30 day roll, lets do this

I have been threatened to buy a mod here for speaking my piece on the top shelf bullshit I just want everyone here to know and you probably already do know that I call him the way I see them I always will, and I will not be threatened

I replied back to the mods don’t threaten me again so if y’all see me bounced, it’s because of that not because I’m a snake like top shelf


Jet, you’re one of the realist dudes on here. We all know in this thread you speak your mind I for one appreciate that. Don’t let that bullshit in the BOO thread get to you man. Fuck that dude! I’d hate to not see you and the pack on here anymore. Your thread is one of the few a log on to read. Deal with your mess at home and let all that slide to the floor man.


Ps if you need any seed or cuts your welcome to anything I have bud.


Sorry to hear all this bullcrap happening with ya, bud. I hope everything turns out ok and you don’t lose anything. You know darn well I’ll send you anything you want. Hopefully, it won’t come to that and they’ll get your power back on for ya. Try to stay cool, man and pet those puppers for me. :sunglasses: :100:


Jet I got you covered

You know what I have

I’ll send you cuts when your ready

Just say the word
That what friends are for


Stellar list there and awesome offer!! That Cap Junky is killer. I just grew it out last run. Had me thinking of downsizing from the 4’x8’ to my 5’x5’ for flower and getting a 4’x4’ or 5’x5’ for veg and keeping mothers. I really dig that Cap Junky for new weed.


@Jetdro know when you get back up and running you’re welcome to anything i hold, all you have to do is message. thinking you would enjoy the SLM and JJ.

f&ck that’s a long time to be w/o power, best of vibes to you and the pack.


I got you and Im sure other have you too. I still have GMO, AF, Giesel, ST and Tahoe. Im sure someone will step up and give you the ICC and WC too! :100:


kind of a blessing you gave out so many cuts now looks like your going to need them sent back good karma came around there. just hope you get power back sooner than 14 fkn days in that heat.


Please don’t get yourself booted off OG Jet…
The OG mods try to be fair but they can be capricious when provoked.


i think its the same for every authority, they never like it , especially when you get to serve them the good ol told ya so


It’s been interesting watching how people act over the past two weeks… everyone’s extra miserable with the heatwave, I suspect, and some people tend to take their misery out on others. Lots more conflict than usual, it seems. Loki mentioned that he’d been spending all day yesterday shepherding the TST thread and trying to keep it from getting out of hand; at the end of the day he realized he’d forgotten to even smoke all day. He kept his cool a lot better than I would’ve, I suspect, but in the end he’s human just like all the rest of us.


I wish you would have posted the link to where you made your observation, when the mod asked you for it, so everyone could read it and hopefully glean some insight into what you noticed.


I posted it for him/Loki like 3 posts down from his in the boo thread.


Aha! Thanks Holy, I didn’t realize that those were the links! :sweat_smile: Much appreciated for the clarification.

Junior Mafia had a song I always think is relevant when DrGonzo- or TST-types poop where we are all trying to eat: “Everybody’s a snake, that’s why I keep my grass cut – So I can see they ass comin’, and heat they ass up”.


snakes just try to survive pieces of shit plan years long scams “just defending snakes of the workd” lol

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Dope lyrics ^^ Mean so much in all angles lol

Listen this guy Jet, you’re federating a lot of different profiles. It’s a skill.
It’s more important and a true asset for OG.


They get the power back on for you yet @Jetdro ?


@Jetdro Sorry to hear about the hard times there bud! I hope the electric is restored asap if nothing else. I get hurricanes every year where I am and wish it on no one. My house flooded with a few inches of water about 5 years ago and had to rip up all floors and two feet of drywall and insulation closest to the floor. Whole house remodel essentially. No fun.

I worked with GiS Software for a company that would take different counties and fly aerial photography each year for tax purposes, and I remember working on Lubbock TX after Katrina and the destruction was just insane. I would outline buildings for sq ft (150sq ft or more) and overlay that on the previous years imagery, that way you can see all the changes from year to year. This is how non permitted construction is caught for counties btw. I recall cars in trees and having to place countless destruction markers neighborhood after neighborhood on houses… Sad indeed. :pray: If we can help in anyway say the word brother! :fist:

The wife and I picked up one of these bad boys with solar panels to back feed during a power outage, along with two window units. I also have a 4500w gas genie for any extras we may need.

Currently working on a DIY Tesla Power Wall as well… Best of luck to you and everyone involved!


Damn, really sorry to read about all this @Jetdro. I’m just glad you and your pack are doing OK. I’ll be holding your cuts for a good while longer so just holler at me when you’re back and ready to grow. Take care!


Just wanted to pop in and let you know @jetdro is doing fine and hasn’t been on because he’s been locked from his account by Northern Loki and is not able to respond. Also this is a request, from myself, to help @Jetdro out. As most of you know the hurricane took all his plants due to the power being out. Can you send him your cuts that he’s sent you? Not now, as the power is still out, but in 2 or so weeks. I will let everyone know when the power is back on so you can send them with confidence. After he’s helped us out with his cuts over the years its time to help @jetdro out!
