1990s catpiss

The Hawaiian was the one of the ones I liked the most! No ammonia smell but was a great high. Real happy high no paranoia.

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Catpiss in no way, at all, smells like ammonia.

Ammonia in no way smells like urine. If your urine smells of ammonia, your body is anaerobically composting your kidneys. Urine should smell like urine.

My urine smelled like fecal matter when I had a systemic fungal infection of the central nervous system, which infected every part of my body from bone marrow to eyeballs. Can I claim pee actually smells like shit, because I had a deadly disease? Urine smells like urine, not like an unturned compost heap with a bad C:N ratioā€¦

Catpiss smells like tons of other plants, white spruce, boxwood, black currant. Chemically itā€™s 3-Mercapto-3-methylbutan-1-ol & P-menthane-8-thiol-one. Orthonasally, a healthy tomcat spray in the spring time. Not a litter box aroma, not a windex (butyl alcohol) aroma. Sauvignon Blanc has catty thiols.

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itā€™s at Bx2 F2 stage and it will move to bx3 soon, but the long flo, selecting and cheking upon the results takes time, so i fear ā€œbeans in handā€ for everybody is something for next year ā€¦ but i promise the c5 bx3 aka. meridian haze will be for free and everyone will get some :wink:

i am currently waiting on a fellow seedmaker that i really want to do this together
with, because prisma went on to create his own work (with my 100% support :slight_smile: )


Weā€™re making San mess around with pain in the ass plants he doesnā€™t even want to smoke and he still gives them away freely. Cool dude for sure, but I bet heā€™d rather be working on something like RS11 and that type of stuff. Haha Thanks for doing the work!!

Hint hint: Could someone get him that cut or else I will in a few months once I switch tent setups. Iā€™ll need someone to show me how to get it over there, but Iā€™ll for sure do it.

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Bone out dawg, we know what weā€™re looking for.


Lol idk maybe if Iā€™d try it I would change my mind. Maybe astringent would be a better word. Iā€™ve had ssh with that astringent thing.


Maybe my cats piss smells like whitewood and box wood and the boxwood and white wood just smell like catpiss .Why do zebras have stripes ?are Zebras white with black stripes or black with white stripes?


Yup, Iā€™m from SD and I never grew the SD Catpiss clone but smoked plenty of it in the late 1990s/early 00s. Around town I was always told it was a Super Silver Haze pheno.


Thatā€™s what I was thinking ^^


Homeboy From SD gas and seed company swears its g13 snowbud but ive never actually heard of g13 snowbud and i cant find anything on it.Heard of g13 heard of Snowbud but never any G13 Snowbud.When someone mentioned a SSH pheno making catpiss he got all pissy about it.The whole thing is on the future cannabis project show on Catpiss on youtube.Guy came off as an arrogant Prick id never so mich as buy a stem off that guy he was a little manlet.I like how Sha Bud called him out politely for his bullshit saying he supplied the SD area with a ten light operation for all the catpiss.Sha said it was a bunch of different phenos of stuff that smelled like cat piss back then it smelled like catpiss so it was called cat piss.I think hes right and i think that skunks did the same thing it was a bunch of stuff that smelled like that so they just lumped them all together and called it whatever it smelled like or the dealer felt like calling it


This ^^^ :dart:

I got like 20 minutes into that episode before I turned it off. Too many weed egos and itā€™s not a life changing smoke. Another nice hybrid that smells kinda offensive.

Youā€™re totally right though, ā€œCatpissā€ was like ā€œSkunkā€ or ā€œKindā€ or ā€œPiffā€ in NYC. Every large area had them. In the early 1990s, we called everything that smelled skunky or that old school pine ā€œweedā€ smell, Skunk. We grew Mexican brick seeds and called it Skunk because it smelled so strong. Thatā€™s why itā€™s funny that so many people are popping Skunk #1 seeds and going on ā€œSkunk Huntsā€, yet years later noone has found it in Skunk #1.


Sam himself has declared multiple times that he bred the Skunk out of Skunk for the sweeter side he talks about it on hashchurch with bubbleman at least once a year.When i hear someone say im pheno hunting for the RKS in this Skunk#1 i also secretly chuckle for tis but a fools errand


Thanks for your information !!! more knowledge gained

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How true but itā€™s fun to go on the hunt for Skunk --Your thoughts on the b"best" skunk you have found/grown ??? running Katsuā€™s 79 Florida Skunk and CSIā€™s- Chem 91va skunk - know they are not the original but will be an interesting grow ( freebie pack 79 florida skunk x 81 Florida Skunk )


ever hear of Purple Ghost Piss ?? believe itā€™s an Ghost OG hybrid of ( have a hybrids of mixed with Vietnamese Black)

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I never cared for the cat piss myself. Lots of choices Iā€™d pick 1st.


No but that sounds righteous! Anytime you combine Vietnam Black and an OG, youā€™ve got a wig-splitter so combined with a pissy strain that sounds awesome, Iā€™ll look into it.

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Iā€™m hunting a pack of Alpha Skunk Vomit, hoping to find one worth keeping.


Had a guy on UK420 that sent me some Nigerian Seeds that had some of OT1ā€™s work in them didnā€™t say which but im suspecting it was probably his ESB because of the flower time on it and the Sativa high that one was the closest to Skunk Spray ive seen so far but not anything like the old Skunks that went through a double baggie vacume sealed 1/10 of a gram stunk up your whole car Skunk.Havent seen those since the 90s


Early 00ā€™s was the last time I saw that stuff. Somewhere in 2003-2005. Triple wrapped with saran wrap and bearing grease, stuffed and duct taped inside a tire and you could still smell it like you had the bag open in your hand.