1st grow ever


I will take better pics later oh shit nevermind I’m headed to a concert this evening damn it ok depending on what time I get back I might put pics up if not they will be up tomorrow morning sorry about the inconvenience anywho I hope all the OG brothers n sisters are having a GRAND DAY

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The trichomes are looking cloudy an some amber ones in there also I think I’m getting close to harvesting time ???

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All feedback is welcomed negative or good don’t matter cause u learn from both anywho THANK U to the people who stop by I appreciate ALOT THANK U OG FAM


3800w as you say will require like 4 of those 4x4 footprints and considerable cooling. Ductable hoods are a must. Plants looking close indeed.


I only got the 1000 going I undid the rest everything was looking good so ya I undid the rest thanks for the advice Bay I appreciate it hope ur having a great day


This is what I was referring to. Plans for next run.


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Alright off to watch Shane Smith and the Saint’s I’ll catch u guys later tonight or tomorrow morning anywho hope all u OG FAM have a goodnight as well

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Enjoy your evening. You are indeed close. I have harvested trichomes that looked like that and wasn’t disappointed. I think you’ve got maybe a week more for the sweet spot. But that is very subjective.


Yes thank u I think so also my plants are drinking lots of water is that good that mean there getting close also or that has nothing to do with it

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An I’m 55 days in flower since they were flipped to 12/12 so that’s what 8 weeks flowering now

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Normally they stop drinking much when they are in their senescence, be more patient with this one …


What @George said. Watch for them to really slow down drinking the water.


@Cummings420 thats good advice from @George and @Gadarien those guys are correct…Hope you guys are doing well ! Whenever I run a strain for the first time I run till the nutrient or water uptake greatly slows. At that point the plant has completed its cycle and is starting a slow process of decay. IMO The really good gardeners can time out the optimal time to adjust the feed to use up all the plants stored nutrients before uptake subsides. This help give you the best flavor IMO. Then on the next run of that strain you can experiment chopping a week earlier and or end of flower feed schedule. Cheers Guys !!!


Awesome thank u guys for the information I’ll definitely be watching I’m them I know the close real close like a week or so ya nevermind on the water they only been taking lil over half gallon every other day maybe 2 days I got that thermometer thing so I don’t over water

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Your killing it mate, looking really nice now all things considered.


Yes, your water uptake will slow way down. Not quit completely, but a very noticeable reduction.
Youre doing great man. I say about one more week and you will be harvesting. Congrats on making it through a harvest. Many do not and store their lights before giving it a chance. There IS a definite learning curve.


You don’t want to run a 1k, and 2 600s in a 5x5. That’s insanity.

Get the 2 600s in an pair of ayr cooled hoods. You can mix the spectrum using a MH and hps

You’re going to be at 88 Watts per square foot.

BUT as far as the plants go, they look better than most first grow with little research.

Now ok the Alaskan 511 with the jacks strong chemical ferts, they’re working against each other, and id go One way or The other.

Get some classic hydro nutes a good quality gmb (grow micro bloom) like gh 3 part. And a bottle of calmag and a bloom booster like kool blooms, big bud, etc.

You can pick any kind of nutes, just stick to one style of nutes so variables in ph swing’s don’t get you and have you chasing your tail.

I promise you, the gh 3 part will do you well.

You’re going to want to run it in This ratio
0-6-9 , that’s called modified Lucas and typically that’s what’ 99% of nute companies target npk is modeled after.

Drop the strong 0-40-50 type booster’s

Stick with ratios closer to 0-10-10 or 0-15-16

House and garden shooting powder is a very good booster.

I was a 1k hps/mh 600 hps/mh growers for 20 years, ran active hydro, hand watered promix with hydro nutes and finally organic soil under those lights.

I want to reiterate that your plants look great for first Time out And even better then that, I’ve seen some people in it for 2-3 year’s still without plants as respectable as yours, hell, i was one of them, my first year (3 crops) under big lights was not as good as yours

We don’t pull punches, but we don’t bully or talk shit on each other either.

Trust me, no one likes to hear that Thier shit isn’t perfect, and truth be told we all run into issues throughout a grow and none, i repeat NONE of us, i don’t care who we are, struggle to get everything perfect from start to finish ever time. We all hit hiccup’s, the goal or Idea is to Have resources, knowledge on board and tool’s to fix and remedy problems before critical flowering and before they effect quality and yeild. For example, I got fungus gnats from some soil that had them from The grow shop, I also had metabolism issues that effected uptake of calcium magnesium and phosphorus but the group here helped me (first Time going led) well at first a lot of advice was a lot to take in and I was starting to get a little frustrated I’m glad I opened my mind got off my high horse drop my ego and listened even to people who had less experience than me but more experience in growing the method im currently growing.

You want to hear what’s wrong or could be better, you don’t want participation trophies, where no One tells you what’s up and lets you do whatever without advice ti get you on the road to perfection.

Like eating pussy, or fuckin, you don’t want your girl lying to you telling you your John Holmes with a twister tongue while she complains to her friends she has to fake 90% of her orgasms without telling you just so she doesn’t damage your ego. And have you walking around like a fool on a double date night with her Best friends couple’s night out and you start bragging about " i can make her cum back to back" while the other 3 know the Truth and end up laughing at you not with you. You want to hear what she needs and wants to make sex as enjoyable for her as you.

Same hear, if i could definitely improve my quality and health of plants, fuckin tell me, i can take it, it might hurt a lil at first, but when you get it dialed in, you’ll be happier than a pig in shit.

I was that Guy, i couldn’t take any criticism early on, i read my books, i bought the Best, its the Best and who are you to tell me it’s not?!? Well thanks God i listened early on

Approach means alot though, people gotta approach Robbie newbies with some decorum and not so condescending.

But blunt . That’s all that happened hear, our goal isn’t to be better then you or each other, our goal is to “overgrow the government” and make sure all our members are putting out the Best they can. Make weed great again :wink:


Ya not to bad huh lol thank u buddy I appreciate hope ur having a wonderful Monday morning

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Shit I just but safergro bigbloom shit was 90 bucks is that not good bloom stuff an I don’t understand the nute ratio just throwing a number out like 2-8-4 I don’t understand that I understand the bloom 0-60-40 if that makes sense an yes i have a long way to go an i need all the criticism bad n good im far from knowing what im doing lol i do need help an will listen lol my room will be bigger im just deciding what to do I only got 3 clones thinking of throwing em out an start over with seeds i need to make a lil veg room also i just goy clones in the house an hopefully I’ll get led eventually im trying to get my medical card but i keep gettin run around THANK U friend

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