5x5 grow. Open discussion

I do train
I used to scrog but what a pain in the ass come chopping time.
So I just lst now
Fills in the tent pretty nice.


I used to scrog 4 but I found simply tieing them over was much quicker into flowering and less hassle.

I enjoyed it at the time and that’s what matters.


You should be able to pull at least 3 out of a 5x5 and that’s if you only get 2oz per sf, which is easily done with one plant per sf, heavy yielding strain and you’d be at 4+

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Any thoughts on these so far?


look fine to me :sunglasses:

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Have them on 24 now, gonna switch over to 18/6 for a few weeks or so before 12/12… what’s worked best to you as far as light cycles are concerned?


Have you used the autopot before,
How did it go?

First time with the autopot, but liking it thus far… not the best I’m sure, but fairly simple to use

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Highly rec a read

It will autofeed. No over underwater worries

Almost set n forget.

I prefer 23/1 from seed through the first 20 days of veg and then I transplant and switch to 18/6 for 10 days before starting 12/12, in my experience this helps to jump start flowering

DTW removes waste in the medium which is not done nearly as well with auto feed. Think using a toilet vs taking shits in your bathtub. It’ll go down the drain… sort of. DTW prevents nutrient and ph issues as you get deeper in the grow.


Quick update fam, might keep a couple of these as mothers. Also will start trimming some of the lower foliage before flower, but what’re your thoughts on trimming some of the larger fan leaves up top to get more light to the lower canopy?

Quick question, what’s your take on defoliation? I’ve been looking into schwazzing, which seems a little extreme, but I’m truly curious on the idea and when to do the defoliation. I’ve always defoliated a bit prior to moving into flower, but I’m trying to work on my craft and I’m curious on what makes sense since I had to take a break since my last grow and I feel like there’s a lot to take in lol

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Periodic defoliation of course dependent on the health of the tan leaves and plant in general, but (and this might sound stupid) similar to the HPS to LED flip as far as gold standard is concerned, I feel like there’s ample opportunity to increase health and outcomes. Yield falls in line, but quality and reproducibility is the primary concern

I am a heavy believer of pruning and defoliation. It won’t necessarily increase your overall yield but it increases what I call A nugs and gets rid of larf the B nugs, so you end up with more developed and denser nugs for an overall better quality harvest. You won’t get more bud but the same amount more or less in a better quality form. IMO there is no advantage to defol during veg. The point of defol is to increase light penetration through the canopy and down to lower buds. If you don’t have buds yet, no sense in doing it yet. I typically prune and defol after the first week of 12/12(7-8) days in and again end of week 2(14-15 days 12/12) and depending on the strain maybe another light trimming end of week 3 but that’s not always necessary. I usually have about a plastic grocery back full per 4 plants each round so it’s a good amount I take off.

I typically prune the bottom 1/3-1/2 of the plant off. I want a flowering area of 12-18” tall so that’s how I gauge what to cut off. You’ll also be able to just look and tell what nugs are going to be full and what will be larfy trash. This is old school thinking. The light can only penetrate so far through the canopy. Growing buds below that area will just be larfy garbage so vegging plants where they finish beyond 18-24” is both a waste of a time and will result in lower quality nugs vs a crop of rock solid A nugs. Unless you’re dealing with plant limits, huge plants indoors are a waste.

As far as defol I remove all the big fan leaves and more or less anything that’s growing away from the plant, they’ll fill back in in weeks 3+ of 12/12. It’s pet much just the bud sites with the small fans growing off them.

Hope that all makes sense. I tried to dig up some old pics to show you what I mean. The first part shows the same batch of plants through the defol stages and there’s some harvest photos showing how it improves the nug quality. Long time member of the No Larf Club :wink:

Pre First defol


After first defol





Post 2nd Defol


Same crop at day 40 after filling back in after 2nd defol



Post trim photos, no larf, I don’t trim it off i leave what little there may be to separate for edibles



Poor quality photo but one of the plants from the trim bin pre harvest



Thanks for all the knowledge, @Naptown916 !! Here’s an update on the babies with a few pics. Trained them over the last week or two. Going to throw them into 12/12 this week and plan for the first defoliation in a week or so. Might use the bottom branches that don’t look like they’re going to get the appropriate amount of light as clones for the next round.


Looking good! You can def use the lowers for clones. Sometimes they’re really long, just cut em in half and get two clones. Good luck with the second half.


Have you noticed a difference in the quality of clones from the original beans? I’m going to clone couple of the strong phenos for sure, but thinking about switching things up to PPB from Thugpug or Chimera from Beleaf next round.

This strain is more of a sativa dominant lemon G strain, but one of them is more bushy than the rest so I’m not sure if I’ll pull a clone off that one.

Ultimately looking to cross one of these lemons with another rockstar from Beleaf or Thugpug once I have things a little more dialed in

No difference in the quality of a clone between a lower cutting or using a different part of the plant. I got into the weed biz initially through propagation and selling clones. Back then we would grow big plants and cut them down into a 100+ clones, doesn’t matter where they come from they’ll be stellar.

I mentioned cutting a branch in half to get two clones from one branch, if you do this you’re essentially topping the lower cutting on the branch so it will automatically start growing with two tops instead of one.

Let me know if you got any other questions on the cloning :v:

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Thanks homie! I’ve got some clonex and some spray to clone some of the bottom stalks. Kinda kicking myself for not cropping the tops on these ladies… was able to train a bit and defoliate some of the fan leaves, so I’m not overly worried ab light getting to the plant. Just want them to work as efficiently as possible in flower

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For efficiency just maintain ph and ppm and you’ll be all set. Just my opinion but those are the two most important parts of getting some real primo bud. Your plants looked great though you’re set up well for success. Excited to see how your plants turn out.

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