1st grow ever

Yes I agree haven’t gaven anything to them in a week now just water

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Is this water? Runoff? Please tell how that liquid got there and y its brown?
Kinda looks like you heavy watered and thats the runoff.

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Yes that’s run off had those bugs I guess in the soil an once I filled bucket up I noticed all these white bugs swimming around ???

Didnt you get some Mosquito Bits?

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I think they can be springtails …

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I did I did I put them in yesterday

Do they swim fast these things were swimming fast an they gotta be in the soil cause I only seen them after I watered

They have a spring under the abdomen and jump like crazy, I don’t know if they swim fast but could be …

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I don’t see them jumping in the soil but I’m gonna go look now lol thank u @George

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Springtails float on water. I think they are spring tails but I don’t understand the scale of the picture. It seems too big to be springtails?

Eta if they are springtails those are friends.

Mosquito larve usually hang out at the top of water and dive to the bottom when disturbed. They look more like the larva of the upside down.


Oh ok thank u for that knowledge an hopefully that’s what they are I’m gonna go get a scoop of the soil in look at under the micro oh that pic is what I scooped outa the water when I watered

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Ok headed out to watch my nephews highschool football game he’s a freshman offensive lineman I do believe I’ll know for sure after tonight’s game anywho have a good afternoon


Im gonna go out on a limb here.
Nobody throw rocks at me.
Go to the nursery and get some Diatomaceous Earth.
And a puffer, if they have one. You want to puff the DE on the surface of the soil. PUFF. Not sprinkle. This works on a microscopic level.
Nd only works when its dry. So the day after you water, apply. Then reapply after you water and let it dry again.
What it does, is it acts as tiny razor blades. When those soft bodied insects go across it, De slices their bodies and they end up dehydrating. I use it every gro. Works to keep fungas gnats away too. plus its Silica based, so theres that.
Research DE on the net. Good stuff.


Nice a actually got a huge tub of this I do believe my aunt got it I’m gonna go look

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DE is serious. Are you trying to kill Springtails? Is there damage to plants?

I would imagine you need less water than last week



No damage to plants I only got 2 weeks if that left I ain’t doing nothing but finishing em out

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Alright OG FAM I’m hitting the sack goodnight everyone see u guys in the morning :sunrise_over_mountains:

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Good morning OG FAM hope everyone is have a great Tuesday morning

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Well got my microphone stand ordered will be tomorrow thank u for that @BigMike55 good looking out OG

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