1st grow ever

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I got four words for ya!

Wait one more week.

However. If you harvested now i dont really think you would be disappointed. Just my opinion. I dont see enuff amber trichome heads for my liking. But not much clear left.
Trial bud time. Hehe.


Ya I should take a nug off off each plant or just 1 an I LIKE THE WAU THINK lol I’m gonna go ahead an wait 7 more days so next Monday :axe::axe: lol THANK U Mike I really appreciate it brother hope ur having a great Monday


Mmmmmm smelling good over here!!! Haha… you may even be able to go 2 more weeks bro… looks like we are on similar flower times


I got one over here that’s pretty close too


Ya that crazy few of us are gonna be harvesting same day or close lol ya I will post pics everyday here on out an ur grow is amazing also brother lol I’m gonna go take a nug now for tester the last tester nug I really didnt taste nothing but Sweetness an it’s real smooth I fast cured under a light i will do in paperbag behind the t.v. for 3-4 days


Damn it OUTA likes soon as I get em I’ll go back n give everyone their love lol ur flower looks real close as well possibly :axe: same day an thank u for ur advice Bay since day 1 I shared

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So I only gave my ladies 3 things last grow water molasses an bloom what else should I be giving my ladies I already got the bloom I’m gonna use it’s by safergro big blooms it’s a 0-50-30 but I’ve seen worm castings etc I’m just wondering what else to give them besides water molasses n bloom this next grow after this bloom is gone I’ll get whatever’s recommended ANYWHO thank u

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Do you wanna grow in soil? Id suggest looking into coco and a fertilizer like Jacks or Megacrop that you can understand for the future. Gonna be some of the best you’ve smoked. Watch


Well use what ya got, but you don’t need to use label recommendations. Just keep ppm or ec lower using soil or soilless mixes. 'Those mediums hold on to nutes between waterings. I Like ec measurements best, as there’s nothing mixed up between recommendations on strength.

For example someone could be telling you 500 PPM another one could be telling you 640 PPM or even 700 PPM.

But depending on what scale they’re using that all can be 1.0 EC. North American scale is 500ppm equal 1.0 ec, European scale is 700 equal to 1.0 ec, and a mix of the 2 640 equal 1.0 ec.

To say for instance if someone’s telling you to go 700 and they’re on the European scale mindset and you use North American scale mindset you’re going to be at 1.4 ec when they’ really meant 1.0 ec. Which is 40% weeker than what you end up giving. To confuse matters worse, manufacturer of nutes hardly disclose what’s scale they using on feed charts or labels unless they also state it in ec ex- week 1 veg 600ppm/1.2 ec.

With heavy number stuff, it’s not terrible at all, its a ratio. So say 20-40-30 seems like a high number, but its the same as 2-4-3. It all depends on final nute strength. Mix, check ec, dilute to proper strength.

Ec meters & ph meters are your best friend with salts.

Ive used prob every damn meter under The sun, from shitty HM to $1200 Hanna combos. The Best meters come from Hanna, hands down.

I recommend 2 the Hanna’s gro line soil ph meters, as it can be used as a soil probe as well as a solution probe. And the Hanna soil ec meter, which also doubles as a solution probe each run about 150 each, but savvy shopping can find the soil ph for around 105 and 125 on other.

The combo meter with inhave Hanna’s going on 18 year’s old still functioning like new.


Ya I do need to purchase some tools

Thank u for breaking that down I understand it a lil bit better I appreciate it brother THANK U

Bro hannah is junk.

I have the groline… both ph and ec… and both were junk within 6 months… blue lab is better but ph meters are fucking ass…

Better off using a tried and true always accurate liquid test drops …

I have over 500 dollars in hannah and bluelab… the only thing worth using is bluelabs ec meter… (the 200 dollar combo meter at that)

Ph meters? Prepare to constantly spend and worry they arent accurate… and that after a calibration with brand new solution… oh and dont forget replacing probe about every year…

@Cummings420 i swear i will laugh at you if you go buy a ph meter…

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@DougDawson can tell you… aperas was great… but he still uses the drops or strips to be for sure sure…

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PH meters are an art form I have been saying it for years !!! You cannot just pick it up and assume it’s correct. You’ve gotta prove it’s not wrong every time you touch it lol… I agree with you on the Blue lab that’s what I currently have as well. You must keep them clean and wet at all times stored in fresh solution changed often. I calibrate constantly Mostly because I don’t trust them lol. I use them every day so I know they have a lot of issues. I rely on them in hydroponics but trust them never lol. I have Blueberry Muffins about a week or so out aswell. Cheers Everyone!!!


Damn bro… bb muffins… would you happen to have any more beans?? Got my hand out lmao!!! @BTYGMO :pray:


Couldnt say it better myself! Use them rely on them… but trust them blindly… NEVER!

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I love my Apera PH60. Kit comes with 3 calibration solutions so you can always check accuracy. Now it did just fail on me and messed up my seedlings, lol. It was sitting for a couple months and I didn’t calibrate it and it turns out the probe had gone bad. It’s got 3 point calibration. PH 4, PH 7 and PH 10.01. When my seedlings all twisted up I tried to calibrate it and it would not do the middle point which is PH 4. Looked into it and Apera recommends replacing the probe every 1 - 2 years and I was using mine for 3 so I did get 3 good years out of it. Then for half the price of the unit, I picked up a new probe. Replaces in seconds and am back to fast and accurate readings. So I would most certainly recommend it, just make sure to calibrate every time it sits for an extended period. I picked up large bottles of the calibration solution and storage solution cheap so that’s also good to have on hand. As for my seedlings, they all recovered.