s been that way almost since inception.


He doesn’t have to lie, he just has to trust the person who gave it to him, no questions asked. He has a financial Incentive to not investigate further


Just watched a few documentaries on the forged art & antiquities market…many parallels can be drawn. People desperately want to believe, so they overlook obvious red flags.


Hmm. Makes sense. Now I’m starting to feel paranoid about collecting so many seeds.


It is doubtfull how ever the dogbud came from the Oregon California border and gas has been around those parts a long time. Being able to prove it would be next to impossible unless you got chemdog to look at and verify or connect the dots between where he got it who brought it there and where they got it.
He also claimed to have or had the blue orca which i would love to see and have heard is around from more then one person.


The Blue Orca Haze? I have those seeds.


I sent Gas an email asking about the Dog Bud

You recently sent me a freebie of 1987 Dog Bud with my order. Since I never heard of it and didnt find much info about it online I went to some weed forums for some answers and a lot of people are telling me that what you sent to me is not what you say it is. Its supposedly an extinct line that has this mythical story behind it. LMAO! Thanks for sending it to me but what is it and why’s everyone so skeptical? I feel like you gave me the Holy Grail AND a Unicorn. :rofl:

Gas responded:
Because forums are a hot bed of trolls and haters with nothing better to do with life maybe? My source is credible so yeah. Of course this would be debated by the likes of forum boobs. All kinds of old shit popping up as these guys age latley. They want someone to take care of it. So they do the research and find me. It up turns the peanut gallery apple cart. The guy is a real Samurai,so I personally didn’t question his honesty myself,and I dont give a crap as much as the circus does…I’ve a hundred types that have more potential.

Pack is from a known old dead fam member musician… pack from late 87/88…Canada labeled 87 GFD parking lot…only had 6 seed…only 2 females. So I asked guy to send the last 3 seed when I finally did the double take. I don’t think I can save the line if the last 3 seed dont produce parents. Mistakingly labeled because I didn’t make the connection these were from before 1990 until I thought about what the pack was labeled as…woops. At least I got half of it hybridized into good hashy lines.

Yeah you can post lately.

Bless up,
