30 day roll, lets do this

Sorry brother. Can you get gas for it? I imagine most of them have been sold down there, but we have that Rigid 6800W continuous that you always see in Home Depot and we can run everything in the house until the electric hot water heater comes on, so we just leave it off until we need it.


dont worry jet the hurricane is the karma u get while this guy gets off scott free after scamming the community.!

you sure called it

hope your days are cool and things pan out until you get fixed up if anything you can think of for help lmk.


:100: @204medismoke . 100% correct, @Jetdro seen it, and made it clear what was going onā€¦a few of us watched that exchange unfold a week or two ago (forgive me if the timing is incorrect, I did have a few hits of some Scarlet Sunset this morning and itā€™s tasty, but I digress).

Hoping for the best for Jet man, hope they get the juice turned on soon!!!. This karma will come back around to those others. :green_heart:


yes think so


oh no , what are his minions gonna do ?
The ones who ate every word he spewed out . Addiction is tough , hope he fails to be honest


Sorry to see the storm hit you. Hopefully they have electric back on sooner than that for the dogs and yourself. Plants can always be regrown and seems youā€™ve done plenty of helping others, so Iā€™m sure people will replace cuts for you when youā€™re back up and ready. Iā€™m finally off of the coast myself and on the St. Johnā€™s instead of the beach. Feeling a lot safer this year in the woods. Best of luck on getting back to normal!! Generacs are great too if you want to prevent this in the future.


Iā€™m doing the popcorn crunch like a cynical asshole. :popcorn:
Up to 23 days with no powerā€¦ fuuuuuuck! Devastation is phenomenalā€¦ lucky your car was untouched in the garage! Hopefully you have enough weed and concentrates to last that long :grimacing:


I honestly could go probably a decade with my stash


hey, itā€™s only 83Ā° in here today like a frigging snowstorm

The little window unit is working, but my room is so big itā€™s not cooling very much


Whats that box thingy on the side of the fan? @Jetdro

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lol @Jetdro - same fan in my home office I am looking at right now.

Get a bucket of ice water and use the mist function lol

Bonus for pets too!


Sorry to jump on your thread but I was right here so thought Iā€™d show seeds2weeds.

Holds the battery!


I thought it was full of water or something lol


It does have a misting function, on the back thereā€™s a hose you can use, that is what my dogs obsess over. But you have to supply your own bucket!


it makes everything wet in minutes
ok for outside at pool or sidelines on a soccer field , but cant use mist inside

Fan ran 23 hours on 10 amp battery !!!


Yes, it does get everything wet here too, only outside for us!!

I have been really impressed with those EGO products, like you say, that fan lasts forever on one of those batteries.

Sorry to hear about the situation, stay cool :sunglasses:


I canā€™t even imagine, I get dizzy when Iā€™m in in too much heat, I couldnā€™t handle that level.
If you lose any mothers, I have backups of some of them!


I suspect Iā€™m going to lose everything they were out inspecting behind my house today and I went and talked to them and they told me minimum two weeks before they even got to this

I donā€™t dare put them outside at the moment. I donā€™t have a fence. Thereā€™s all kinds of people walking around. It would not be a good call.


Sorry to hear. Probably best to toss it all now before anything gets nasty and stay clean for restarting. The bonus is youā€™ve seemingly taken care of plenty over the years in regards to cuts, so Iā€™m sure plenty will be willing to get you whatever you want back. At least I sure hope so. Feeling for the dogs too.


That sucks, can you put your moms in a sunny window? If you have a battery-powered light you can turn on for a bit in the middle of their night and that would keep them from flowering.

I had to cut my shit down 6 weeks into flower for my landlord againā€¦ he had to change the leaking water heater and now he is talking about all sorts of other maintenance he wants to perform, so all I have are my little moms in 4" rockwool cubes rn :disappointed: Luckily I have nuggets for days, but damn it sucked throwing out a whole batch that was that far in.