4/20 inspired toys

How is that gonna change it’s functionality of it?
Ive got little experience with those


Original hose was rippled like a shop vac so everyone recommends swapping it out for a smooth wall hose so you don’t loose product to the sluice box tube riffles. :ok_hand:


Oh I gotcha! So is that one of the units for butter infusions too?

Yeah I really lucked out. I just wrote enough reviews and enough were voted helpful that I got invited into the program. I actually didn’t expect so many grow products to pop up but I’m always thrilled about it. There’s some serious names and products in there too!


No. 5 Gallon washing machine. For butter I use a sous-vide unit and I have a “Tallcan” sized decarbing unit which could do butter/oils but the volume is so small i just use it with flower and soon enough hash.

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I picked one up about 3 years ago… along with the bubble dude bags.

Iv yet to use it… keep forgetting to swap that corrugated hose.


Seeing your usage of these goodies is gonna be rad over the next while bud. Congrats and a healthy and highly friendly :fu:



When you do just take it apart. I go the hose off through the belt opening and that sucked. To get the hose on I had no choice but to take it totally apart and had a “Fuck me why didn’t I just do this in the first place!?!” moment. :man_facepalming:


That looks good. The rubber hose I used is too rigid.




This is also too ridgid. I filled it with boiling water to get it to calm the fuck down so I could shape it into something that wasn’t pissing me off every 20 seconds.

Once I get the on/off valve i’ll cut the long hose short and then add just enough straight hose with another 90 degree bend at the end with a little section of hose so I don’t have to worry about fuckery.


I had to use a heat gun to get the hose to a point I could get it over the outlet, but finally managed. -got it on my birthday in January and only got around to using it last week. The cut off valve is pretty essential IMO. Trying to keep that open end above water level with that stiff tubing was fun.


So what is the real benefit between washing and just using sift screens. I’ve watched the process on both and man washing looks like its a labor of love and just tons of ice and water lol I’m not a concentrate guy I’ve always just been a flower man myself.

but I know friends and family have been asking me to step up my game… Like I don’t already give them a ton of free herb. lol


I’ve got family that are dry sift only. They feel the same way about bubble wash. Too much mess, not enough yield is what I hear.


Great question, I’m old school with a 9 bag bubble bag set, my DeWalt cordless drill, a mud/ grout mixing attachment and a 5 gallon bucket with lots of ice water


Tell em to spend a grand on a rosin press and u will make em all the dabs they can smoke…on the real though that’s the last piece of the puzzle to have everything a dispensary would carry and hope to get one by next year


I’m also a flower guy but when one has too much flower you gotta do what you gotta do. I’ve been thinking about a press for a year now but the process isn’t as appealing as bubble and tbh I’m not into dabbing.

The summer plan will have me with TOO MUCH by the end if I have a totally successful run, and still too much if i don’t. So I got the washer so I can crop/freeze/process without the additional labour, and will get a fan/table styled trimmer so I can whip through the bulk of the outdoors and then hand-trim the selects.

All the shake from the fan-trimmer can then also be processed!

As it stands now I’ve only dry sifted and even then only for my seed-run flower so i can get SOMETHING other than baby-beans outa the efforts :smiley:


Another reason I got the washer. $200 CAD to my door. Cheapest press for me is $400 and not very large at all!

I hope to find a fellow OG in T.dot that owns a press and is willing to press for trade. :ok_hand:
Though there are many folks that offer this as a service but I’d rather trade flower or seeds to a fellow OGer for this.


Looking at the different ones available and 400 is still for a low end one, seems to get something with heated plates with temp control and enough pressure for a solid press and ur hovering around a grand for something that lasts more than a year


True and also true! a buddy of mine is always telling me dude when I are gonna make wax… dude when are you gonna do carts. I’m like drop a grand on the table and I will start… lol

Ain’t this the truth… since I don’t really have anything to do this with my trim/chafe goes into making topicals for now. Later down the road once I’m done dropping serious cash on converting my garage maybe I can think in terms of concentrates but for now its still just a dream. lol

I feel this statement to the max expecally from the last 2 runs… both open pollinations and millions of seeds and a TON of trim. Thankfully I do have a couple buddies who will take all the free trim they can get lol