3rd time's a charm! LowenderMN 2024 run(s)

Im normally to full power on my nute solution around week 4. I would definitely bump it up from 50% imo. If it was my grow i would Jump it up to 75% then 100%.
I feel ya on the weather. Dehumidifier makng my grow room like 10 degrees hotter.


I havent used Jacks with octos but inhave ran some incredibly high ppm solutions with minimal to no burn i dont know if its how octos work but it seems very very hard to burn plants in them.


I feel the dehuey heat pain too. Lol works great during lights out. 73 - 74°ish, and rh around 55-60 (because its struggling to hit that 50% lower range, and just keeps running). Vpd around .7 -.9ish.

If im not home to dink around with the dehuey settings when or before lights on, rh tanks and temps spike over 82. (Ive heard 80-84 would be good for the plant. Almost impossible to maintain that without letting my old ass house get to 85 upstairs. Basement would still prob be 75. Lol)

Maybe ill try bumping it up in steps. I just upped yestetday. Maybe let it soak for another day or 2, then drain and refill the res.

This is only my 3rd grow, but theyve all been in octos. And im learning that in order to ‘reset’ nute ratios and stuff, i have to pump out the res and do a complete refill. Its not too hard to do, but takes more time on top of mixing jacks 321 and then letting ph buffers soak a little. :man_shrugging:

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I just let the plant empty the rez. Once the roots hit the rez they will go bone dry.


I usually do too. If the plant seems happy?

But if there is a nute deficiency or excess issue, wouldnt i want to try and fix it in the res instead of allowing the plant to keep soaking in a mix thats causing problems?

I def still very new to growing too. So im still trying to educate myself about identifying issues correctly, and learning what to do to fix it in octos. Tough to do when octos arent a super prevalent growing style.

Roots are def taking over the res too. Ha…

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Root porn… ha


I have never had rez issues with octos. Once i found my ratios for the nutes I use. I dont even check PH at this point. Unfortunaly i dont have any knowhow about Jacks but nothing should really change between watering especially if you are using RO water. I always let my rez get completely empty before adding new solution to avoid any deviation in the nute solutions. Only time i will check is if I add something to my base mix. Like this week i added a PK boost for my week 6 of flower mix. Just checked ph to make make sure the new addition f things up too much. I have ran ph anywhere from 6 to 7.5 with no issues. Promix is buffered and seems to be pretty forgiving when it comes to ph.
Run dry, add new nute solution , run dry, repeat.


Hell yea.

What were/are you running for nutes?

This is where im still struggling. I have a general grasp on core nute (NPK) and micros. But have no clue how to “dial in” nutes for the current plant based of what its showing in its leaves. Def a learned skill. Ha…

Im gonna let the most recent res fill ride for a bit. See what happens!

Appreciate you and your time! :pray:

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Base nute I use Urban Farm vegetable for veg and Urban Farm Garden of Eden for flower. They are liquid ferts not powder like Jacks.

I have grown with just that with no issues.

Overtime i have added to my solution

Per gallon on top of my base nute i use
2ml of Hydroguard
5ml slica blast
2ml canna rhizotonic(not sure if im going to continue use once bottle is used up)

3ml of cal/mag mid to late flower of deficiency shows up(i use hard water so i get a good amount through my tap, i have used RO water before and i would add Cal/Mag every other watering).

Too be honest i dont dial much in lol. I just go off my schedule. I dont feed for what the plant looks like just by my schedule. Early veg i use 3ml of fert, 6ml mid veg, 12ml after a month till i flower. I will continue to feed veg formula
to roughly day 16 of flower so it has the extra N for the stretch. Once plant has stopped stretching i switch to full power garden of eden at 12ml a gallon. Do this to 2 weeks before harvest which then go water only. Like i said i dont test Ph, ec or anyhting. Might get some slight nute burn on the leaf tips but i dont worry about it.
Most nute formulas are pretty complete so deficiencies that are going to be really bad for the plant probably arent going to happen if you follow the feed chart. I dont fret over slight discoloration or imperfect leaf conditions. Cal/mag is really the only thing i look out for which for me only happens late flower which if i decided to ignore probably wouldnt affect much.


This is such common sense when I read it, but never crossed my mind. Lol

Read somewhere that its common to ‘buffer’ RO water with cal mag every top off. I did that thru my first 2 runs, and both ended up with some weird lockout kind of deficiency 4-6 wks into flower.

Researching that issue i came to the conclusion that i was overdosing on cal/mag combined with an overpowered light, caused the issues.

Ill try starting the every other week cal mag thing at the next top off. Trying to anticipate what the plant needs! Ha

Really appreciate the run down!

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