1st Grow 1st Post - Seed Found in Homegrow Bag of Maui Wowie

You can always water one half the pot . Next time water the other half. It’s a trick I use for seedlings, to keep from over watering.


But you’ve got the “bubblers” or whatever in each bucket, right? Something to keep the water oxygenated (is “oxygenated” a word? Typing that out just now, I was like,”Is that a word?” haha)?

There’s pumice in that BAS soil Coffweed is using. Between that and the airpot, it should be fine, don’t you think? I think it’ll be fine.

Yeah, that and everything else. It’s soil, dude! That’s what soil is, is a whole bunch of stuff just decomposing haha.

Once you start making your own and recycling it and stuff, you’ll start to notice a real “limestone-y” sorta smell. Very “earthy,” reminds me of when I was a kid playing in sinkholes in Florida haha. It smells soooooo good to me.

“Life, Ruth. It smells like life.” Very obscure reference to that show Six Feet Under, dunno if you’ve ever watched it, but that’s what the soil starts to smell like. I love that smell haha.


I know some cultivars enjoy being dry for a few days. I have seem some breeder say go 5-6 between watering. My current female and male I am growing from Copa Genetics can go about 2-3days before the leaves go limp. Both of them are on 12/12 light cycle and that could change real soon on needing more water.


I don’t think I’ve let it dry out to the point where the plant talked to me yet — I imagine it speaks loudly when running out of water!

So, I took some measurements and ended up giving it 1000mL of water for the moment. I could give it more later today but it didn’t seem to need more? I guess being honest it’s hard for me to tell still, but I’m getting a better feel for it.

Also trimmed off a few fan leaves that were either in the way of a bud or just not looking hot. Did a little bit more training but imagine the time for that is dwindling.

Smells like life :). Love it! I do plan on reusing this soil and wasn’t sure if I should be adding more BuildAFlower or using the big six / root wise microbe complete stuff in my watering.

Anywho, thank you all so much for your time and help! I surely need it, lol. I also fully intend to give back here however I can.

@Hashpants next time I’ll do the half/half thing!


But why wait until they go limp? That’s a sign of stress. I know some people like to intentionally stress their plants, but I don’t. Let’s just keep everything flllooowwwinnnggg, very groovy, very easy haha. No need to make plants unhappy.

“Breeders” say stuff like that just to cover their asses, in case something herms or otherwise doesn’t turn out well. They’ll say,”Oh! You must’ve overwatered it! That’s why it didn’t turn out :fire::fire::fire::fire:

Honestly, most “breeders” are a rung below used car salesman on the Sleazy Ladder. They make all kinds of excuses for why the particular genetics of theirs that you grew didn’t turn out as awesome as they claimed they would.

I’ve never had that problem myself haha, but I’m around. I read threads. I’m watching… haha.

That’s a good idea. I always water with half of what I think they need, wait 20 minutes or so and then water with the other half.

You obviously know how to grow shrooms, which seems much more complicated to me haha (or more labor-intensive, anyway), so I don’t think you’ll have any problem with weed. Don’t overthink it. It’s easy!


Try it on seedlings, it’s really helpful.


I do have bubbles. In soil as long as it’s not waterlogged and sitting stale it’s good!

I find peat a bit hydrophobic. It doesn’t rehydrate well if it gets dry. There’s probably some yucca or other wetting agent to help it out.


Gave the Maui plant a drink of filtered water. Took some pictures and looked at all the little pom poms for too long (might have been a little stoned ;)).


Gave her another drink of distilled, this time with a half teaspoon of Build A Soil Big Six mixed in. About a half gallon sip.

Super excited to be seeing some little buds!


What kind of Fungi do you have inoculated there? :upside_down_face:

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Those are a few older jars of a clone I took from some genetics I got from Faht over on The Shroomery called Maketi. A cross of Mak and Yeti. The clone I took was of a giant short and fat one so I called it Giant Short Fat Keti, lol. Let’s see if I can find a picture….

(the fun kind) — wasn’t sure if the c02 would help and wasn’t planning on spawning these.


Are these for microdosing or for culinary use? I grew some Shiitake once and some golden/yellow oysters. I used to have several oak trees that would grow Grifola Frondosa yearly and it was amazing! I am talking like a good 3lbs on average. Some years, I got lucky and had some Chicken of the Woods growing.

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I see you said fun kind now :rofl:

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They taste dangerously good prepared fresh. If they wouldn’t melt your brain at about a 2g dried dose (or 23ish g fresh) I’d eat em with a steak.


That’s hilarious :joy:

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Another day — another drink for the Maui plant with some Build A Soil Big Six. Did some training into the trellis. She seems happy!


No drink today. Just a picture or two.


A question about preservation:

Is it already too late to preserve this plants genetics? This was a found bagseed so no more seeds. It’s flowering so I’m guessing too late to take a clone? I’ve been reading about (not sure the proper terminology) — using STS on a branch to have the plant produce pollen — then using that pollen on the same plants non-STSed flowers to pollinate them and have them produce feminized seeds? Much to learn in this department and I’m still on my first grow, but have my second started and all of those plants are young.

I’m doing my homework but am very open to suggestion!

Also I’m guessing if this plant does get used to produce seeds it no longer has smokable bud?


That’s a great question! You could try a clone and have it go back into vegetative stage by changing the light cycle if I am not mistaken. Not entirely sure though if you have to do it before a certain point in flowering. :thinking:

Doing a self pollination should result in feminized S1 seed but could be unstable. When it comes to genetics questions like these I am trying to learn them also. In a message I got when first started here mentioned to ask help from trust level 3 member. Maybe @DougDawson @Even @Rhai88 @@Heliosphear @IgrowBodhiandCSI could be some great people I have encountered who could answer some of those questions.

I am sure there is a plethora others we could ask but I am still making many, many, many, many connections on here!


I didn’t even think to attempt to take a clone and bring it back to veg (reveg?) — I do have a 4x4 veg tent just getting started, some clonex, some rockwool cubes, and a basic cloner. I also have a closet that work probably be fine conditions if not a bit dry and some T5 LEDs that I could use for a little clone station.

I’m trying my best to do homework, and the re-veg option might allow me to still smoke this Maui plant (which I’d like to do, and don’t need to keep the genetics — but it would be nice if possible).

So much good knowledge to be had here!