1987 Dog Bud


Shoreline always acts dodgy when I press him on more info.


Good thing I’m not one to say I told you so :rofl:

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He was selling his Crippy cut on Strainly, it wasn’t a male either.

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Hmmm… :face_with_monocle:

I don’t blame him if he doesn’t want to release the line.

I have a few of his crippy crosses, and crippy as well. Crippy is listed as the male in all of em, so at least thats consistent. As for the origins of the male, I have no idea…

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The ECSD really makes it difficult to differentiate between the two.

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Shoreline offers ten packs of his seeds for $300 on Strainly.

Don’t know…


Well to be fair Gas does say in the response, “I’ve a hundred types that have more potential.”

His view seems to be that, although they are old, they came into his hands and went through his garden without much notice. It seems as if he grew the two females from those initial six seeds and was unaware at that time (flowering) what they were; he “didn’t make the connection these were from before 1990 until I thought about what the pack was alebeled as…woops,” and so he, “asked guy to send the last 3 seed when I finally did the double take.”

Basically he grew them, and because they were only 6 seeds and there were only 2 females and they were apparently unremarkable, he simply hybridized them and didn’t save the males for an open pollination to continue to line; hence “woops”. And now he presumably has 1 or 2 of those females and is hoping these 3 seeds-to-come will produce a male. Or it could be that he didn’t save any plants at all from the original 6 seeds, and needs both male and female “parents” from the mere 3 seeds that remain.

I find it interesting that he refers to cultivars/strains/lines as “types”. I’ve heard a lot of old school growers use that traditional phraseology. That his career has been coeval with ClackamasCoot demonstrates his age. Personally I don’t know many people this age who are excited to jump on the internet about anything. Even fewer who are living in tune with nature. I find it hard to imagine an old timer gardener personality who mistakenly overlooks two females with an old lineage but unimpressive traits is eager to declare the story to the internet… until asked.

Or then again there is the very real possibility that Swami Sacred Seed employees or affiliates have orchestrated this whole thread.

We’re in too deep.


These steps leave out a ton of other steps: like producing the seeds? You know, all the hard work that takes years. I also don’t see how these steps assure any success–it seems like this process could be applied with little expectation of return in many cases?

I mean, if this “four step process” you have figured out works, should it not be replicable indefinitely? Like a recipe–if we follow these four steps, say one hundred times, will we succeed 100 times in our aims? I ask rhetorically; the notion is untenable, and so is invalid.

Consider: The world is full of now literally thousands of “cannabis seed breeders” (like myself) each trying to market their own product(s). The vast majority of sales motivation within the industry of seed sales is driven by names; so much so that I might say, it is “entirely” driven by names.

This is no clever observation–everyone can see it. And so seed breeders themselves purchase seed by the basis of its name. For example: Who is breeding with Big Bud right now? What about Pink Kush? Anyone breeding some “hot fire” with Nukem? My point is: there are plenty of classically mediocre plants that are available to anyone who wants them.

But what do we see in the market right now? If the cannabis seed industry were a road trip, we’d be taking a pit stop at a gas station bakery with an old basket of fruits and a sketchy washroom. Strains today that sell are all Cookies, Cakes, Fruits, Rotten and Revolting smells. Their lineages are the “desired studs” of today that move packs.

This whole pessimistic conspiracy theory makes little sense. It is seemingly based around Swami Organic Seed’s motivations to name/market their seeds–but it sort of overlooks how little of the market share Swami Organic Seed actually has. Gas and his work is relatively obscure to the cannabis seed buying community. He is not even in the running for being one of the players in the seed game. He’s small time boutique, man. I’d say he’s far removed from the cutthroat cultural influence of corporate marketing strategy.

