2023 the dunes of amumayuk

id wish but im my condition the purple punch is as tall as i would want it to be taller and id be unable to tend to it further up

the top of the cage is around 6’-3" each square is 6"

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didnt but in the last month i habe been usint the highese pressure from garden hose and gave them a hard time alot of small bird hung out to eat them i think as i see less if almost none hopefully nature takes care of them


September 2023 Long Range Weather Forecast for Atlantic Canada|Dates|Weather Conditions|
| — | — |
|Sep 1-6|Rain, some heavy; chilly|
|Sep 7-16|Showers, cool|
|Sep 17-23|Scattered showers, turning mild|
|Sep 24-30|Rainy periods, cool|
|September|temperature 12°C (2°C below avg.)
precipitation 140mm (35mm above avg.)|

October 2023 Long Range Weather Forecast for Atlantic Canada|Dates|Weather Conditions|
| — | — |
|Oct 1-6|Showers north, sunny south; cool|
|Oct 7-10|Rainy periods, turning cool|
|Oct 11-16|Showers north, sunny south; cool|
|Oct 17-23|A few showers, turning mild|
|Oct 24-31|Sunny; cool, then mild|
|October|temperature 8.5°C (avg.)
precipitation 80mm (40mm below avg.|

my harvest is gonna suffer i think

garden update


let me know if it works

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They’re looking great in the video!

I want to run a Freezeland next season down here


thx so far so good they looking promising i just hope the weather stays with me a lot of ppl have had to chop moldy buds already i haven’t had any so far


I had to chop my blueberry borealis yesterday due to rot, the buds were almost finished, maybe a week from being done. It sucks to put in so much work to see it turn brown, but this is a ganja planters life.:rofl: everything else is looking damn good, got one plant that’s prone to mildew, that shit sucks to. Keep chugging along man right into another cabinet full of jars. :v:


seing PM can i still do anything to save them


considering in investing on this if its viable

I don’t know about Lost Coast but HOCl (hypochlorous acid) seems to be a viable path for PM.

Seems like a turbo version of hydrogen peroxide killing fungus and bacteria. Sprayed some on my plants today after a rainstorm to prevent the spread of budrot. Worth looking into I’d say. Lots of benefits, but my reading wasn’t focused on PM. It’s supposed to stop PM dead :sunglasses:

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im in mid / late flower plant therapy is said to be good used up till harvest

i got money in today so im buying today anyone wanna stop me or push me in better direction before i make a move

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got myself a lil macro clip on lens for my phone tested it today its not my dslr but i can operate my phone at least


so far plant therapy seems to do its job on PM i need a better sprayer but it seems to get ride of pm il be applying as per instruction

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tomorrow is gonna be a hard one for the girls

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Sheesh that’s some “breeze” tomorrow. Good luck!

Flowers looking good, glad the Plant Therapy is working. FWIW the HOCl is also useable up to harvest, I used it in my last stage of budwashing for my bud-rotted 907.

purple punxh is an early casualty the main top snapped bringing down the top 1/3 of her
this fuck my planing but it is what it is
ill post visuals tomorrow the damages are not too extrnsive oversll but purple punch took the biggest hit, tomorrow morning its harvesting the brokens,see if i harvest her fully or not

hope the wind was kinder to you then me

just for perspective the purple punch was over 7’ before the wind
i am 5’9 as reference

she blocked the wind for the others such a brave girl her sacrifice wont be in vain


just the broken branches harvested