50States Random plant photos

These stories about all the cops, copters, rippers, etc. I had no idea the cops looked hard for grows like that in corn country. Whereabouts are you talking that they’re so ruthless looking for grows? Or is that a widespread thing across the country in the fall? Never grew outdoors so I had no idea.


You can’t believe the extremes.


Sounds absolutely delicious. Your description is everything I desire in a strain. Absolutely good shit man!


@Mongobongo how’s it going for you?


Part of the deal with recreational legalization in Michigan was more funding for enforcement. The copters almost disappeared for a few years but they sure are back around now. There has always been people looking for plants outside as long as I can remember but technology has mad it much easier. Unfortunately😢


Yep and with drones they can fly much cheaper then fueling up a chopper and paying the pilot.


Very good. Busy with all my kids home. Hope all is well with you and your family


Isnt home schooling your brats a nightmare?

I’m slowly going crazy. Usually they r allowed 2 hoursof video games a week. One on sat one on sun. Last week I gave up. They get 2 1 hour sessions a day now. Man when this is all over getting the kids back to a routine is gonna blow


In Ontario Canada that’s definitely a thing. Probably not so much now after legalization and the market just exploding…

And not just cops, I met a guy who would rent a plane every year and find crops with it. He made alot of cash doing it too. Note that I don’t agree with doing that but it is pretty damn clever, also a good way to get shot!


My buddy had his 60 legal Medical plants stolen last year they cut his though his fence and took everything and that is Southern Ontario after legalization so theft still continues.

I’ve met people that yes would rent planes and helicopters for the purpose of stealing crops, also people during high school would spend their entire summer crop hopping.


I had a guy stop over a few weeks back. He knocked on the door and showed me a picture of my house and property. He put it nicely in a frame and wanted to sell it to me for 50 bucks… sure enough you could see my plants in his picture.

I told him politely to stop taking pictures of my property during his fly overs… very strange but goes to show just how easy they can be to spot from the sky. That day I learned Just because it’s legal doesn’t mean you shouldn’t take some care in hiding your ladies, especially from above if you have a substantial sized crop.


Ya my plant got stolen from my backyard last year too. In fact most people I know who did plants outside had some taken. I think in our post legal time it’s more teenagers hopping backyards for free weed.

I wonder if anyone’s doing big cornfield type outdoor grows around here anymore? It would have to be sold really cheap, I don’t think the quality would hold up to whats out on the market now.

@Mongobongo did ya buy the picture?? Lol…a friend has a nice old farm property and one of those people came up. They bought it, and I gotta say it is pretty damn nice haha

Also my bro had a picture from the 90s of my mom sitting on his back deck with a little weed plant behind her. Not so funny now but it was freaking hilarious at the time.


Yeah my in laws experienced the knock on the door from the guy trying to sell aerial photos that he flew over and took. Pretty sure they buy them everytime but they dont have wesd on the property!


When you coming up this year, I’ve heard shit about resorts not opening.


I don’t know what I’m doing this summer yet. But I do know my morel spots deserve a visit in a week or 2!


That soon , aye.
You guys been alot warmer already, bet you can’t wait for the humidity come May


If you have a trailer I got a couple hookups.
Electric water and sewer


Ive got some spots close by and a few hours south. The South ones are just starting.

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That should be considered essential travel. Those suckers don’t just come around often enough.


You guys talking Morels? Where you at in the world. I went out yesterday and didn’t see any. I have a buddy south of me that found some last week in his flower bed. Early year isn’t it?