2022 grow journal and beyond

I’m a fairly inexperienced grower with only 3 recent grows under my belt. I’m coming on here because I’ve seen a lot of good experience and advice on here and just wanted to get my feet wet with some nice people. I’ve tried DWC and Hempy in the distant past, but I just started growing again and my recent grows have been dirt. It seems easier, but it’s slower. That could just be me though and I’m hoping I can get some tips on here to make it a little quicker.


Abandon all expectations and enjoy the adventure! :smile:


I cloned these 2 from my last grow. The leaves look wierd because they are still coming our of flower. Also, I’m pretty sure I have over fed them so they have a little nitrogen toxicity…


I bought these gallon size material bags and transplanted my root bound little clones once they got a liittle bigger and established.


This is them once they got a little bigger. (Not much). I decided to top them to make new clones for a clone box I made.


Once they got established in the cloth pots I topped them and put the tops in these little plastic containers . I added hoses to the containers so I can aerate them. I put some paper bags around them and stuck them in my new clone box.

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I put my 2 tops in this ugly box that I lined with white garbage bags and some mylar. the hole in the top is so the little fan in there can blow the hot air out from the top.


I know the box is ugly on the outside, but they actually like it in here seemingly. I’m using these 50 watt corn lights (x2) in here. I know it’s a wimpy set up, but it is a significant improvement over the 50W cfl bulb I was using before, which worked OK so I’m hoping this will be too.



The other day I supercropped the plants in the tent. They have bounced back, but I can tell they have something funky going on with the nutes because the leaves are hooking so I flushed them.


Looking good, hey who cares how it looks tbh if it works, it works! Trial and error is how we learn and I love seeing people explore different avenues. I’ll join in , and I’ll definitely be around if needed.


Oh here you are! I’ve missed you guys! I lost this site and couldn’t remember where it was. I’ve joined all these other forums just looking for this one! :blush: Whew! I’m home.
So a lot has happened. I grew these and now I’m smoking them and starting new ones. here’s the highlights:
I flipped them on 3/15 despite their deficiency and they started budding around 3/21.


My tent is only 5’ so I tried supercropping during stretch. You can see the red knuckle where the plant said NO and got even closer to the light!

By 4/20 I decided to try a net. I should have defoliated better

By 5/6 they were stacking pretty well, but the front leaves got beaten down by the fan and were REAL fuzzy because I got sick and didn’t clean.

5/25 little over a week before harvest.

So… it didn’t turn out as well as I wanted, but I got about 3.5 oz.

104 grams of very larfy bud. I also think there’s a few seeds in here. I blame the one on the right. She seemed sort of… well you know. :wink:

This was so fun! Now that I’m all caught up I’m gonna try it again!


I tried to get fancy and make a seperate box for cloning, but it didn’t work out.

My cloning method consist of pulling off all the leaves past a joint, then stripping a little “skin” off the sides of the stem I put in water in the bathroom window. Once it gets little white roots I put it in soil or coco to finish rooting. It’s (s)low maintenance and they like the steam from the shower.

I made a peat and a hempy bucket out of coffee containers and was going to grow them together, but my hempy plant was doing so poorly I had to throw it out. Trying too many things at once I guess. LOL!

The peat plant is outgrowing my dirt clone and I’ve been tying it down to train it. My flower tent is only 5’ and she will need room including the pot/runoff and stretch. I might have to raise the roof on the tent somehow. it’s a 2.3 x 2.3 x 5 or something like that.

It’s not fair to compare my dirt to my peat girl because the dirt plant was larf from my last plant 3 or 4 weeks into flower. I accidentally zipped it off and decided to clone it. I’m not sure it’s ever going to reveg.


Thought I’d update my journal here since it’s been a couple of weeks.

The little one is my Gorilla Glue. I hope it’s female, but if not I’m going to let it flower with a clone from my female plant and hopefully get a lot of seeds. I’ve never pollinated on purpose before so that might be fun too.


The plant behind it is my re-veg test. It’s actually re-vegging out of 1 side now. It looks like an alien and the bud side still has some trichomes on it, but I think the hairs have stopped now.

Finally, my hydro plant. I’m cleaning out my flowering tent and trying to come up with a solid plan for the dtw since my tent is short.


Went out and got myself a “real job” so I haven’t had the chance to update this in a bit.

The hydro plant is too big relative to the grow space I have. That’s what I’ll be thinking about at work tomorrow. :smiley:

This was my reveg experiment. It worked. I just forgot to come up with a plan for if it did. :smiley:

Finally, here’s my poor, neglected Gorilla Glue. It’s leaves are curling inward because I haven’t been paying attention to the PH and I don’t think I used enough dolomite in the ss#4. I’ll be up-potting it this weekend. It looks really hungry. “feed me!”


Work happens. It’s been over a month since I’ve updated. So the plants got too big for my little 2x2 cage. I moved my gg into my tent for veg and then kept my bagseed plant in the 2x2 because it’s taller so my dtw peat moss plant has room to stretch while it grows. I’ll post some pics of my gg in the tent later

After cutting the hole I let it grow a few more weeks and it is about the same height as it was before I cut the hole in the desk so I had to cut the tops and threw it into flower. It won’t be finished before mid November. This strain takes about 12-14 weeks from the time the little buds start showing up. At least that’s how it’s been the last 6 times I’ve grown it. I think it’s because I have a wimpy 300 watt light.


I think/hope she’s done stretching. I measured and from stump to tallest branch it’s 5’7 which is the tallest pot plant I’ve ever grown. I hope it’s done stretching

This is how I handle dtw for this one plant. Just a bucket with a screen to support the plant, then a pot in the cut out under the screen to catch the waste which I use on my plants outside.

Here’s Gorilla Glue. It sucks but I keep forgetting about it in the tent.

It’s in soil which is slower, but I guess it still needs water and nutes every once in awhile. LOL! 60 hour workweeks make me forgetful. It’s wierd that the stem in the middle is still hollow. I am tempted to stick a paper clip in there to see how far the hole goes down.

My cuttings are doing well in that they are slowly getting roots


Found Botrytis on my buds. :frowning: I think I’m gonna have to kill her now and start over. She sure was pretty though. Looking up cana butter recipies and how to wash with h2o2.

sigh Oh well. On to the gorilla glue!