3 Hole Dry Hash Pipe

They work well. Have also used a soldering iron with ceramic tip in the past, very similar to an herb iron.


@VPDisKey is that what frenchy is using here?

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Thought I’d just share some shots of how this little thing is looking after a couple months of steady use. Doubling down on this thing as well, definitely a great little setup for smoking pressed hash, could see it being great for dry sift, sounds like @bassman5420 will use it for rosin too, no reason not to have One on hand, the more I use it the more I like it :call_me_hand:t2::call_me_hand:t2::v:t2::v:t2:

Little bit of reclaim building up on the interior walls, unfortunately I scorched a couple spots in the interior trying to use direct heat to smoke it, they’re just tiny little black dots but they don’t seem to want to scrub out with alcohol, just makes it a little less pretty, no biggie. All in all I love this little thing, would really love to see this design made by some other glass artists. I could see some of the real old school heady glass blowers coming up with some sick looking incarnations of this. I got a buddy local who blows glass that I’m thinking i might show this to and see if it sparks any ideas for him. As if collecting regular glass pipes and bongs wasn’t enough, now we can add dry hash pipes to the list. My poor wallet.


Yup! They work pretty good, I think that is an herb iron but a soldering iron with a ceramic heating element works too.

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immediately googles "herb iron" :laughing: :laughing: :laughing:

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Lol, have I been dabbing it with the wrong end of my quartz rod?? :laughing::rofl::rofl:
I’ve been using the fat end :rofl::rofl:

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I started out with that end, and I think that’s what it was intended for but mine has a really narrow base from the bowl push when the glass was blown, so I quickly realized that that fat end would’nt reach the hash that was all the way at the bottom of the bowl, but the narrow end does, so I just flipped it around.

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Lol, I found that too! Awesome

Check out this beast


Holy shit! That’s awesome, I feel like that thing better come with instructions or something :joy::joy:


and an insurance policy.


Hey all, just figured I’d keep beating this thread to death, recently got turned on to another glass artist producing these 3 hole dry pipes, dudes name is Kop Glass on FB, here’s a couple quick screenshots of his page:

I hit him up to chat and he was quick to respond and shared pictures of what he has in stock, not sure if he takes custom orders or how much he produces or how fast but I figured folks would like to know another option for grabbing one of these things if they’re looking. :v:t2::v:t2:


Got one more for you here. Maren Faye Glass:

I actually got turned onto her work from a FCP video featuring Brett Byrd from Byrd extracts in Cali. The video was mentioned in another OG thread here and Byrd actually shows off the function of the piece in the video using some of his hash rosin. Here’s the link for folks reference:

I spoke with Maren directly and she’s perfectly lovely to deal with. I actually bought one of her hammers yesterday, and yes I did wait to post about her until I was able to get what I wanted so that she wasn’t sold out :joy::joy: I guess I’ll be reporting back here with a function test of that piece as well. Can’t get away from this subject but I’ve really been into smoking my pressed temple ball style hash lately so im down to share my findings. :v:t2::v:t2:


My Maren Faye hash hammer came in the mail tonight, so I figured I’d post some shots of it and drop a quick function report:

First impressions: this thing is really nicely made, really thick, and just looks really cool being an old school melted bubble looking hammer. Overall it’s much smaller, length wise than I was expecting, but it actually feels like the perfect size when you get it in your hand, where it fits really comfortably. The bowl portion of this thing is much narrower, and smaller in circumference than the chameleon piece, as well as maybe a hair deeper? The biggest difference is the holes, they are MUCH larger in this one, and there is no carb, a feature which I’m coming to realize after seeing more of these 3 hole pipes, that is not often seen in these things. The overall effect of all this makes you feel like the bowl is smaller, but when you pull on it the whole piece seems to breathe a lot fuller than the chameleon pipe.

After getting the thing open I couldn’t wait to try it out, so I loaded up a little pinky nail size ball of the 2:1 cookies pressed hash that I have in the fridge and went in for a rip.

The overall hit is much more efficient than what I’ve experienced with the chameleon pipe. This thing milked up so much heavier than I’ve ever been able to manage with the other one, and overall it just seemed super efficient. It only took 2-3 hits to really work through all of the hash that I put in there. With the chameleon piece I always feel like I’m having to stir the bowl up and really dig the glass wand into the material to get it to put off a heavy vapor and get a really full feeling hit. This pipe was super effortless, I’m assuming because the smaller chamber is holding more heat and the larger holes are capturing more of the smoke as it escapes.

Overall this thing is sick and a significant step up from the chameleon piece. Not taking anything away from the first one, but this piece is much more intelligently constructed by a much more practiced hand than the chameleon pipe I feel. If you’re just reading this thread for the first time and considering buying this style pipe I’d recommend taking a look at this pipe over the chameleon. This whole post went longer than I expected it do, probably because this thing worked so well :grin:. Hopefully someone found this helpful, I’m really enjoying these things :v:t2::v:t2:


Thanks for your recommendation. I’ve been looking for a three hole hash pipe for awhile. I hit up Maren through IG and she got back to me right away. I grabbed one from her and she’s sending out tomorrow. Will report back after testing :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


That’s awesome! Did you go for one of her spoons or the hammers?

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Just one of her holiday spoons :slight_smile: Your hammer looks awesome though. I’ve got big ol ball of hash that I’ve been waiting to smoke, I hate trying to use my normal hammer to try and smoke it, it just gets clogged, or just residue everywhere. You use a dab torch to heat the wand right?


Right. Tried a butane zippo at first but it takes forever. Dab torch just gets it there faster, usually like a 30 second heat. 40 seconds if you really wanna milk it up

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Nice, I had got one from Kop glass as well before I had got the one from chameleon glass. I like it indeed. I tried to msg Faye one time and never got a response sadly (may be because of my status account or something). I am curious how much she sells hers for, I originally was trying to get my hands on one of them but then started searching other places.


Thanks for the recommendation! I got a piece from Maren Faye, on the way! :partying_face: