1st grow ever

Yes I ordered a jeweler’s eye scope thingy lol


Good thing to keep on hand and just do periodic inspection when you are in there working. Pests can be a sudden attack or seasonal changes could bring them out. Stay vigilant especially late in flower my friend. Cheers !!!

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Do u have any idea what I could be growing or is there no way of telling I do believe it’s a sativa correct

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Good thing I’m new to this cite lol was wondering if u had any idea what I’m growing cause I don’t know an person I got seeds from don’t know lol

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Absolutely no idea
Genetics isn’t my thing
I just growem and smoke them

: )


For now you can call her “Mystery Sativa” … but this could be even more fun you could name her with everyone !!!

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LMFAO exactly well not yet this is my first time so I’m hoping I get something decent to smoke


Ya I like that idea like have people suggest a name an then have a poll see which one is the most liked an run with that name lol

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“ IDK “

Sounds good : )


Thanks for the explanation, @ifish. I feel smarter now.

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Should I be giving my girls more than just bloom 1 week than water other week back to bloom etc etc

Should I give my girls more than bloom 1 week than watered next week than back to bloom etc etc

@Cummings420 here you go bud… this link is yours. Live to everyone!!!


AWESOME THANK U an sorry for annoying just U I thought everyone was able to see the convo lol also what did u do or how’d u do it


No bother friend we’re here for you !!!


You see leaves not fully formed on plants that have switched back to veg from flowering, so in outdoor grows if you plant out early in the season when flowering hours are still going, sort of early spring then when those light hours are long enough for vegging hours you will see this typo thing happen.

Its also a pretty common thing when taking cuttings from a plant in bloom you will get that spazzed out not so fully formed leaf look when vegging them back up, usually plant grows out it when you flip to bloom if its done with cuttings took from flowering plants .

Light leaks can cause it to happen as well where the plant tries turning back to veg.

Not convinced it genetics myself.


No light leaks though


What else could it be u think if not genetics or a light leak I’m open for all suggestions as this my first time growing


Here’s the bulbs I’m running right now


Some sort of stress causing it, possibly heat if running 90f+ .