50States Random plant photos

You growing in the cornfields? Looking at branching into corn fields this year.


We used to grow in cornfields back in the day. (70s)
Every third stalk in a row we pulled up and replaced with a plant. You had to have a good idea of the farmers schedule so you could go in and get your shit out before the corn harvest.



yes, I do corn. I always, always try and respect any landowners property and not uproot a bunch of their corn. Rather, I look where tractors turn etc and watch for gaps in corn rows as they are young. while corn is young it is so easy to spot opened areas that would support cannabis and not be made obvious. They will always be there. Especially on corners. There is always tons of room, tons of light, and best there’s no damage to any crops.
Crop damage could be the difference of harvesting vs coming back to plants that were killed by landowner.
Good Luck


Oh… I know the farmer. Should be easy.

I know the gaps you speak of in the corn. When do you plant(corn height)? I know about when they spray the fields in June. Do you start plants indoors, then transplant?
I know others have done a direct sew into the field. I’m wondering your thoughts on this.

@50State if this gets too crazy we can switch to DM, so we don’t jam up your thread. Let us know.


I’m fine with the discussion staying here. I’ll answer your questions and give my 2 cents for free! It may come out as a confusing crazy rambling since I’m HAF but maybe helpful still.

So if you’re sowing seeds then as soon as you know the fields planted and see corn plants coming up at an inch or two.

If you’re putting clones or seedlings down anytime after the third set of leaves on the corn plants themselves but depending when the corns put in its around 2nd or 3rd week of June. I’ve asked farmers when they spray the corn and around here they all say they won’t spray after the 3rd set of true leaves since the roundup will stunt the corns growth if sprayed later than that. Now that doesn’t mean they won’t or don’t spray after the 3rd set of leaves they can but they have to add a lot of nitrogen and it’s expensive was what I’m told.

I like half length handled shovels and I plant 1 shovel length between unsexed seedlings and 2 for sexed or clones.

If you’re planting outdoors and or in corn fields keep the patches to 25 plants max and 2 patches per field. I’ve talked with retired and active OPP officers and they have said that they won’t even bother to mark down fields with 50 plants or less when they do flyovers. They chock those fields up to kids and personal.

Know the fields in your area, get a paper map and mark what’s in them and locations of houses if there are any. After a couple years you’ll figure out the cash cropper fields from the guys just pulling corn early for silage.

Avoid planting near the edge of a field with trees. Early spring you may get all kinds of light on the plants and by later in the summer the shadow they cast can shade your plants out all afternoon.

Later in the season with the corn getting taller you may feel the urge to rip it out to reduce shading … DON’T! Use the side of your foot at the base of the plant and gently push (with your foot and hand) the plant over to about a 60 degree angle. Ripping a bunch of plants down at the start or near the end is heat score and unless your taking them with you someone else could find them and then find your crop.

Don’t leave anything in the field.
Don’t talk or smoke in the fields.
Don’t have your phone on.
Don’t visit often or bring people not involved.

Bring a non reflective backpack to put all your shit from your pockets in it and the cups after you are done planting. I know people that have lost keys and wallets when out planting and the boxes you bring the plants out in can get kicked over or dropped and you don’t want to be sitting in or at the road beside a field looking for cups and keys in the dark.

Invest in good set of water proof pants and a coat you don’t know what the weather’s going to be like when you need to check them or harvest. Even a slight dew on the tall grass will soak you in seconds.

I wear a bandana on my head and over my face with a pair of clear safety glasses when the corn gets taller. The leaves are so course they scratch your face to shit and getting a leaf across your eye doesn’t feel good at all!

When you harvest don’t be that guy and take the whole plant! It takes up too much space and is not worth your energy just take tops and side branches. If it’s dirty lower branches leave it.

If you worry or have a nagging partner that worries about them getting stolen or whatever as harvest day closes take the tops a week or two early.

Learn to move through the corn like a Corn Ninga, fast silent and without knocking down a path to your stash.

Shits crazy out there I’ve had copter choppers fly over and hovering over me, people on horseback pop out of nowhere, tractors show up as I’m harvesting or loading up, ATVs driving around the field looking for me, animal encounters, a heat score drop off that had me laying in the mud for half an hour with people shining light on the fields looking for me, planted in a field where someone else also planted and turns out we both where in the field at the same time (I heard them before they ever saw or heard me and they didn’t have a small patch they had two the size of an Olympic sized swimming pool) all kinds of crazy shit outside.

Hope someone finds that useful. Planting illegal plants while trespassing in the dark can be stressful work it’s not for everyone so stay safe.


