2023 Radicle Winter Grow -'88G13/HP

:laughing:Pretty much!


We have had some nice sunny days in the 40-50F range, so I put the plants in the hoop house during the day. They have exploded in growth and are starting to show sex.


Such beautiful photo’s, look at them go!
All natural sunlight, yeah baby!

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Thanks! You can’t compete with mother nature! :sun_with_face:

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Transplanted into bigger pots today! Also got a new 600w bulb installed.

Front left SR-71 Purple Kush male. Front right is Hawaiian Cat Piss Clone. The rest are '88 G13/hp


I love this selection, I grew Hazeman LAPK and GMG Chamhaole for my first grow and they were both great to me

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Thanks @Dirt_Wizard …Yeah I could see the '88G13/HP x SR-71 Purple Kush as a fun cross!

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Here are some pictures with some minimal notes. Will post the next 5 plants later today!

’88G13/HP #1 (Male) - Nice beautiful short stocky dude with great side branching.

’88G13/HP #2 (Male)- Taller guy with a little longer internodal stretching and good branching.

’88G13/HP #3 (Female) - Short female with good side branching

’88G13/HP #4 (Female) Taller more single cola expression.

’88G13/HP #5 (female) Short plant with amazing branching. Has been very happy the whole grow.


man, they’re all really nice-looking plants. :slightly_smiling_face:

that number 5 though!

keep it up! :+1:


’88G13/HP #6 - Slow growing very short and still yet to show sex. The shortest out of all.

’88G13/HP #7 (Female) - Really liking the structure on this one as well. Just a nice stout bush.

’88G13/HP #8 (Female) - Similar bushy stout structure that seems very close to no7.

’88G13/HP #9 - This one has had some twisted curling of the leaves. It’s kind of been the freak the whole grow. Still hasn’t shown sex yet.

’88G13/HP #10 (Male) - Great male with good structure so far.

Thanks for the kind words @noknees !!! Let me know if you think any of the other females beat out the #5 to you visually?


Very nice plants!!


Thanks @webeblzr !

Well…we lost power here for 3.5 days. Had a transformer blow up in the back yard due to the ice storms. Was keeping the plants next to a window sill for light and put head lamps on at night to try to keep them in veg. We shall see. They are currently in the hoop soaking up the full sun.


Strap into the lightning!!! Looks like they made it no issues. Just a little longer internodal spacing while looking for more light during the power outage.

SR-71 Purple Kush on the bottom right. Up from there is the Hawaiian Cat Piss. The rest are the '88G13/HP.


I like your taste in strains. Plants look great too!


Thanks @Motaco !! I really enjoy the old school heirloom varieties!

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I Feng Shui the grow space. With the girls in the bigger pots and the male in the smaller pots off to the left in a row. Changed the lights to 14.5/9.5 trying to see if I can find an early outdoor plant. That would be my late July. Was thinking for a couple of weeks then switch to 12/12. Could be a fun experiment.


They are getting their stretch on! I decreased the lights to 12/12.


Here is an update on the 6 female '88G13/HP.







Lastly here they are all together after I removed the males, added some organic dry amendments, and top dressed with compost.


'88G13/HP Glam Shot!!! 100% Organic Outdoor Hoop House Grown!

Damn I’m High!!!


Here is another update as the girls start flower with stretch seemingly minimal.

#3 - Tall pheno with great branching. Easiest of all to clone. Stem rub is hashy and citrus.

#4 - Tall pheno with a greasy stem rub that smells of sweet berries and a hint of citrus.

#5 - Short and bushy pheno. Seemingly the furthest along in flower, and could end up being an early finisher. Hash citrus stem rub.

#6 - This one in veg was having some leaf curling and was the last to show sex. I kind of thought it wasn’t going to be the best plant, but it is staring to change my mind. Shorty bushy pheno with a unique leaf shape compared to the rest. Amazing stem rub that is lemon, sweet, fruity berries.

#7 - Short and bushy pheno with a pure hash stem rub.

#8 - Tall extremely branchy pheno. I have been really enjoying this one just based on structure alone. I could see this one getting bigger yields especially in an outdoor setting. Very citrus stem rub.