70 seeds - industrial cannabis in wv, as noted by myself

yeah, but they haven’t finished screwing with them in oh yet. i almost got the job for facility manager in evans for hillfire.


just sent off the money for the growing license. i like the way they did that, charged $100 for the application fee - refundable if you get denied - then $100 for the license to grow, plus $10 per acre, and $500 for processing. i just sent the $10 in for the license so that i can get some seeds started on 1 jan.

now a smart guy would have his buddy that just finished a grow pop a few to grow out for a few weeks to sex and then clone on 1 jan…but i don’t want to break any rules and push anything.

i think i’m down to just growing one strain at a time indoors since i want to make seeds. it’s gonna be hard enough keeping everything clean with an acre of hemp open pollinating right outside the building. at least i won’t have that worry all the time.


big day for me…got the license! legal to grow. i cannot wait until planting season.


Outta likes but I gotta a big <3 for this one brother congrats!

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Congrats again on the new license.
Good luck on the first big harvest!

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Yeah dude!! :sparkles:official:sparkles:

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just sent off the notification to the sheriff and state police. yep, as of right now i can legally grow pot in wv, industrial pot. thanx to some of you guys here i’ve got a line on some good non-thc seeds that i plan on breeding with some i got here. maybe see how much thcv and cbg i can get at the same time to start with.


notice the name of the company, also the thread…you’ll have a chance to grow some yourself, i guarantee it. had it not been for the generosity of the vets giveaway last year i would not have been motivated to do this.


I can not find anything but an OG post when I do a google search.

70 seeds - industrial cannabis

Are you able to provide a link, you know I like to support the little guy as well as vets and good people in general. :sunglasses:

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not yet, but the name is 70 seeds. i won’t have anything to sell for a few years. i’ll be giving seeds away long before that though, just nothing i could charge money for. it takes a while to stabilize seeds from what i understand. but i’ll have lots of seeds, way more than i could ever grow and love to share.


I see my error now… that is going to be you when you get going…how awesome. :partying_face:

Good luck on the big adventure. :cowboy_hat_face:

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if i ever get up to my friend’s house i’ll have a chat with ya offline while we burn one. if i get the contract to run fiber in the mall like i think i will i’ll be up in the summer for sure.

That’s awesome @sfzombie13! I’ll definitely stay posted and await that seed production sales!

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giveaways. they’ll be first. gotta develop and stabilize before selling. thanx.

Outta likes but amazing brother! The community will thank you tenfold

Sound like fun…hit me up for sure.
Funny thing about you doing work market…
I used to do simple tech stuff in the malls for them several years ago.
Good luck getting the contract brother, sounds like some good cash for ya. :money_mouth_face:

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yeah, this is just straight through me and the mall. no workmarket crap here. i hate that site but it pays pretty good. i had a good contract where i was getting paid $40 to sit in my jammies and play video games as a network engineer that made me soft. 3 yrs on a 1 yr contract. i milked that one.


ok, now for the part we’ve all been waiting for! popping seeds!

panama red, temple flo, and yet to be determined one each of a cbg and a thcv strain. first cross will be thcv to temple flo and cbg to panama red.

edit: gonna try to go find the dms so i can give credit where it’s due for the seeds.

edit: 231205


i’m not having any luck figuring out who traded for what so if these are your seeds and you want credit for them take it. i don’t like to keep things like that recorded, even though right now it’s all 100% legit and legal and i even have a license to grow it. throwback from all those years of oppression. anyway, back to the grow. i cannot wait to start chucking pollen and then growing out the crosses to get them tested.


The Temple Flo are probably from @Kavman’s co-op. Dunno if you got them directly from the co-op or traded for them, but they’ve been going around recently.