Now, that’s what’s up! Great informative post. Thanks for that!



Sounds like some wild times man. I grew gorilla style for several years, i used to love the excitement.


Great advice@50! I’ve always plated in corn. It’s gotten terrible around me though. The drones are quite advanced and theres lots of people using them to find plants. I always planted in lower sections of the field look for depressions as they tend to hold water late in the summer. And on the spray two basic kinds preemergence before Corn Pops up and round up. Sometimes crazy bastards do both. Most farmers by me are in one or the other camp. Look for an extra pass after the planter in the fresh dirt…that’s pre-emergence (some fancy planters do it all in one pass) and need to wait like 5 weeks as that spray kills for a while. . For round up Look for sprayer marks on the headlands as corn gets run over as it’s applied. I like to wait a week but done it lots sooner. I try to wait till rain is Just came or is on its way also. If using solo cups 8 fit nice n safe in paper bags won’t crush easy to carry. . My numbers went down when people started walking the cornfields. I only do 8 per spot and 16 general area. Don’t count 25,50,75,100 rows…try to pick random. Try to not use landmarks. Hard to see in ten foot corn and other stoners do the same thing. Also, try not leave them to close to the edges. Lol very important make a map count rows. I’ve had lots of fun in the dark on a ninja mission!!!
Oh yea, around me everybody looks in irrigated fields. Real easy to walk the tire tracks and look down the rows plus makes weed grow like mad. So…I don’t plant in them.


Thanks @Jjm I was going to mention landmarks but it slipped my mind. I don’t/won’t plant the first 50 rows from the edge of the field either. I hate those quad rotor choppers that the rippers use but have though about getting one just to scope my fields to see if my plants are still there before harvest.

I do maps and row counts but even though I “know” how many rows in I am I will walk down the row and count how many paces I’m away from the edge also. Has saved me so much time, when the corns tall no more playing hide and seek with my ladies for an hour in the dark getting pissed off :joy:

If its a really long field I’ll zero my trip odometer when I hit the edge of the field and drive, I’ll use that stopped distance as a ball park figure for drop off.

Also I hate leaving a car at the side of the road and prefer a driver. I like the old rev engine twice and flash high beams a couple times as they approach to signal its them or that times up. I meet at the corner away from where I was dropped and starting rows in. The driving duties switch every trip which is why I make a detailed map of spots.

If you’re the driver or have the driving duties bring a fishing rod for day missions and go kill an hour drowning worms, at night I find a spot 3 or 4 sideroad away and smoke a joint (outside the car) and listen to music.

I had a buddy that put out thousands and his preferred method was to find big fields with nothing around but a stop sign and during the day he’d drive around and drop off full banana boxes on the opposite side of the sign in the tall grass. So when he went out at night he had no plants in the car just a shovel in case he got pulled over or ran into a police ride check along his route.

I had another friend that liked to plant when the corn was about 3 feet tall and fields close to a river so that he could use fishing as his cover but bring a cooler bag that would fit 12 clones in it and a small collapsible shovel in his backpack, next to his toilet paper. He used the jiffy pots so he didn’t have any cups or pots to bring back to the car.

Oh and before I forget those near silent police helicopters sound like an older tractor that’s idling just a pop pop pop pop noise. Was strange the first time I heard it because the direction of the sound was coming from a forest that was about a mile long behind this corn field. So I went about my business harvesting and the noise got louder at which point I moved about 10 rows away from my weed spot and crouched down thinking this has to a helicopter and sure enough a black helicopter comes over the trees and I curled up in a ball and hoped they’d think I’m just a deer bedding down in the corn on their Flir camera. They buzzed my spot and checked the field out and started moving down the road so I was relieved and jumped up grabbed all the best cuts and bagged them got to the pickup spot and never went back lol.

If anyone has anything to add feel free!


Wow @50State. That was a fantastic recounting of what I would call “Extreme Gorilla Growing” You sir are a wordsmith! Not to mention your flare for adventure. Thanks, I enjoyed that.



