Beam me up, BOG! (Sour Grape)

I bought these seeds about 2 years ago give or take, it was the last pack SHN had. I’ve held them near and dear to my heart, but at last, their time has come.

I’ve taken a long break from growing since the failure of the Garland f2 v1’s. But @Heliosphear has inspired me to come back and grow these babies. The pack had 13 seeds, all 13 are getting popped.

I’ll be using my same old setup, but now that I’m in a better financial position, I’ll be able to upgrade as we go.

This is gonna be an interesting ride…


uhiii thats gone be nice !!! so i`m in (takes chair and sit down)!

ps : good luck!!! :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover: :four_leaf_clover:


I’m gonna need all the luck I can get brother, all the tools in the ole tool shed are rusty. Let’s just hope I can make it to harvest :crossed_fingers:


Sweet! Excited to follow along on this, good luck!

I just caught up on your Garland thread, shit happens and you learn from it and move on.


Good to see you back in the saddle! This will be a great run!


Along for the ride. Will you be making any seeds or just doing a flower run?


I’ll leave the seed making to those more experienced, this is just a flower run. The plan as always is to clone it all and cull as needed. All I have are these 13 seeds, surely one is bound to be a keeper. And if so, I’m sure I can work something out with other OG’s. Maybe make some fems? Who knows, we’ll see, it’s far too early to make plans lol


I’ve got a pack of sour grape in the vault i plan on preserving (maybe early next year). So if anything, i can hook you up with some more beans.

Is this your first time growing bogs gear?


That’s mighty kind of you, and yes this is my first time. I have some Sour Bubble beans from @DougDawson when he did his seed run but I’ve been eyeing this Sour Grape. I’m a sucker for grape as long as it actually tastes like grape/grape candy. That’s what I’m looking for, FLAVOR! Lol


Knowing how bog put in the work to make his creations, there will definitely be some flavorful smoke and lovely terps in a single pack. You’ve got plenty of help on here with bogs work between myself @DougDawson @buckaroobonsai @Heliosphear @Mithridate.

Don’t hesitate to reach out if you have any questions/concerns


Any pointers on nutrition or light intensity?

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Nice! I’m not gonna pull up a chair, but just gonna sit cross legged over in the corner, smoking a joint, listening to Black Sabbath on the headphones… and watching the BOG grow :sunglasses:


Good luck with your grow! :four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover::four_leaf_clover:, thanks for the tag @Cyr_grow :sunglasses:


Hope you have a good grow this time around! :peace_symbol: :sunglasses:

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Nice choice @GrowTheAtlas , should be some fire hidden in there just waiting to come out. Best of luck with your grow. :v:


This is great and your going to do awesome… thanks for sharing this with us @GrowTheAtlas


Love seeing a good BOG grow! I’m sure you’ll find some fire in those


I run in a no till bed. So my feeding will be completely different from yours. Week 3 of veg you should start light feeding npk and weekly light/medium feedings until you transplant. First few weeks of flower should be heavy n/k with some calmag, micro nutrients and some p in there. Week 5 flower kill the nitrogen and keep feeding p/k calmag and micros

As far as light intensity, just keep it the same as your other grows. Led lights will have plants eating more, so just watch out for that


I’ll be trying coco for the first time with this run, specifically 50/50 coco perlite as advised from @vernal he’s always a helpful dude. He said it’s as close to a neutral medium as I can get so fixing Ph issues would be easy


will you be hand watering or using some kind of automation ? and what size final pots are you shooting for … here for the show!