1st grow ever

Some things can be hit or miss, others can be user errors. I’m really not to sure with this one to be honest.


Well I’m hoping everything goes good with it if couch has used it an took care of it I don’t see why it wouldn’t work for me it’s gonna be fast than taking water samples an dropping drops in it etc lol

Id love to hear about it. Other than osmocote, grow dots seem to be it.

I don’t listen to any pod casts. I have an auditory processing disorder. I’ll read the transcripts, but I’d rather peel my finger nails off then listen to pot head chuckle fucks. I have when forced, which is why I’m salty

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Lol… well… i cant be more clear of my care of each product i spend hundreds on… so…

I treated it like it was a raw egg… and i didn’t want it to crack… and i used brand new kci storage solution… brand new ph calibration solution… no go… clears the calibration yet off by .5 on ph too low …

Thats according to ph test drops… and my plants… it was 5.5 instead of a 6.0

In soil not good at all…

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Ya right I just wanna learn an be a better grower I wanna grow good knarly buds make happy faces on all :laughing:

Ya 5.5 definitely a no go I used 7 throughout mine

Its whatever… have a good 1 y’all

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U too Terp have a good evening friend

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An to be honest I didn’t check ph after I added anything to my water I THINK I GOT EXTREMELY LUCKY or something but I definitely will be checking before an after with everything THANK U COUCH

This is a calculator on the Angel fire Page.

Itll Tell you the exact elemental ec of The nutrients.

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Ok cool I’ll definitely check that chart out an I’m outside likes I’ll come back n give em out when I get them back

So I got to that angel page an that calculator will pop up I can use it there

You were ph’ing in soil?


I was ph ing in soil less

I phd all water going in… when using hydro nutes or plain water…

And unless its a living soil ph kinda matters still… microbes will put it where it needs to be i get it…


Last one is organic.

There’s a few more i can’t recall, ill have to check my brochure folder when I get home (i collect garden product flyers…lol)

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Its like you refuse to believe my pens were anything but my fault … its all good brother… i put my experience with it… as you did… i respected that yours never messed up … im kinda done talking about ph pens as its not a debate in my eyes anyway lol

Im sure as time goes on there will be a crowd that thinks… whats he talking about… and a crowd that thinks yup i know what hes saying… both out of experience

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Im in soil also aren’t we supposed to ph everything from 6.5-7.0 I really don’t know so please if I’m doing it wrong let me know

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Soil can be 6 to 7. Best range being 6.2 to 6.7

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Hell ya why not looks like u come across good deals in those flyer’s

Ive been staying more middle of road for sway purposes… just in case kinda… at a 6.5