1987 Dog Bud

Wow. Where can i find out more about who Gas is? Never heard the name…

Probably for good reason probably has no interest in being known some of the best keepers of the flame or holders of cuts keep a secret thats how they got them old cuts


I hear that for sure. Security through obscurity.

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I’ll cross Chem D to Afghani and call it 86 Dog Bud lol. Got it from a credible source. Something something Grateful Dead Lot. Something something “old heads in the hills that don’t share cuts or use the internet”. Anyone can make up a story if it’s impossible to ever verify and absence of provenance is more evidence of it’s authenticity. We as weed growers tend to fetishize authenticity and just LOVE a good story.

I’ve seen this sort of thing enough times that I take any extraordinary claims with a big grain of salt, and you should too. It may very well be the original dog bud line. It is just as likely someone is full of shit.

Grow 'em, see what becomes of it.


LMAO! :rofl::rofl::rofl:

There’s only one way to find out for definite.


He owns Swami Organic Seeds. He’s an old school breeder with years of experience and holds hundreds of strains that are considered rare and authentic.


Thanks! I knew the seed company but didn’t know that’s who the owner was

Yeah he has been tied into the old dead head family scene here in Cali for a long time. Gas is short for longer nickname, him and coot had alot of drama at one point . Clackamas claiming he destroyed all of his lines upon touching them. He claims to have alot of boel lines that the remaining memebers don’t even have…I know several of them. Being who he is and where he is it’s all possible but has been highly debated in the past. His refrence to the peace core and those specific dates are very accurate though.
Circles used to be very small compared to today.
I’d grow them sooner then later myself :wink:


The blue orca haze is a cross to the blue orca , I have some of his zazen beans to try and pop but I’ve heard the blue orca mom is still alive.
Your best bet at finding that plant is probably at a old Phish show.
The gratefull dead and what became the family are responsible for more of the genetics then most will ever realize. The people who grew up in that scene have stayed close threw shared interests, Jerry loved Hawaiian herb btw.


Thanks for the advertisement… Gas.


@Odin44 are you gas lol no biggie if you are secrets safe with me


Following along

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Damn. I trusted it’s ancestry before, but now that I’m reading the story…

Okay, so asking him questions is frowned upon. As fantastical as the story is, and as rare as the seeds are, shouldn’t he be ecstatic to share it? It seems really odd that he considers it a hassle to have to tell anyone the miraculous story of how these genetics came to be, and how they got to him…

I guess that makes me a hater lmfao… I genuinely feel bad that we asked him questions about his very expensive seeds. Lol


It is bad form to respond in such a way but it’s better then not responding at all which is what I get from most breeders now a days. I can also understand why he would be so jaded about the forums they are rather annoying in several different ways. People hop on threads without reading the hole thing and start throwing out there opinions or suggestions when those have often been addressed already, tons of trolls and people who are trying to rewrite history. Guerrilla marketing and all forms of ego driven non sense.
The problem with having something like dog bud , Trinity, krippy etc is that there would be no way to let it out without having to deal with all of those things. I let out a Asian fantasy cross and was immediantly being drug into all kinda of arguments. Sometimes when your trying to share something special and all you get is negativity it can be really discouraging. Then there is the , don’t call it that , can’t say where you got it , don’t give it out only breed with it plants that nobody is supposed to have but yet some do. It becomes a real head ache at times and separates people when this plant is supposed to heal and unite. Untill it is completely legal and there is no money to be made there will be non sense a foot.
Also I would like to add I’m very familer with the north coast scene and never heard of a dog bud plant that was still held. Trainwreck , the purples, Hindu /skunk , purple Hindu, Salmon Creek , Trinity, skunk , big bud , blue berry , big bud snow cap , pnw hashplant , Skelly hashplant, northern lights - those are the main lines people I know we’re keeping alive in the early nineties and I can’t find most if them now if I tried.


That’s absolutely true. But.

There’s a saying I like, and always butcher. It’s something like “I’m willing to believe anything; no matter how fantastical. But the bigger the claim, the stronger the evidence needs to be”

He’s not new to this. He has no excuse for not being ready to answer basic questions


I agree he makes alot of claims and after the whole coot debauchery Ive never been quite sure what to think about either of them. Coot defiently knows his farming dude was pushing living soil and worm composting from day one.


Lol. It’s like if I pull out a watch and tell you I got it from Bill Clinton. And then when people ask for more info I get offended and give a hella vague answer.


Or better yet, a blue dress :grinning:


Exactly. She didn’t wash the dress for a reason. Lmfao


You found it on the lawn after the cat was playing with it right so they don’t know you have it but you do , can’t question the cat seems beleivable.
I always wonder if dogbud was that strain Labrador Chong was smoking lol