2023 the dunes of amumayuk

smoke report comes in as smooth but leafy
my bowl trimmer is not a close shave

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conclusion someone gonna get a free trimer and im gonna upgrade for next year


well i have begun the take down with purple punch i harvested 80% of what she had left post breakage

ill finish up the rest tomorrow
gonna leave them dry in the rack 24 hours before i put them in the cannatrol
see if it makes a difference

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Are you budwashing? If so I definitely like leaving them out a while to drip dry

Forgot about the rest of the Purple Punch in there from a week ago. I’m curious how it goes with a cannatrol. I add fresh to my cabinet all the time but it’s usually small ratios…e.g. there’ll already be a pound or two of dry herb and I’ll add a couple oz of fresh harvest. I don’t have a cannatrol so super curious. My gut is your 24 hour dry before the cabinet isn’t a bad idea

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yes i am i saw few leaves with PM so im taking precautions

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i have not labeled anything but just wanted to show the remaining girls and state they have been in the cold rain lately but i make sure they dont rot so far im still good but they coming down soon


pulling down the rest of purple punch and as much as i can of the freezeland that the cannatrol will permit it to fit


trimmer was not happy i guess about me talking i wanted a better one she decided to screw me halfway this morning now im stuck to dry not trimed wut a PITA


That sucks. I’d help if I could! Good luck!

What’s wrong with the trimmer, it’s probably fixable, or fixable enough to get stuff done some mo’

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the frame holding it broke so i can still use it but id have to fabricate new frame

that will teach me for funding the ccp


so far freezeland seem to be a good washing candidate the stickyness on my finger sfter just cuting few tops off is 10x what my fingers was after doing 80% of the purple punch


so my 2023 outdoor final conclusion so far freezeland is the best but AA at best im not much proud of my crop this year im thinking about trying to wash most of it see if it be better, im gonna suck it up and try to get my indoor game spot on to fill me on dank and not midz