3 hours w/Kevin Jodrey

Can always get caught up in the paralysis of analysis with this shit. It still comes down to pheno hunting and a little luck. All this other shit is just more shit. pheno hunt, pheno hunt, pheno hunt, and more pheno hunting and cross your fingers.


Selfing is a tool and using reverse crossing is a tool. If you goal is to not introduce new genetics to a clone, then selfing is something good. If you have limited space and cant go through 3-8 males to find the perfect combo, reverse crossing is something good. It doesnt take away males, it doesnt make ā€œnormalā€ breeder bad. It is what it is. Some of you seem to think that the old way things where bred are how its done. I will tell you that no other crop on the planet is bred like cannabis and thats not because its special in any way shape or form. Its because its illegal! When someone does a breeding program with 10000 or 100000 plants you get your Skunk #1, which took over the world. Thats the problem with breeding in cannabis, the plant countā€¦ Not which metod you use. If you are open pollinating every seed still got 2 parents and If you did it from 20 seeds, the recombinations are that big that it would give you the most dominating and strongest traits present. So If you want to bash on the current state of cannabis, bash on its illegality, not the breeders who try to do the best of the situation.

Pz :v:t2:


Please donā€™t take me the wrong way, Iā€™m not hating on anyone or judging anyone the only thing I ask is just keep some pure stock of your landraces because once itā€™s gone itā€™s gone itā€™s just a fact even if youā€™re selling beans as long as you are honest and informative then they can make there own decision yeah know we are all adults here even if we donā€™t act like it sometimes lol (not directing at anyone) and bout the illigality lol I canā€™t spell lol yes individually we donā€™t have much space but as a whole we do , I thought that was the whole point of overgrow just saying :slight_smile:

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Reverse cross? Maybe back cross? Please explain

The fact is that even a open pollination with 1000 plants are too small to even have a pure stock of a landrace. This is the problem im trying to tell you. You can think that something is pure or what even. But the moment you sprout less 100 thousand or a milion seeds, you are starting to bottleneck or drift that cultivar. This is how all of the man made crops are made, sprouted by the bilions of long time. Doing a repro run with 30 seeds are just as damaging as any other type of breeding and thinking otherwise are just fooling yourself. Genetic diversity is a number game, and in the big picture it doesnt matter If you cross 1, 10, or 50 plants If the real number to actually have the full genetics diversity of a cultivar is around 100000. The repros on OG are not awesome because we are saving genetic diversity, its awesome because we spread genetics all over the world and enables everyone to partake in the revolution. But as soon as cannabis isnt illegal anymore, the experienced farmers will be able to preserve or push the genetics to lengths that are not possible today.

So you see, its unfair of you to expect others to do something about it when the reality is that what you want people to do, doesnt change a thing in the long run. I dont want to be mean or anything, i just want to point out the reality. You know even If cookie was the only thing left in the world. We would over the years find mutations that would bring new expressions. What you should be afraid of is the clone market which is limiting how many seeds are popped over the world, seeds = random mutations = new expressions. Mono cropping are a real danger of the progression of a plant species.

Pz :v:t2:


Oh, okā€¦ Look just because itā€™s been illegal doesnā€™t mean there ainā€™t folks out there popping 10000 seeds or more lol Iā€™ve been black market my whole life and furthermore that extra bit of DNA that the males have some say itā€™s a resivore of genetic diversity and if you donā€™t use the you are robbing yourself not me of your ā€œrandom mutationsā€ in which I donā€™t feel are always random you see I really donā€™t give a damn what or how you do or none of that this is really kinda off topic so I apologize for the mess yā€™all and I really canā€™t believe you said all that I thought you was smarter than that, that sounds like something big Ag would say

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Ideal selection numbers are about 1-5%

Since 2015, I pop anywhere from 3,000 - 4,000 seeds and end up with 20-80 plants that make final selection.

f2ā€™s and anything later than f4 will require vast numbers to select from, compared to F1ā€™s


I just have to tell you that you can think im dumb as a knob or smart as Einstein, i dont really care. What i care about are facts and science. So im trying to tell you facts of how breeding or cultivation works on other crops. These are not my opinions, this is the general scientific consensus right now, it can change but have to be proved by the scientific metod. Science doesnt care about feelings or believes. So ill continueā€¦

10000 seeds are still a too low number to come close to what you want to achieve. So you have to go with atleast ten to hundred times the amount of plants. So If you want to achieve what you where talking about, to not drift the genetics. You are going to need a huge lot.

