50States Random plant photos

Bridgelux is the mfg not merely an assembly house like PLC or Timber or Solstrip or Kind or Fluence. Just like Cree or Sammy, Bridgelux makes their own diodes. Top tier mfg. They were the other big COB mfg besides Cree. The Bridgelux Vero line of COBs is still used by Timber fixtures.

And like Sammy, Bridgelux makes their own strips. Their EB line is now on 3rd gen but the 2nd gen EB2 is the best price per photon output of ne LED light on the market now besides the Chinese fake boards. You may also have heard of their Vesta line of tuneable strips that use both 2700k and 5000k channels on one strip.


It’s amazing how many options there are now with led lights. I know I will be sticking with a usa based company when I can afford to upgrade. I like the look of the sol strips but that also has alot to do with there customer service and being able to easily communicate with them on here.


Orange sunshine looking excellent


Hey @50State this is a ss4 female, i was wondering if youve ever seen one look like this and could help with diagnostics… The other 5 look fine and everything is the same


I have never in my life seen a pimply leaf on a plant and the edges of the leaves are crazy looking. I’ve grown the SSDD and many crosses have never seen anything like that ever.


Orange sunshine still vegging.


Orange Goji day 1 week 8 , 21 days to go.

She IS A STUNNING PLANT 50…lights on photo’s do her NO JUSTICE!!! Covered in COLOR!!!



That’s looking very nice!! Are you getting any orange terps off her yet?


It’s so frosty it looks like she’s got PM lol


Nothing as of yet getting over a cold so the sniffer isn’t quite right . But really liking her structure those along with the orange goji and jets OH xGA are definitely the smelliest according to the wife , even the clones I brought in she said stunk . Lol


LOL…LMAO…yes, but only to about 400 yards down my block …

My WHOLE house is lit up with Orange Fizzy Funky Skunk…like Meesh says!!! She out powers all the others in the net with her…by a MARGIN!!! OHGA smells just like her, BUT SWEETER and not as strongly.

GG4, right next to OG cannot be smelled unless you touch or rub her. As you enter the grow room, it hits you HARD, and your eyes go instantly to the side of the screen where Og is!!! NO TROUBLE telling WHERE the stunning smell is coming from !!

OGHA is kinda same way but much much much SWEETER. Like CANDY SWEET. Can smell the Orange in her, and the sweet Rose form the AH mother.

Im gonna call it for you, since you will not…Orange Goji IS ALL THAT. She breeds well too, or rather the male really lets the Orange and power come through .

Gonna cross Og to SM…for Lost In Space…DGARA if that name is used already, THIS CROSS will better!!!

You got Orange S jizz for me yet man???


Dam jet hope mine look just like yours when they grow up


They shall…your an EXCELLENT GROWER !!

Can you go help groholio in his thread. We need your help with watering LARGE SOFT POTS…I have never done it, not sure how good he is at it. I KNOW you run larger soft pots and hand water…right??? Can you go to the thread and read last little bits we have been talking about and post up HOW YOU WATER. Your plants , SHAME ON YOU FOR NOT SHOWING MORE…are always fantastic, you MUST KNOW how to properly water .

Thread is Forward with Forward Growing…by @Grohio


OH HELL TO THE NO!!! Never say those 2 letters to me again…lol…hate that shit. WILL NOT, EVER, NEVER, run a plant with PM…nasty nasty shit…garbage can around here if EVER SEEN!!!


Some light and room shock but there coming around bit of nitrogen toxicity they’ll grow out of , I’ll swing by see what’s cooking over at his post 12 gal hard sided pots lately but grew in recycle soft side bags for a few grows also correct on hand or should say wand watering / sump pump


No shit, well i just flipped them so we’ll see how she turns out… The orange sunshine girls are looking like the show stoppers so far, fat stalks and big old leaves and real vigerous .


My Orange Goji is just starting to get her hair on.


You got pm that bad ya best give it up


Gahhh amateur hour … That sucks …