If his intentions were to leverage for-profit the demand generated by “hype names” he would not distribute freebie " 1987 Dog Bud x NL5D". He might–if he were carrying the unscrupulous intention to deceive which you have implied upon him–instead list those seeds for sale with a ridiculous bastard polyhybrid name like, “Black Lime Cake” or “GMO Runtz”. In fact, if Gas is such a deceiver, why not just accuse him of selling Chinese Industrial Hemp seed labeled 100 different ways?

Oh right! Because people have been growing his legit gear for years now. Anyone can look up dozens of Swami Organic Seed grow logs and check them out and compare them to known information about the progenitors. If he was scamming with his genetics, the oldschool weed nerds who buy his obscure gear specifically for nostalgia purposes would have called him out long ago, and it’d be a whole thing we’d have heard about a dozen times over. Like all the bad actors who keep racking up horror stories out there. But instead we have solid grow logs and tons of entries in the phylos galaxy from his crosses and their derivatives. There is too much data exchange capacity to hide things these days.

Consider where we are now: “a Swami’s old obscure genetics thread on Overgrow” which perhaps only a dozen or so people on Earth have read. And even in this particular corner of the internet with a disproportionately intense fandom for old and rare genetics, even the discussion in this thread is moving slowly! 90 posts in 27 days between a dozen people is not exactly grounds to inspire confidence that there exists a fervent popular demand for the “mystery strain of high quality” to rise to popularity. It seems like it would be a misplaced effort from Gas’ perspective: why market specific obscure oldschool stuff to a niche audience who knows their genetics and hope to get away with deceit?

Also, step #1 of your process is “mystery strain of high quality”. That itself shows your misunderstanding of the cannabis genetics scene. Cultivators know plant types. You show me a Jack I’ll know it’s a Jack. You show me an OG I’ll probably know which one. There isn’t a “strain” or cultivar that isn’t immediately recognizable; because that’s precisely how it becomes a strain or cultivar: being distinguishable.

If you grew a “mystery” plant and a dozen cultivators saw it, they’d nail it down. They’d see the influence from the different genetics in its structure. They’d probably be able to come to a consensus about what the progenitors might be, or at least the landrace building blocks used in the lineage.

There are already sooo many types established. The chances of anyone even finding a “mystery” plant is astronmical. It is quite literally the point of nearly all pheno hunts and breeding effort: to find those unicorns; those unique plants, which are defined by their traits.

And so your step #1 of, finding a “mystery strain of high quality” is literally the lifelong vocation of all breeders. That’s what we’re all doing out here, man. We’re literally looking for something new–something mysterious, and of course high quality. And if we find it, we have the opportunity to name it, and share it, and maybe profit from it, and maybe be remembered for it.

So I don’t see your logic in condemning–in step 1 mind you–the entire art of breeding, as if it is only just some clever ruse in Heritagefarms’ four-step-process to swindling the nation’s billions in oldschool cannabis genetics revenues.

The whole thing is preposterous.

