600 Nanometers, Looking for some medicinal Orange suggestions

Gonna be like Florida up in there! Awesome picks!

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As others have said, Jilly Bean has my heart when it comes to Orange.

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I grew out one single Jilly Bean S1 girl and she smelled exactly nothing like orange! :crazy_face: I’d say I got a mango/candy result. Really nice though, my wife cannot believe that the scent is from cannabis in any form. Smells like literal sugar candy mango.


Now I totally realize I’ll need to sift through a few more girls to find my match; just wanted to report the news on sample size 1 over here.

@Longtooth Orange Punch x Mimosa was quite a ride!! She ended up throwing a single oddball pollen sack on the lowest node of one branch and pollinated my entire operation LOL. I’m just mad I missed it developing…

…but she was/is exceedingly ORANGE

Bang on the best orange I’ve ever smelled on fresh flower. I don’t want to sensationalize it but it’s crazy how intense it is, like it opened a new door to what’s possible in terms of this plant’s ability to mimic an odor.

Now I have hundreds of seeds of Orange Punch x Mimosa (Trans Dad) x Jilly Bean S1 (Mom). Drying them now, will pop them to see if anything comes of this.

Any reason they might not be viable?

Any tips on working with fresh seeds in terms of protocol to dry/fridge for near-term germination?

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I am actually planning on trying this combination and have started. Would love to know how the offspring turn out. - absolutely no reason they shouldn’t be viable although they will likely be prone to hermie themselves.

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