1987 Dog Bud

A DNA genome sequencing should help in determining if it is the real 1987 Dog Bud, as Chemdog was 1990 right, so there couldn’t have been too much done in those 3 years and the original Chemdog is still out there in clone form. More backstory in the region, Greatful Dead, etc would also help. Could be the Dog Bud you have, but taking someone’s word on such a claim is a leap of faith. I would take a Dog Bud claim more seriously than something like Road Kill Skunk, Dog Bud seems to be more tangible and less of a mythical vague memory of an aroma.


There is crippy on stainly. A bit expensive! MY buddy just got it and growing out.

Hard to say if it’s real when you never had the original.

How would up guys describe it? Is it full on Indy?

What should I be like looking for to tell if it’s legit?

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Which breeder Crippy? I have some Crippy from Shoreline Genetics that I just got in the mail.


People that don’t know for certain should keep their yaps shut.
Lots of free speechers and nay sayers.
I’ve got a few things that people gave me shit about also but it all comes out in the wash.

Just jealous fools cuz they’re not the ones holding the royal straight flush.
Just tell them all to Fuck Off cuz they don’t really know.


I agree. And I believe it is what Gas says it is. Envy is the worst of all the Deadly Sins in my opinion.


Why am I getting the feeling @Odin44 is actually ol’ Gascanastan or one of his “Swami Crew”?


Yeah I saw his IG post of the dogbud quite a while ago, it does look like it COULD be legit based off appearance of the plant, I’ve heard good and bad things about Gas, he was nice enough to me when I talked to him, I’d like to believe it’s legit, but don’t know for sure.

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:thinking: He doesn’t seem to be Gas… The real Gascanastan is a Racist, Gay Homophobe that goes around stealing other people’s gear and taking all the credit, plus he likes to bully Women and disabled seniors on Instagram.


Nah. Looking through my comments in this thread I can understand why you’d think that but I dont know him at all. I dont know anything about dude other than he sells rare (allegedly) strains of smoke and that he’s been mad cool with me.


Did you get that from the same guy who claims to have gainsville green and triangle , if so I’m sorry but everybody who knows those lines has been blocked by him and that’s not the best look.
Could just be people mad he is letting stuff out but I highly doubt it. Hopefully your friend got lucky, I’ve heard whispers about the crippy still floating around but at prices I would never pay.
Even if I was a millionaire that plant would have to drip gold at those prices :joy: I’m not sure what your friend paid but what I’ve heard is 1-10k for crippy and if your willing to pay that you deserve what you get.
This is how marketing works

Step one find mystery strain of high qaulity

Step two create amazing story of how you have connected the dots and now know what it is.

Step 3 wait a certain amount of time for the story to become lore and then claim to have found the parent strains still in existence and charge a arm and a leg for cuts.

Step four - repeat over and over again untill strain loses momentum and start at step one again.

Other option pay hype rapper to throw your strain name in a verse and Bam it’s the new new hype strain on the block.


Grow it and find out bro. Regardless of seems interesting. Post some pics lol

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COOT" has an EXTREME ego problem and thinks he is FAR superior to all us “little people” I cannot stand listening to that grouchy old know it all.

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Here’s an idea… pop them beans and see what they do for you


Hate to be the bearer of bad news but that crippy is fake my homie hit up pbud and pbud said he had no idea who that dude was using his name as a cosign on it … We almost got it as well


True story :v::grin:


I had the real Cocoa Beach Crippy (Kriptonite) Don’t let anyone tell you there is no real strain called Crippy they have not a clue. ZERO CLUE about what they are talking about. Crippy is a real cut that shit is NO joke and seriously a whole different animal. It’s neon green almost glows in the dark and smells so delicious it’s unreal. You will know it if you ever get the enjoyment of smoking it. Beware its a wall walker even 1 tiny bud will stink your whole apt building out. It’s worth taking a vacation and visiting various bars and pool rooms around Florida and try to find it’ It’s out there. I had Shoreline Crippy plants last year it’s dam good bud for seed company bought Crippy…


Was that really popular in early 2000’s? I used to get kron that was being brought up from Florida back then that looked just like that! Shit was 20 a gram back then. I never got told a name for it though. It was one of the rare seedless strains I saw at that time. And super consistent.

Honestly I only ever got what was being called kryptonite a few times and in very small amounts due to the same prices 20 a gram or 50 1/8th all the way up. I honestly thought it was just a random made up name untill all this online stuff starting going into full melt down over it.
And I never heard that it was called krtptonight because it could kill super man rather because it was the equivalent of kryptonight for stoners, the weed that would wreck your day and your wallet , make people give up there rent money and fight with friends. It is still causing alot of drama to this day.

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Shit it was 20 a g straight up for me, no breaks. But I was a young dumb college kid too. Extra light neon green, pale peachy orange hairs, not super dense, but hard to break up at the same time. I can’t remember how it smelled off hand other than kroniky.

Yeah I definelty think the late eighties early nineties were the peak of the of the absolute skunky chronic reeking plants , after that the medical / clone scene really decimated people’s breeding programs alot of people made the switch and never looked back smh

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