3x3 Auto Tent

This is my auto flower tent. It is a 3x3 AC infinity with a MH TSW2000. I am currently growing 4 Strawberry Milk and Qookies Remix from Nightowl in 2 Earthboxes.

They are at day 42 and starting to really take off. The front left one is a bit runty but she’s starting to catch up a bit. I just top dressed with compost and BAS craft blend and already have thick fuzzy feeder roots popping up under the mulch cover. Back right seems to be the best grower so far.

They are drinking a full reservoir every 3 days and I have been top watering with EM-1, Rootwise MC, and Freeze Dried Coconut Water between fills.

Next step is to defoliate a bit since it looks like they are about to start stretching. I will be adding compost to the top once a week and making some big mounds under the mulch cover.

Will update soon!


Autos you say? I’m in, lol.
Please, tell me more.


4 days of growth and they are really exploding right now. Early flower stretch is in full effect and the bud sites are establishing themselves and side branches reaching for the top of the canopy. Still just piling on compost and refilling the reservoir. I saw someone put a bit of EM-1 in their earthbox res before so I tried that and they seemed to absolutely love it. Front left is doing a good job of catching up but not flowering as much so I assume she’ll just be about a week behind the others. So far an easy and very satisfying grow. Already getting hints of strawberry when I open the tent. Autos are so fun and so fast.


The growth on these is insane. Definitely the most vigorous and easiest autos I have ever grown. Autos and Earthboxes just do so well together. Especially Night Owl Autos. I will post a picture later of the insanely fuzzy feeder roots coming up out of the soil. Can’t wait for these flowers the start plumping up and stinking!


The front left girl was a runt and now she is the tallest plant in the tent!! She really stretched! She is still behind the others as far as flowering but damn she shot up fast! Loving this grow.


Wow these girls are getting thick and frosty! What an incredible grow this has been. Probably my favorite auto flower grow ever. Shout out to Night Owl for the best genetics around. Earthboxes are definitely the way to go with autos. Having the roots grow in the reservoir below and drink water while the feeder roots go eat the top dress creates the perfect situation for an auto flower. Very hard to stunt them if you know how to use an earthbox. So excited to watch these girls ripen. :v:




Massive trichs on these girls. couple more weeks!