30 day roll, lets do this

yes , veg , MOMS , 4 tents in flower

Not sure how they will handle the dark

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it doesn’t matter four months ago I took cuts of all my plants and put them in Ziploc’s in the refrigerator. They look like I put them in there yesterday.

I also just placed cuts in a Dixie cup of water 3 1/2 months ago all four of those look fine too


Good luck bro the heat and no electricity :zap: to boot :hiking_boot:

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I’d try to get a generator and a couple of window units if you can (as soon as you can). We lost power for several days a few years ago due to a bad storm in July. Aside from the suffocating heat and humidity, we found ourselves battling the worst (only) case of fleas we’d ever had. When you have pets and keep your home reasonably cool with low humidity the eggs can lay dormant in carpet. Once the conditions are perfect, boom. It was miserable. Tried all the home remedies, nothing worked. Had to go the hardcore chemical route.


We all scratching now , cheers @Coda


It really sucks. The first thing that happens is the hotels fill up and you can’t get a room. Then the generators fly off the shelves. Then, if you’re lucky enough to get a generator, you have to chain it to something because people were stealing them while they were running. Then you realize you can’t buy anything unless you have cash because all of the card readers are down (no power).

It was a hard lesson learned, but we are super prepared if it ever happens again :wink:


Have generator , small one Honda 2000
Running the tv, computer , router and fridge , im ok . Have big Ego fan qnd plenty of batreries.

Havea window unit , wonder if it would make a difference

humidty is 86 % in house right now​:see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


People laughed at us because we became hardcore preppers after that.

Then Covid hit.

We didn’t even run out of toilet paper :wink:

Try the window unit. At least you and the “kids” can sleep in front of it. Hope you get power back soon.


nightmare… glad your all good and the pack is fine. that must be some intense experience and it looks like yall dont have basements to hide in. wish i was closer to come help clean that up going to be some back breaking work lugging that wood around. the force to tear that tree root ball like that is nuts man


i expect that to creep up not good for where you are in flower… such a tough situation.

Wow that’s crazy glad you made it through that storm. One hell of a mess to clean up biggest thing you got through it without injury.

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Brutal. Looks pretty ugly… but on the plus side, no trees landed on you, your house or your cars. Definitely not gonna be much fun cleaning up, but only the living need to worry about making a mess. :slight_smile:

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Wow! I’m glad you and the pack are ok. Insurance will help. We had 7 of them touch down where I’m at about a month ago.

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Wow…what a storm, glad you and loved ones are okay


Doing okay, Jet?

Any ETA on the power being restored?


14-23 days told today :see_no_evil::see_no_evil::see_no_evil:


How are you and the kids holding up?


were hot and miserable . Today was 100 , 91 in the house , 87 percent humidity
all my plants are gonna die
nice cool 89 F in here now , smells like wet dog and broken dreams .

generator keeps shutting off every 30 minutes or so , then just fires right back up , then its 30 minites getting net and tv to work , only done it like 35 times today
im exhausted


Man that sucks :pensive:
Think generator overheating or something?