1st Grow 1st Post - Seed Found in Homegrow Bag of Maui Wowie

Indeed there is! That’s the beauty of what I have found here is the friendly and incredible helpful community. I did like a good month of studying looking at forums, website, watching videos, and reading a few books on cannabis before growing. It helped but you can read all you want but it isn’t as good as just learning as you go.

You have a great idea about potential preservation but that could be a big task to take on. Not doubting you one bit on your skills, please do not take my comment in a negative way.

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Not at all! I’m good at getting in over my head and going straight for the deep end.

I think it might not hurt things too much to take off a lower branch and try to clone/re-veg and then isolate and attempt to produce seeds — if nothing else I’ll be taking clones from this veg tent run and hopefully holding onto and making some GDP, Frankenstein, Kyle’s Sweet Island, or maybe even something with the Do Me Fast Auto seeds that all popped. So. Many. Options, lol.

Still just need to grow some weed and smoke my first. Hopefully this Maui plant will be that. Happy to stay tuned to your journey as well here!

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It’s still doable as it still looks some what early on in flower but myself I’d just plan for a reveg. When you go to harvest leave on a lower branch or two with some flower intact. flip her back to your veg light cycle and back to veg nutes. Be prepared this does take some time (up to a couple months) and the plant will look weird coming back. Once you have her back in good form I’d take some cuts and plan for reversal with sts to make yourself some S1 beans. One cut to be the reversal (pollen donor) and the other to be your receiver.

Great way to keep some special around you don’t want to lose.


Thank you for all that wisdom :pray:


And a plan is hatched! I’ll document the journey here :). Thank you @Rhai88 — and @JonPott


To make sure I am understanding this. When at harvest, collect what one wishes to have and remain lower branches with flowers intact. Then send back to vegetative stage to necessary collect clones. Correct?


Gnarly plan!!! :call_me_hand:

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You just need to leave a a couple lower branches with flower intact. Here is an example.


Once you harvest and leave your plant looking like this… Flip back to your veg schedule and back to your typical veg grow and mom that plant out.


I’ll be honest I thought it was a bit of a lost cause, but I’m excited to give this a whirl. By the time this plant is done flowering (October?) — I should have a third tent up and running alongside the closet space so several options for storage/isolation. I’d love to make seeds from my first ever plant and then use them down the line if it seems like a good idea (which it does!) to grow out more, share, cross, etc.


In your situation… The best part of the reveg is it gives you ample time from chop to be able to sample the plant and see if she is even worthy of making S1s. Sometimes a plant just isn’t worth the effort. Gotta make sure she checks all your boxes before going through all that trouble.


Makes good sense.

Calling it an early night. Worked outside all day and I’m spent. Thank you for the advice! Looking forward to getting that far soon.


I appreciate you giving us this great information! 🥹


Good advice from @Rhai88 here so not much to add except sometimes trimming the roots a little will help a plant to “reveg”


That’s what I was gonna suggest, too. The only thing I’d add is that I’ve read that a longer veg light cycle, like 20/4 or even 24/0, can increase success rates. I veg on a 16/8 light cycle, so that information was useful (to me) for if I ever plan on re-vegging anything. Haven’t done it yet…


ahhh you’re one of the few people I know who does that as well… I’ve been doing that the last couple of years mainly because where I live is hotter than hell (120+F in the summer) and electric bills have skyrocketed last couple of years. Good ol’ price hikes.

I’ll have to give it a whirl next time I go to reveg. I usually just switch to 18/6 in the past. never tried 20+. Would be cool to see a side by side of that. See if there would be a significant difference.


I have only done 18/6 for seedling and veg stage :sweat_smile:


This is solid advise @Coffweed , I would give it a try. Best of luck with your project. :v:


I’m excited to give this a whirl! Out working now but I’ll post some update tonight with pictures and will keep yall tuned.

I’m on a 20/4 veg cycle right now so guess I’ll keep it there come re-veg time.


Yeeeeeah your good to grow @Coffweed Good luck and positive vibes, you got this!


Thank you all for the good vibes and help! Very very much appreciated here.

I went in and checked on things today and am seeing my first frost! I feel like a kid at Disney. Seriously stoked.

I didn’t water today and am letting it ride until at least tomorrow. I’ve been on a pretty consistent daily water for the last few days so letting it chill/dry up a little seemed to be called for. Next drink will be plain distilled most likely. Possibly some BuildABloom.

I did go in and defoliate with a clean tool — I’ll probably go back and grab a few stragglers I saw in some pictures. Hopefully I didn’t go too hard there! Everything I’ve read pointed to going for it and talked about the fan leaves blocking light from buds.

I’m stoked this plant made it this far, can’t wait to pull it through the next several weeks — and then start the real project towards S1 seeds / clones to preserve the genetics.