1990s catpiss

My female of 707 Catpiss didn’t really. More pineapple smoothie.

Dave outright told me that he found no ammonia in the line at all, so I agree with you. None of the f3 parents had anything remote to catpiss smell. I’m a bit hopeful that maybe crossing the Super Silver Haze Catpiss and the Golden Showers gives me something, because Old School Chronic also wasn’t too assuring that there was any piss in there.


That old school chronic guy is a scammer using old names to promote his lines.


I started hearing negative things about him after buying the packs. I wanted to ask him for more information on the Catpiss he used, but his Instagrams have been nuked and I can’t find his discord server anywhere.

We’ll just have to see when I pop the rest I guess.

If people are looking for catpiss they might want to try that guy selling ‘lambs breath’ on NASC. Its not lambs bread but what ive got growing sounds a hell of a lot like what some of you guys are looking for lol

Week 2 veg had my basement reeking. Stem rub is heavy on lime tho.

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Has anyone ever grown the clone only strain Catpiss on this thread? If you had you would know why they called it Catpiss…so in my opinion, the Catpiss seeds nowadays is not the same pheno as the original clone only strain Catpiss…


I knew people who did,. I was just popping seeds. But I got ahold of a butt load of the cat piss bud. We used to categorize our dudes from what type they had…cheese…hydro…diesels…cat piss…anything else was exotic or bunk schwag…except for the uw hp we had coming straight from the uw

They were all okey nothing special code blue, and kosher kitty was a good smoke. Hawaiian was not as strong but a very nice happy giggly high which I like. I’ve been researching. Mr nice forums has a lot of info supposedly if you f2 the mango haze or other hazes he has will bring out some ammonia in the plants. When he was working his lines a lot of the plants came out ammonia but he bred for a different smell and taste so if you f2 certain hazes enough times it will bring back the ammonia. I was gonna do it but I have another project at the moment. When I got the catpiss I bout a OZ sold so fast never got it again. But when it was sold to me it was not called catpiss my guy said it was Jack herer. So I got some Jack herder seeds to see how it grows since I’ve tryed all those other catpiss beans already. Ox piss was another on that was pretty good as well. But no ammonia. Might I add that I only grew 3-4 beans and not the whole pack.


Any cuts or seeds of that catpiss still around?

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I have no idea. I don’t talk to any of those people nowadays.

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Closest o got to Cat piss was flowering out Annuaki genetics Pink Lemonade.Cat pee smell that lingers in the bud with the citrus

Idk maybe it’s just me but urine ammonia smell doesn’t sound appealing lol. Maybe if I tried it I’d change my mind. I’ve had afghans with that kind of smell, more acrid though.


any ever hear of Purple Ghost Piss ? believe it’s an OG Ghost strain - have a pack of Vietamese Black x Purple Ghost Piss – sure sound like an interesting strain Thoughts

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that Hawaiian catpiss sounds interesting - NO like ??? why ??

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Never seen it in person. The one and only time I ever saw Purple Haze tho, that was 100% ammonia/catpiss scent.

What is UW? There’s a clone only strain called UW aka: U DUB… the clone only strain came outa University of Washington…

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UW=University of Washington. Huskies.


University of Washington hashplant from their medical grow.

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To add some potential catpissy candidates:
Columbian Gold (Hyp3rids): COLOMBIAN GOLD LEGACY EDITION – Hyp3rids
Ace of Haze (Hyp3rids, DurbanX(Vietnam Black X Nevils Haze)): ACE OF HAZE – Hyp3rids

As Nevil stated: “The cat piss smell associated with Haze is the result of inbreeding to the Haze.”
Tom Hill agrees and stated “Sativa lines tend to die at catpiss, indicas at grapefruit”.
Some associate this with Terpinolene and it is said that the HazeC types are heavier on Terpinolene than the HazeA types. So maybe a heavily line bred Jack Herer (HazeC hybrid) type will do the trick. Dutch shop Sannies used to linebreed Jack (Sannies Jack) up to F10 but unfortunately is out of business. German seedmaker Santero plans to offer his Meridian Haze (=C5 BX2) again in the future.


@santero can fill you in on what’s up with the Meridian Haze. I’m not sure I have that one from him, but definitely have some similar stuff from him. Plants seemed spot on. They get big and do it quickly. Clones root crazy easy too. He’s the man.