50States Random plant photos

I thought he had a lemon Afghan but I was actualy looking at his lemon g x g13hashplant, I’m trying to track down the lemon afghani that was used in the black lime special reserve creation.


You’re thinking of NL5 x Snow Lotus that’s Drunken Parrot.


I have Bodhi’s Lemon G x Old Mother Ghani, not sure if thats what you were referring to. I also have the Drunken Parrot and BCSC NL5 F3 from Bodhi. Thought those two could be a fun breeding project.


No I was looking for a heirloom lemon Afghan used by aficionado. It anybody grows out any pure afghans and find a heavy lemon pheno keep me in mind :grin:


@50State Orange Goji Pheno # 2 @ 45 days. going 70-75


You’re looking for the wrong strain, bro… the strain you seek is Lime Afghani, not Lemon Afghani.

The Black Lime Special Reserve is a cross of …
Woodman Canyon Oil Can, Northern Lights, Purple Kush, Lime Afghani and Chemdawg Special Reserve.


You are correct and I am stoned lol.


I’m gonna be trying that on the next run I believe. I have the one from SmokeyPockets. He crossed it to a lot of stuff, too. I haven’t seen him around for a while.


Come on now son get creative. Run yer LED spaces exhaust out the bottom of the tent/room - problem solved. Yer pics show u got the room 2 do it.

$400 diy bridgelux 3500k eb2 strip light covers a 4x4 n lasts fer 10yrs no loss of 60% efficiency no bulbs no fuss no muss.


I’ve been impressed with the Bridgelux builds I’ve been seeing. That would be my route. Not gonna be making that move for a while though. Maybe they’ll get even cheaper.


I bought the DIY SolSheets after looking at different DIY strips/sheets/cob options. $400 dollars Canadian seems like a low number you’ll paid more than $300 for 2x320 watt Meanwell drivers alone from Digikey.

My charcoal filter is already directly in front of one of the intake vents, tried closing the other vents somewhat to increase negative pressure at said intake vent. Like I’ve said they (LEDs) don’t generate enough heat period the 4 SolSheets run about 3 degrees Celsius above ambient temperature (2x320 drivers).

Now an ambient temperature outside the tent sitting at 13 degrees and inside at the top of my tent 21 degrees my exhaust air returning to the tent is about 18 degrees means my soil temp is way to fucking low. The plants suffer as a result of a cold root system but this result.

Lots of options but they cost more money, also I would have more failure points in my system and that doesn’t appeal to my K.I.S.S mentality.

I’ve thought about running the Solstrips at 50 watts each and applying heat exchanges on the back on the panels and using the waste heat in a radiant floor heating system with an extra window mounted radiator for summer or heating pads like you’d use for seedlings or a 120v electric subfloor.

All options incurs extra cost over just buying the right light.


That’s what I’m dealing with atm. It’s a new space and I need money to move much farther. I need a good ventilation system to exchange the air. Smell is of no concern. I’ll have to tough it out to spring but I’ll get some pallets to keep plants off of the ground. My flowers aren’t quite as big as I’d like.


Dang luddites.U aint need as much air xchange as u think. Put yer drivers in there w it n turn yer exhaust around. Draw air from nother warmer chamber if u have 2.

I run 4 vero29 cobs @ 100 watts each in 3x3 outside in a no heat garage in 30 degree F weather fer 2 mos n its enough 2 grow fine herb w exhaust goin out the bottom of the tent. Creates whats known as an inversion layer n yer plants stay warm just fine. 2" air gap between pots n floor n yer dandy.

3500k eb2 is $8.40 fer a 4 footer deliverd. 12 * 8.40 = $100.80 digikey
hlg-480h-42a is $132 digikey
1.25" 1/8 thick angle alum n wire n plug n kapton tape n small fasteners is cheap. $150 max if u aint already got it layin around from previous builds

make 2 frames w 6 strips ea. ~520w at the wall n dimmin in the driver fer $400 delivered


I’m just watching my first Afgan Kush (is that pure?") pop its helmet above ground. How early would it show its lime nature?

Edit: lime not lemon.


If im not mistaken maxsisun has bridgelux leds am i right


Honestly I’m not sure about lime phenos of Afghan, you are correct that is what was used and what I would like to recombine with the current genetics I have. I have grown out quite a few Afghan genetics and have mostly expierianced hashy, earth, purple ,berry, type plants but have not seen a lime smelling one. I know lemon and lime is supposed to be a common smell in some afghans I just need that somer lime one from mendo.This is a super candy lime smell and taste that is very dominate genetically. I’ve grown several of the cross I made and all of them had the same sweet candy lime stench. I figure it must be that lime Afghan. The one complaint I have is that the cross I made grows like a tall skinny thai plant. Long thin colas reaching for the sky. I’d like to add the lime Afghan back to further lock in the flavor and shorten up the plant and fatten up the buds.
Sorry to hijack your thread 50


I’m not sure. I’ve just been following a couple of builds on another forum and I’ve been impressed. It’s not in my budget anytime soon, so I haven’t gotten too deep in the details yet.


Y not buy real bridgelux. Aint need to buy some other strip package w their chips. Bridgelux strips great!


What type of led is used on the bridgelux ?

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Something with at least LM301B chips.
Plug and play off Amazon, things like…

Popular generic.

Hammer time.

(maxsisun = run!)

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