3 hours w/Kevin Jodrey



Been playing this in the background and taking notes here and there, but there’s one really interesting point when he says

Talking to Steve the other day and he was talking about experiments that he ran where he noticed elevated levels of THC-V. And so he ran it over and over again to prove it, and he said “Woah, we found out that if we do this we can increase these levels.”

What would you all guess this refers to?


Had time to watch 1/2 hour so far, just need to find another 2 1/2…


It took me 3 sessions. :sweat_smile:

Now we’ve got a new Potcast episode for another 3hrs! :radio:



The Potcast is such a dope thing. I listen to it in the shower, doing dishes, while playing video games, in the truck, everywhere. The Duke Diamond ones are my favorite not only because he’s a badass breeder, but because he sounds like me lol. Southern boys gotta stick together.


Anyone figured it out?


could be a handful of things

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I’m guessing grow outside

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In cannabis I forgot the actual term but it’s like an accumulating Genes like the genes for THC,CBD, ECT so if you select for I THC and continue to select for it it builds up that’s how they get those 30% cultivars it just takes time it can be done with all secondary metabolites edit for high thc


But keep in mind that nothing is free there is always a price to be paid so everytime you select for something you lose something else, there is no such thing as a free lunch there is always a price to be paid , that’s what makes a good one it’s not just what you select for but also what you accept to lose , happy hunting:) edit good one = cultivar


Yes you can “stack” certain genes the secondary metabolites genes are accumulative like for instance if you lay out a row of 20 and one is higher THC than the rest you just keep selecting for it and it builds up aka stacking em lol but you can do it with most maybe all idk of the secondary metabolites idk if anyone has done any work with the terps in that aspect I don’t think anyone has probably ain’t thought of it yet to busy working on other things and to be accurate with it it takes some testing anyways there is still alot of work needs done


I was just listening to I think it was Remo on Shango Los’ podcast about selections and he said he is working with a few canna research companies to select for canna plants with no cannabinoids - only terpenes.

And I’ve spoken with Sam and Ryan in the past about breeding for specifics through consecutive selfings so that woth a warehouse and just 2-5 years of continual testing and selfing, you can rapidly achieve your goal.

As much as I had prejudices against selfing, it definitely is an effective tool at isolating a specificity and make it trie breeding.


This is so true and its a very effective tool for the hobby breeder since plant count are often low.

Pz :v:t2:


Yes but there is always a cost and when you self you lose a whole section of genetic data by not using a male pretty high cost if you ask me but hey for the hobbyist sure you know the old saying anything worth having… Shortcut=high price patience=legendary:)


I truly believe that there is a connection between selfing and the lose of “it” you know what I’m saying? And I’m not saying it happens like the first or even 2nd or 3rd but if everybody is because of clone only stuff and then they are all crossing it to death with other s1,xs7 xs5x s3 the it’s a exponential effect and now you’re breeding stuff with no genetic diversity it’s just, that… It’s just not good in my opinion the cost is to high but to each his own


Something I learned from Kevin is test you males and look for the ones that has the biggest swings in levels on the profile ok so like the levels of males are low right, so you breed with the male that has the most drastic between THC and CBD, man I hope I’m making sense lol I’m trying bro I’m on this tiny phone but if it doesn’t make sense I’ll try again


Basically look for bigger ratios (20:1 thc:cbd) even if its total cannabinoid is 0.8%, as this will do you more favors than a 3:1 thats 1.1% total


I look at breeding as playing Jax - bounce the ball and grab a handful of those stars with the balls on the end.
Thats your F1
Bounce the ball again and take apart each star into a dozen pieces and grab one piece from each star.
Thats your F2.
Bounce the ball again and grab a few separated pieces from just a few stars.
Thats your F3.
Then a Bx is adding entire pieces from a star into the mix


Yup pretty much then everytime you do a self someone steals a cpl of your stars and you never get them back lol js


But that being said it would also drop in some stars that are exactly like a cpl of the others but you would never get those other stars back yeah know I’m not trying to be negative Nancy lol fem seeds are cool my opinion if it means anything as far as breeding the cost is just to high but yeah know it is a tool and if your just trying to isolate a specific cannabinoid yeah know but I still think the Entourage effect makes for a more effective medicine just got to stack em DEM is finding over 160 different cannabinoids and they still haven’t found full genetic potential I think it can be done without selfing in 3-5 years maybe faster with testing edit DEM = dragonfly earth medicine