4/20 inspired toys

@Foreigner just strained his vape-juice. We thought he died but apparently he just went for a nap.

:rofl: :helicopter:


The reaction to my brief absence was funny because it’s really quite mild stuff.

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I can be one of those buddies! Haha


On the real though, I know u can afford 30 bucks for ur own bags and will never look back doing it. Ur right across from the casinos with an ice machine on every hotel floor, go fill some coolers and make some goodies, alot easier melting hash in ur butter(especially for dosing), topicals and even cooking some in a dinner :wink:


If u wanna try out the process one of these days @Rhai88 then let’s make a plan to kick it on one of ur days off and I’ll bring my bags and a bucket and some frozen wings and beer and we’ll go snag some ice from laughlin and make a day of it making some hash. Great cuz u can grind it up and make ur bowls danker without any crazy rig or torches


That may be something to do here down the road. Ive shucked alot of the Blueberry Diesel run but there is still so much more to do… I have quite a few QP grove bags full from that run still. Not to mention the 6 plants I have hanging right now. 4 Black Cherry plants that have a shitload of F2s on em and 2 BBDs that are carrying the new hybrid I’m going to send you! So chafe for days!!! haha


After u do ur first run of hash I promise it will get addicting. I’ve already been getting the itch with all the trim I got laying around and all the shuck from the Autoflower project. Might have to go load up on ice and get to washing.

The 73 micron bag u could easily just throw all trim/shuck in the freezer and throw some coins in it and shake the hell out of it over a glass top and u got a grip of kief too!


I was about to loose my mind and get a new led light but will wait until tomorrow see if I have some luck on Mars Hydro give away Ts1000.

So I ended up getting nothing this 420.