Yes, you are right that the Y chromosome are larger then the X chromosome. But you are wrong about whats inside the Y chromosome. The major part of the Y chromosome is a repeating pattern which isnt a reservoir of genetics, actually the Y chromosome hold less viable genetic material then the X chromosome. So crossing two females to each other doesnt rob you of generic diversityā€¦ This is simply aint true. The fact is that cannabis as all plants are dual sex and always have been. The different chromosomes( X and Y ) are just genetic drivers for different hormones within the plant. In plants the genetic data to make pollen or seeds are not a part of the sex hormones as in animals. So all plants ā€œknowsā€ how to do both and different levels of hormones trigger this genetic data.

There is a difference between recessive traits, double Recessive traits and random mutations. All Recessive traits are a numbers game and you can expect it. Random mutations are completely random and this is the type of traits that drive evolution and made us humans and everything around us.

Dont compare me to others and dont comment my intelligence. Bring me scientific facts so i can learn something new If I get it wrong. Dont get me wrong, im a sativa head and I pretty much only smoke different hazes or something like C99.

Pz :v:t2:

Kinda a sidetrack here but seems an appropriate place to ask. I really enjoy listening to these, recorded/uploaded seminar talks, but Iā€™m running out of them. I have a long commute so I plow through these things.

My favorites in podcast form are Pot Cast, Garden Talk, thereā€™s a few others. I like the meet the breeder type stuff where I can get to know what different breeders are like, their selection techniques, what they look for. Thereā€™s iCanTHC channel who has several breeder interviews but I have a hard time listening to them for whatever reason. Any suggestions for other things to check out? Prefer long-form conversational stuff, 30 minutes+


Future cannabis project edit like 3hr long form deep dive

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Breeders syndicate with mat from riot seeds and notsodog is one i listen to when i commute :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Pz :v:t2:


Here you go bro learn something maybe read a book https://youtu.be/fLKo0c0hC40
Fcp principals of breeding 101, 102, 103 ect edit Not Bro Science! SMH


You dont have to be pissy towards me and im not your bro when you are an asshole towards me just because i argue against the facts that you are writing about. Ive read plenty of books and you treat me bad instead of commenting my remarks on your propositions. I got a master and a phd in Plant biologi for sustainable production from SLU. Sure, we didnt work with cannabis specificly by a crop is a crop is a crop. Cannabis is in the same family as Hops and ive been working with Hops on a industrial large scale breeding operation. The genetic makeup of Hops and cannabis are very close.

Pz :v:t2:


Oh now it makes sense, look Iā€™m sorry but they / modern sci teaches theory not fact and only from one perspective so before you state Fact , and yes they are close but not the same and yes cannabis is special than all the food crops which your special science screwed up food now due to science has zero nutritional value back in the 20s Stiener realized that it was the new scientific Fact that was the cause , chemical fertilizer so please read a real book that is not trying to brainwash you before you inadvertently brainwash someone else with your accredited and certified madness

OH, you are one of those guys. Glhf :+1:t2:

Pz :v:t2:


Yes , if you mean someone who read a real book, actually a bunch of books , and if you mean someone that knows the spirit is real and is in all things and someone that knows that we only can perceive only 2% of reality, that plants microbes and fungi are conscious and make decisions and that feeding plants to plants not only passes nutrition but also intelligence yes energy and the soul are real it doesnā€™t require you to know this to exist so please take your blinders off and realize it that after you pay for college you are still only going to know a small piece of the puzzle and yes Iā€™m sorry you spent all that $ for all that half truths and propaganda and you still need to read a book itā€™s called research

And yes cannabis is a sacred plant so is ayahuasca psilocybin the acacia tree kratom peoti the San Pedro cacti and many others are all sacred and special damn I canā€™t believe I have to explain this edit canā€™t forget the Poppi :slight_smile:

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Dropped 2 days ago :slight_smile: seems like Kevin is doing the same thing the freakers are doing :slight_smile: Iā€™m so proud of yā€™all frfr


I like watching his stuff. Always learn something. Think breedings about to change significantly though. Mfs got chemovar testing in the toolbox now. Leaf clipping to lab, tells you what genes are active for the production of secondary metabolites. Boom you got your parent plants chosen before even finishing em.


And breeders will turn into laborers because they wonā€™t have any input on the selection process anymore. ā€œThe lab said this is the plant I should useā€ā€¦