3 Hole Dry Hash Pipe

Man, I hope you convinced them to do that. I feel like Gandalf would have been a hash guy for sure


Thought I’d just jump back in here on this to give an update in case anyone is still interested. After a while using it now I feel like I’ve got a better sense of this thing. Overall it works really well but only when using the glass heat wand thing. I’ve tried it a couple of different times using butane torches and regular lighters as well as hempwicks, and the problem with all of those heat sources is the fact that when you draw in on the pipe you end up drawing the heat through the holes which are higher up than your hash. Essentially you end up inhaling a shit ton of butane with just a little bit of hash smoke. I recently purchased a proper dab torch and after heating the wand on the torch for like 30-40 seconds and then pressing it into the hash it works much better: rich flavorful deep hits, very nice. So if you’re interested in this thing I would say it’s worth the money if you’re prepared to go through the ritual every time of heating the wand and using it that way. If you’re looking to just be able to pop a nug of good pressed hash into a bowl and take a rip with a lighter you’re better off with a traditional spoon and a metal screen like we all grew up doing. Hope this was helpful to anyone who might’ve been in the same boat I was looking for pipes :v:t2::v:t2:


Very nice, glad you got the hand of it. I got one of the chameleon glass Aragorns Briar hash pipe and also one from a facebook glass blower and love them both even though I use them for rosin and not hash. They collect a bit of reclaim from the rosin bubbling up but that’s fine with me. I also had convinced chameleon glass to do a run of Gandalf style hash pipes, which I am waiting to get my hands on one of them bad boys. Pretty cool stuff.


Yesss! That sounds awesome, I’m glad you were able to talk them into it! If you want be up getting one post a photo here so I can check it out. Happy tokin’ :v:t2:


Following! I’ve been talking about a proper hash pipe for ages.


Me and @LegsMahoney were in the same boat. Its a desolate wasteland out there looking for hash pipes heh.


My favorite piece for my bubble hash is my Dynavap… been following this hoping for something glass to beat it. But short of a glass wand looks like there isn’t! Wet concentrates I love my dab straw, but not for the dry stuff.

Sorry- know it doesn’t quite fit the bill, but it’s literally the only way I use my bubble hash anymore!


Ya the 2 I have use a glass rod/wand heated by a small torch. I use them to take a sip or 2 of rosin when I am at my computer desk here, otherwise I just go to the bathroom and pull out the dab rig heh.


I also have a Dynavap that I was using for hemp flower at the time. But I have not used it in quite a while.


What is your method for vaping hash with the dynavap? Do you have the concentrate insert or are you sandwich ing the bubble between layers of herb?

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I’m thinking about getting one of the three hole hash pipes like this and using my induction heater to fire up the wand. Do induction heaters work on glass wands?

I have not used any induction heater before, but I was curious how it would work as well. It would be perfect for my desk since that’s where I use these hash pipes for sipping a little rosin.

I don’t have the extra bit, wish I did but maybe I wouldn’t use it. I throw a ball in just big enough to leave airflow and heat her up.

Induction heating will work on metals only sadly.


Guess I need to make a contraption that will fire up 3-4 torch heads at once and blast into a tube you stick the rod in heh. I don’t really mind heating the rod with a small torch, but speeding it up would be cool as well. I am sure I could grab my dab rig torch and speed it WAY up, but that stays in the bathroom with the rig and I like saving butane even though I have a case of it.

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For what it’s worth I actually went out and bought a proper dab torch to use with this setup. It’s nice to be able to set the torch down on the table and just wave the wand in front of it to heat it up, goes faster than the butane zippo too.

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Mine just arrived in the mail! Gotta wait for work to be over to get home and use it!


The Gandalf pipe??

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I always used a torch to heat up my quartz rods for my hash pipe and it always works great. Also had good results using a magnifying glass and the sun to ignite certain types of hash.


They have the Gandalf pipes, but I got the Aragorn hash pipe. I’d break the Gandalf pipes, with that long neck, lol


Quartz rod?? That sounds pretty cool, might have to look into one of those

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