1987 Dog Bud

Have you cracked any of the Swami seeds?

Ive collected alot of his stff too.

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Gas is Gascannistan
I remember him from the PNW forum - I pretty much dont trust anyone from Washington but for a few, like Doc d. That whole scene was quite toxic. Still, I saw the old pure NL5 cut (not Nevils NL5xNL2 from nDn guy) going around renamed as Pez to differentiate it from the NL5xNL2 knockoffs.

Clackamass Coot seems to be legit, but even he said he had problems with Gascanniastan and maybe thats why Gas shortened his name to just Gas.
Theres Swami Select Organics and then thereā€™s Swami. SSO seems to be Gas. Swami is the guy you see at Emerald Cup dressed like a Hindu priest. I heard he got the Chem cuts but started selling them so HA had to go to his farm and recollect them - not a good look.

As far as Crippy, Florida OG, Bubba being its own line, Gegax story - all proven BS.

In the 80ā€™s , there wasnā€™t much going on in America outside of BOEL and your odd veteran. There was pretty much just BOEL and Amsterdam. So most people got their seeds from Aā€™Dam, renamed em and made their own story.
And it still goes on to this day - just look at the '69 Skunk. Story says it was from an uncle who was in HA, when really its Dutch Skunk - it has nowhere near the variation as seen in Mendo Joeā€™s 1978 Skunk line

Just like there are only several good Afghans since 1970, there were only a limited number of truly good lines (and seed sources) back in the day.


Hhahaha nah thereā€™s no way in hell thatā€™s some bs

every other post from you seems to be about boel this, merry prankster chemist that.

and to me it just seemsā€¦

well ā€œfrom what I knowā€
actual people who are or were involved in ā€œactivitiesā€ arenā€™t just running around telling people
Old weed shit maybe sure

to me BOEL has become a marketing term to make people feel better about their old lines. It means nothing to me

Saying it was only BOEL and the Dutch back then is crazy talk


BOEL created hash oil back in the 70ā€™s
They had huge labs in Afghanistan, and other places, where they made BHO and then smuggled hash oil all over the world.
They created the movie Endless Summer as a cover story so they could smuggle hash and seeds back to the US in film reels since customs didnā€™t open exposed film reels.

Merry Pranksters - I dont trust a word they say or a pipe they hand me. I was around them for a few years near terrapin station and my evaluation of them comes from direct experience.


Swami select organics is the dude from the emerald cup , swami organic seed is gas as far as ive come to know.



Never trust a prankster I hear they spit in the ocean :rofl:
Terrapin is a place we should all seek to find. Itā€™s to bad the museum was never built and the restaurant is now closed. Great album thoughā€¦
Iā€™m to young for those times but I did get to meet and talk with Mickey at his place in Sonoma, there are some truly amazing bonsai to behold.


I lived at the commune down the road from Mickeyā€™s place. It was right next door to bohemian grove.
Fun to visit, toxic to stay.

I prefer the vibes of Nevada City and Sunset District in SF


I spent almos ten years living in Windsor and cloverdale , always wanted to live in west county somewhere like cazadero or west of healdsburg , mill creek road area but alas Iā€™m back in the Sierra Nevadaā€™s for the time being. Some of the most down to earth people Iā€™ve met were in that area , there was a realy neat commune type multi family property on top of a mtn back behind cazadero never saw the one near the grove but there are scattered groups of people hiding everywhere out in those trees from Sebastopol north into Oregon :grin:


Back on the subject of dog bud I thought it would be good to mention some of the various diff dog bud cuts and there rumored lineages. So when people speak of dog bud or dogshit itā€™s not exactly clear whatā€™s going on.

California dogshit = Big Sur holy weed x hippie trail Afghan ( I think this was also called sage)

Oregon dogshit - big bud x northern lights / Williams wonder

West coast Dog - A plant orgnkid had and passed around similar to bubba kush but fruity, besides that Iā€™m not touching this with a ten foot pole.

The Dog - chem 91 skva

Maui dog - chem 91 s1

Pnw Dogshit = Colorado cough =electric boogaloo =nl5/haze

There is a also the story that some say the Cali and Oregon dogshit are the same and are

California/Oregon dogshit = columbian gold x Panama red x Mexican


Are you allowed to tell stories?


Heaviest energy me and my friends ever experienced.
And sooo much bath salts around the area.
Private helicopters come in for a couple weeks in the middle of summer.