6 years of OverGrow Anniversary Party $500 in prizes! A pot for pot Medium grow kit winner announced Sat. July 30th 2022

Thanks @highminwin! I see the cool beans with great genes flying every which way here, I gotta say the overall attitude of generosity and consideration here is inspiring!


one last throw down
These are downright killer beans that I have shared with no one but my brother and nephew.
OGKB 2.0 x (Scoutbreath x biker kush v1f3)
I think those genetics speak for themselves hehehe

1 pack of 12 to the first OG “who has not yet claimed a prize” who calls first dibs
again :canada: or :us: works better for me

I’ll be in touch with all winners by tomorrow. Gonna do a post office run wednesday

Again Happy Canada Day and Happy July4rth weekend , hope ya’all feasted as good as I did and spent some time with friends and family… Cheers!


Dibs and some edit darn

Nice cross!

Dibs on those please!
Edit: oop too slow!


I haven’t won anything from you. First dibs lol

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@lophophora.ca you won those from @SHSC-1 if you haven’t one on a dibs… just letting u know :wink:

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Nah, I’m a terrible grower. Let someone else do them justice


i think @roosterhash dibsed them after you.

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It was lophophora then rooster. I was first lol…

1 pack of 12 to the first OG “who has not yet claimed a prize” who calls first dibs

@lophophora.ca didn’t dibs. that means @roosterhash is next.

They edited their post shortly after.

Just saying. :smiley:

my bad. :crazy_face: didnt see that

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No problem :blush:

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That could definitely be doable. :+1:
Thanks. :slight_smile:


Oh yeah, I saw that thread and started watching a couple of days back. Thanks for the heads up though. :slight_smile:
I was looking for a VB grow to build knowledge before I start my bud run. I’m only looking to grow one female out but who knows if one of the males looks stellar.

Happy 4th my friend @Hemp! I hope the knees are feeling some better. :pray:


Overgrow the World!

puff puff pass


I think it would be nice to let @roosterhash have them, to show the welcome spirit, especially if they haven’t won anything yet. If @SHSC-1 doesn’t choose them, they can have my pack that I won on dibs.

Overgrow the World!


Overgrow the world!!! :muscle::muscle: