600 Nanometers, Looking for some medicinal Orange suggestions

Hi all, hope everything is going well with you! I seem to be drawn to an orange/tangerine flavor, and have mentioned elsewhere here that I fell in love with Mycotek’s Orange Chemeleon (Tangie x Thank You Jerry). There’s this gravity towards it. Really cool fascination. A popular dispensary hidden pearl… grabbed an 1/8th of what turned out to be surprisingly seeded flower, and just for the sake of science a bean was popped. Stunning, everything. Structure, aroma, stem rub, everything wet with orange tangerine oiliness. The smoke is thick, like that flavor is somehow viscous and coating. I could go on and on LOL. It also seems to (just let me believe it) have quite a nice adjacent-to-euphoria lean to it but pretty purely productive and up.

Ok long story short, that cut is a complete bitch indoors. She just seems to hate life and gets weird on me, and she hermies really easily.

I think I might see how a run of MMS PuTang does, despite what I read when I search for “MMS PuTang”. Generally I’m left feeling like those that have run it do actually keep it around. I also however like the provenance of my selects and this one via MMS just unfortunately feels less than perfect? Edit, for sake of fairless I don’t know a darn thing about the breeder other than what I generally take away from various forum posts. Sentiment could be better is all.

So reaching out to see if OG has any suggestions for where to hunt down a thick juicy orange sativa up with maybe a medicinal SSRI / “euphoric” though that word is too heavy… just like anti-aliased, less jagged edges when displayed in quantum spacetime.

Thank you!


JillyBean from Mz Jill I would suggest.
Mel’s Orange from Melvanectics if you can find that as her Buckeye Purple is a medicinal strain. I may have a cross of it I’ll check.
Orange Herijuana and Sour Tsunami ( not so much orange but an awesome CBD rich strain.)

I think Useful Seeds did a bag of orange strain line too if I can recall.
Mimosa ain’t too shabby either not much CBD but damn tasty

I love Tangie too makes a great dad.
Happy hunting and I’ll keep my eyes peeled. :tangerine:

Kinda special one here but never impossible. Got five in here. Grabbed these from her before she retired. I do miss her. Great person and true OG.


TGA Agent Orange :sunglasses: :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :fire: :100: if you grow her right, tastes like a bag of oranges went off in your mouth


Yup I ve got that one in a cross with Minion City Diesel. One of Jill’s strains.
As well it’s part of JillyBean. The ignorant around Colorado renamed it as they weren’t aware she named it in honor of her father. It’s a great strain


Tangie is where it’s at! So this is great, I’ve decided on some TGA beans my friend, thank you for the tip!! But I’m torn between Jilly Bean and…

…Agent Orange, I just can’t decide!! I like the aphrodisiac claim on Mz. Jillz site regarding Jilly Bean :hear_no_evil: …I’m willing to believe it! I’d like to run 4 fem seeds and skip the sexing dance this round, fill a 5x5. I should probably do both!!

So you say if it’s grown right, and I get the jist but anything in particular these strains need more/less of, any tips on nutrient front? I’ll be growing w/ soiless salts but amended quite heavily with Si, microbes, LABS (B vits, aminos).


I’m also a super big fan of citrus terps! Tangie being my favorite and my favorite crosses being Sour Tangie and Rattlesnake Tangie. I’ve heard great things about PuTang but that only the green pheno leans towards heavy citrus terps. Bodhi’s Blood Orange is supposed to be great too.


When I say grown right for taste, like the bag of oranges explodes in your mouth, I’m just referring to standard cues when it comes to flushing, especially if using salts. Good luck it’s a :fire: strain :metal: :metal: :metal: :metal: :sunglasses: :peace_symbol:


Barney’s Farm - Mimosa EVO x Orange Punch. So tasty. Citrus Orange flavor permeates the smoke. I swear it even survives decarboxylation and you can taste it in extracts and edibles….


You’d have to ask Jill as both of those I stink she made. With all the salts the place I worked at in commercial indoor that had JB she can take plenty I would think. It’s been around for a while for a reason. I do remember growing her that first time early on in my garden. Good stuff. I grew Agent Orange there as well now named Citrus Funk by the Chad’s in Colorado.

I ve got some Black Cherry JillyBean seeds soaking ATM but will go more organic box stuff like Down to Earth and soil.

Whichever route you go you’ll bE good. :smiley:

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This caught my eye because I came upon the Bodhi seed run co-op thread earlier and wondered how I could get in on some beans from it all this time later. Like after a seed run, do a number of people just preserve the seeds? I’m trying to understand how that all works!

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Aw yeah enjoy the grow! I grow organic outdoors and sci-fi indoors :slight_smile: Can’t go wrong any which way so long as we don’t trip on each others mindsets and preferences!

This was true of Orange Chemeleon as well. It was just so thick and I’ve never experienced that… almost like an oily/coating citrus orange vape juice hit. I think I’m looking for that too, on top of the flavor. That cut set the bar high and we lost her :frowning:… grew another OC seed out to flower and it’s maybe 1/2 of the experience, though the plant was super beautiful.

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Gotcha, thank you. I always wonder if flushing is more an osmotic pressure thing, or a drop in a macro (or all macros) to provide additional hormone signaling of “this is the end” type metabolism… humans call it “shock” when it happens to them. Maybe both? Maybe the osmotic changes are actually not net positive BUT the metabolism changes due to sudden drop in NPK or other nutrient are so significant that this system is indeed net positive on flavor. Oils protect seeds from the outside world right? Lack of food would be present in late season outdoors as well, where temp drops enzyme rates, microbial action is dialed down, metabolism is overall as we know “degree-day” synced (growth = temp x time limited by CO2 and nutrient availability). It would be like a lockout of nutrients while allowing for water to still transpire (natural flush) but it would occur over a month or so (like Harley Smith’s RAW line attempt to mimick).

Lot’s of thoughts.

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MassMedical has great genetics have grown about 9 of his strains ALL were very good - PuTang was a cup winner a few years ago – MMS has also a few more cup winners with Anphalix (mis-spelled) being the latest (about 1 yr ago) what about “Bag of Oranges” by Usefull seeds ?

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HBK Orange Verde. I have a cut that I got off a bagseed plant a buddy had. I’m thinking about keeping it for a while. Starts off smelling like Tangie when growing, but after a cure the jar smells like orange juice without the astringency. Tastes leans towards orange peel. I really like this one. Also have some Tangie x Ghost Train Haze from RD to check out at some point

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I run in coco/peat/perlite I do a lot of micro flushing. I will just add some sledgehammer and molasses to a microdose of nutes and keep my microbe and kelp me kelp you and cal mag at full strength in order to flush but preserve my microbe build up in my medium.

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check out this product for your sugars : FOOP Sweetner ( has 5 organic sugars in it) have used this with great sucess - man it really sweet-in’s the taste 1 gallon ($59.99) expensive BUT worth in !!! (organic biosciences)

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Wanted to update you and thank you for the tip, I just picked up some Jilly Bean and can’t wait to run it after PuTang.

I couldn’t resist and then accidentally picked up some of Barney’s Mimosa EVO, which is of course a bit different than your link. I got confused between the two pages I had up! :woozy_face: All the same I’m still stoked to run this!

This grabs my attention! The greatest nod is a cut that sticks around for multiple runs. Well I’ll keep you updated on my adventures w/ Orange Chemeleon, PuTang, Jilly Bean, and Mimosa EVO. The winner get’s a mom tent for a few years.

Edit, I’m still very much open to suggestions!


It’s a good choice. Perhaps not as “orange” flavored as the cross with Orange Punch, but still really good IMO. The citrus is there and it’s a friendly grow. -One of my favorites for sure!

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@Longtooth Black friday struck and I grabbed some decent sales, to include Mimosa x Orange Punch. Here’s my current Inventory de Naranja:

  • Orange Chemeleon (Mycotek)
  • PuTang (MMS)
  • Jilly Bean (MzJill)
  • Tangerine Dream (Barney’s Farm)
  • Orange Sherbert (Barney’s Farm)
  • Mimosa x Orange Punch (Barney’s Farm)
  • Mimosa EVO (Barney’s Farm)
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