-Dr. Zinko


So that post was not about swami but rather a known scammer in the industry and you have taken it entirely out of context, you must have a severe lack of ability to understand sarcasm because that is not my method and I never said it was. The person I was referencing In that post, the first half of which you did not caption has been caught in lies by well known and respected people in the breeding community. Those who were actually part of this ongoing conversation would understand that but you just jump in and make assumptions. You should go back and read everything before you jump down my throat with a essay about me when you know nothing about me who I am or what level of involvement I have in the cannabis community. You need to chill out before you make your self look like a complete bunghole , I have spent plenty of time referring people on here over to gas based on all of the things you are rambling off about. I’m well aware of who he is and where his lines come from. Matter of fact I have several of his lines myself and don’t support any breeder i don’t respect. Work on your reading comprehension before you decide to address somebody you don’t know in the way you just did.
You have no idea what I hold or have created and several of your statements are assumptions and personal opinions. Just to start plenty of people have seeds from lines that are not known and as much as you think you can identify something from a picture or make assumptions about it’s genetic background you are wrong. Most of the modern lines are poly hybrid on top of poly hybrid to the point so many look alike and can express differently based on enviroment your claims of positively identifying most strains from a picture shows the level of understanding you actually have when it comes to genetics, and spotting different og plants from a picture is a joke , there are several cuts that look identical and can only be distinguished by smell and taste combined with growth habits and structure. You can’t tell the legit triangle from the fake s1 till week 5 of flower and that is known to those as high as it goes in the og kush crew. Most people who talk og kush have no idea what they are talking about and only hold crap s1 plants they hold in high regard because they can not get the real ones. There are extremely successfull breeders who have established there whole business from a s1 of og kush but very few have her or have even seen her. Have fun spreading your misinformation and trying to paint others as something they are not but those who matter are well aware of who I am and what methods I use when breeding. I hold more land races then anything else and despise the exact methods you are making it sound as if are my own.
In regards to swami and dogbud , pnw dogshit , electric boogaloo, nl/haze what ever you want to call it some have it most don’t but it will always be a contraversial topic and I’m sure he is well aware of that, how ever a old timer who is from the pnw having a old cut or genetics from the pnw esp considering he has ties to old circles is believable, on the other hand believing some guy nobody knows who has been caught in multiple lies actually has the krypto or gainsville green , black Cuban haze etc is a fools mistake, esp when he is asking $500 a cut and uses fake photos to verify legitimacy.


Are you talking about the Norcal Kryptonite from oaksterdam?

No this was in the mid 90s in the mtns.

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No Gas stated to me they got it in 1987 at a greatful dead show, paid $400 so he assumes its dogbud

Exactly my thoughts Vernal, he said something about it on IG, honestly didn’t sit right with me, 87 chemdog aka dog bud, not saying Gas is a liar, as someone connected to BOEL makes sense to me theyd have legit genetics, what didn’t sit right was the whole 87 part, but I guess that if the original was good but chemdog is great, being s1 of dog bud.

Lmfao!!! Old Ass-canistan pumping his chest again. His sources are so credible they don’t have to have proof! I wouldn’t trust a damn thing that asshat has to say. He’s been spewing bullshit for years. :joy:


Ummm… I’ll say it… Gas is a lying sack of shit.


I used to get the original Shoreline back around 1999-04. I’m from Texas, shoreline was a Houston strain, had a homie move here and was growing her, at the time she was held super tight by Asains, I believe. That shoreline was some stinky stuff, type of shit smell thru double bagged, bought an 1/8, smelled it as soon as homie opened my car door, skunk spray, put it in my nug jar wake up to my mom yelling at me what the hell did I do the whole house reeked lol good times!!! Heard Shorelines cat had trouble getting them to germ

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I’ve never met the dude so I have no right saying such, shit I’m several states over, but ya made a post about on IG, I questioned him on it then though, made me do a double as I read 87 dog

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Think of everything you know about Bodhi, Doc D, etc… Gas is the polar opposite. A total shyster trying to hustle up whatever coin he can whenever he can. Hopefully he’s not still living in his school bus.

Here’s one example. Gas was telling everyone he was writing an organic soil book, and Coot was co-authoring it. He was literally telling people ‘yeah I talked to Coot last night and started outlining the information’. I talk to Coot and he’s like wtf? I haven’t talked to Gas in months. Gee… what ever happened to that book I heard so much about? All BS… :roll_eyes:


odor: soapy dishrag that’s sat in a ball in the sink all day

flavor: in a clean vaporizer at low temperature–nearly a dead ringer for clear antibacterial softsoap. then a bit of dryer sheet finishing with a kiss of dishrag.

effect: OG. pleasant, balanced, relaxing and creepy, but easily powerful enough to go too far.

when spent, it was a bit strangely (sandy?) textured and “tarred” up my piece something fierce.

buds aren’t huge, AFAIK she’s not a production plant/yielder.

came across her recently in the mountains via a good friend.

I discovered she has a secret that doesn’t get talked about.

I would do bad things for the cutting. :grimacing: