5x5 grow. Open discussion

Appreciate the feedback and support!! So quick question, I threw them into flower about a week ago. When do you typically make your determination on sex? No clear defined pistols or pollen sacs. Keeping a watchful eye, but have some traveling coming up next week and worried about letting them go too long…

Do you have any pictures of the nodes?

Absolutely, I’ll post individually. Here’s the first baby

Can you get a better picture of this?

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Absolutely, give me a sec and I’ll get that for you

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You won’t be getting it for me, I’m terrible at sexing plants early. But someone who’s good at it will pop in I’m sure.

just caught this thread
I took down a divider wall in my grow space and set up a 5x5 Vivosun grow tent my brother gave me last summer.
What LED lights are you guys flowering with in the 5x5
The tent came with a spider farmer sf4000 but I dunno if that is gonna cut it.
The alternative would be a horiontal 1000w HPS or instead I could run 2 x 400w HPS horizontal…
I also need to figure out fans to move the air around.
I have exhaust/intake/climate controls
Was going to go with 9 plants in #5T pots which are technically a 3 gallon but I might try and stuff a dozen in there
Last time I grew in a tent I converted a 6x6 , 4 man 0’celcius Ice fishing tent into a 1000W grow space. Worked awesome

anyhow , good thread , gonna follow along.

Hopefully this is better. Have a suspicion it’s a male, but also in denial lol


that is definately a male

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Kind of what I was feeling. Sad because it was one of the better phenos

Thoughts on this one?

Zero need to rush it. It’s very obvious when the pistils show up and once you see those it’s very easy to compare and tell the difference. Usually by day 10-14 of 12/12 you’ll have obvious pistil growth and you won’t have pollination or seed issues until day 21+ at least

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So should I not pull any of them just yet?

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I’d wait until it’s definitive.

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Agreed you’ll know when it’s time. This is Northern Diesel I just switched over. It’s on day 7 of 12/12 and you can clearly see pistils and not just on this node but multiple nodes so it’s a duh lady. Just wait till it’s plain to see on your end.

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Thanks everyone! @SHSC-1 had me a little worried so I culled that one, but I had a suspicion that one may be male based on the other characteristics relative to the other 4… I’m going to let the others go another week or so. Always stress out over sexing as I waited too long in the past and pollinated a few girls unintentionally. Until the wifey lets me put up my other tent I’m trying to stick to females and no crossing fro the moment