Very good additions @50State! All those lessons learned the hard way. I forgot to add a lil bowl in the dirt around the plant helps collect rain. Lol I remember my ex was with me we had pulled off the side of rd in the rain. I was just about to bust out with plants and shovel. Damn cops passed me in the middle nowhere and whipped a U. We were by a crick and the field was on the other side. My ex was 16 at the time I shoved her out the door with the plants and told her to run. Lol cops came up and I told them she ran cuz we were getting it on and she was naked😀. They stood there calling her name for like fifteen mins she finally came out and somehow cops bought the story. They followed me back to her parents place and waited to make sure they were ok with me being with their daughter. I never went back for the plants. That experience taught me no cars is always best. I used bikes and mopeds but the thieves got so bad locally I had to move thirty miles with my plants. I had a partner for a while and it sure makes it easier. We always had a dog box in the back of the truck. More than once we would start yelling for duke…here boy here boy if anyone was on us. I now only plant one or two plants per field…still lose plants but seems to cut my loses. Another time was at work and got a call the combine was at one of my fields getting high moisture corn in. We drove in a panic and I bailed out with the combine going away from the rd. I had two rows in that field and pulled first row got it to the rd went back for second row and combine was close. I grabbed last row and the combine passed me three four rows. Had to see me grinching it with a great big arm full😀. I still do it for fun. Plant way more than ya need just in case.
Edit: my brother was buds with lots of cops and they would ask for volunteers to help on the choppers/ground crew. He’d always let me know when they’d start. Ive watched them pull mine. One time they had a road closed north of me. My neighbors kid planted over a hundred in his dads field. It was a pile that covered both lanes the white vans the ground guys used couldn’t hold it all they brought a county rd truck.


Outdoor growing can be scary! I remember one year my buddy and I did 50 plants in a forest we were unfamiliar with. We were 17 at the time. Drove our car and parked it off a side rd. The Forest was massive and has large patches of trees missing, lots of trails and animal trails. We went out a few hours before dark underestimating how difficult things would get in the dark and how long dropping 50 plants properly would take.

When we finally finished we smoked a joint proud of what we accomplished. It took a minute for us both to realize we had no clue which way we came in or even where the Rd was.

We scoured the woods for hours. Unable to find the proper trail that would lead us back to the car. We eventually stopped walking and gave up. Sat down on the ground. We were pissed off and it wasn’t a warm night. We sat back to back all night until first light.

In the morning we walked (and not for long) until we stumbled out of the woods and onto the road we parked on. We could see the car about a km down the rd. We drove home and got roasted by our parents.

And The kicker… the crop got stolen before harvest :rofl:


Haha reminds me when me and a few buddies got lost in the monashees at dusk. Couldnt find the right valley to get out of. Bikes started running out of fuel. Long night in the woods. Was not fun


If you plant in the bush and those fucking hunters find it they steal it of just rip it out of the ground and mash it in the dig.


Trimmed Space Monkey Harvested day 58

Trimmed Black Triangle Harvested day 58


Those look great. I can’t wait for my space monkey. It’s Awesome she finishes in 60 days. That BlueComa must be close now.


I cut the Blue Coma last night she looks as done as she’ll get it would be day 65 for her. The Blue Coma cuts root really fast and acted like they didn’t know they were cut they almost doubled in size while rooting.


Yeah she’s amazing for that. It’s become on of my favourite strains to work with. Very resilient. You can treat her bad and she just doesn’t care. The smoke is also some of my favourite. Really balanced and absolutely delicious.


refresh my memory please - what is that Blue Coma ??


Blue Coma is a Sativa dominant hybrid strain with it’s only known parent to be Crystal Coma; a strain best known for dealing with sleep and anxiety disorders and a 2014 3rd place Cannabis Cup winner in L.A. It originates from Afghanistan and Mexico and has a fruity taste with a spicy, earthy, sour, piney aroma
Blue Coma is a Very rare Sativa-dominant hybrid from the Fraser Valley in British Columbia. Grown by the father and son duo at Zero Ave., Blue Coma’s genetics are a secret… a secret worth keeping you will see once you try this strain.

Blue Coma induces deep, trance-like effects. Its name… “Coma”… foreshadows the debilitating relaxation to come, a long-lasting calm that shuts off mental over-activity. Perfect if you need some downtime or if you are planning on having some relaxation station moments at home. Where is your favourite place to just sit back and relax?

Also, anxiety, PTSD, pain, and sleeplessness are no match for Blue Coma’s potency, a medicine that is highly recommended for nighttime use.

Pastel green breaks through this sativa’s thick blanket of crystal trichomes that contributes to its staggeringly high THC content of up to 26 percent. The smell will remind you of sweetness with a mix of lemon and other citrus fruits. This guy will stink up your room so please be aware of this.

The consistency with every batch is astonishing but we guess that comes with decades of growing practice.

Effects: Happy, Uplifted, Euphoric, Focused

Medical: Stress, Depression, Pain, Headaches

THC: 26%