70 seeds - industrial cannabis in wv, as noted by myself

@FieldEffect for the panama red and @buckaroobonsai for the temple flo. i could have went to the threads first and done that from the beginning.


Congrats :tada: Hope everything goes great for you. Iā€™d billboard the field with a ā€œThis is hemp, will NOT get you highā€ , keep the fentanyl ferrets outta it allā€‹:joy::seedling:


yeah, it will have to be well posted and word given out around town. i think that will work better than signs. after that first few headaches it should stop. i just hope anyone growing outside within a five mile radius doesnā€™t get pissed when their crop ends up seeded.

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hard to see in the pictures 2d picture, but i just got a 100% germ rate in less than 48 hours!

all i did was take them out of storage (in the coinflip they came in inside of a ziplock with a package of desiccant stored in the bottom drawer of the fridge) and let them warm up for a couple of hours, then toss them in a glass of distilled water and put them in the cabinet with the other door cracked for heat. i think it was about 6 0r 7 pm 2 days ago when i did that and posted the pics. 2.15pm on the 2d day they all had popped. i hope this is a good sign.

edit: 231207


I heard-know on the river harpers valley that they had a hemp seed factory that got supposedly wiped out and all the seeds were washed down river a buddy took me back in highschool and I was Blown away 15 ft tall plants with 2-3 ft colas alot weā€™re pink pistols and we took some and it wasnā€™t very good but you could drop one one gravel and it would sprout and take off. Was wondering if you or anyone had any Info on it I have a idea where it is but Itā€™s been 20 years ago. Im going to see if thereā€™s anything on the internet about it.


if you find itā€™ iā€™ll drive up and see if i can get some seeds or cuttings. iā€™ve got a license and i can do that. pretty cool.


My cousin lives there in going to get him to ask around also to some of the locals thatā€™s been there for awhile. Iā€™ll definitely keep you updated


time to put them in dirt. it took a while for them to get long and had me scared for a bit. then i felt the water and as cold as it was iā€™m lucky they survived, let alone got ready to plant. anyway, they did, so i went out to the farm and got some nice looking dirt and am baking it now at 350* f for 30 minutes after deworming it. i got most of the vegetation out, but itā€™s cool. then off to the cups they go to get tall enough to clone and sex them.

edit: 231211


looks like tf5 and pr4 are going to start poking up first.

edit: 231212


four days in and it looks like i have 10 out of 12, pr6 and tf4 didnā€™t make it. pr6 came up and stopped and tr4 didnā€™t come up at all. not gonna rule them out just yet though. i think this is from yesterday morning, 15 dec.



as of 22 dec i have 11 of 12 up with most of them looking funny, stretching in weird ways. had i not uprooted one when attempting to pull the shell off of it it would have been a perfect 12 out of 12 100% success rate. iā€™ll take what iā€™ve got though, next time leave them alone and let nature do itā€™s job. out of the 11, 2 are growing straight. i had thought i watered too much so am letting them dry a bit but if anyone knows why they are doing this iā€™d be thrilled to know. right now they are under a straight up fluorescent light, 2ft with two bulbs about a foot over them in the closet. i just need to get them old enough to take two clones off of all of them and then flip to see what they are. iā€™ve done this before under these kind of lights but itā€™s been 20 years.

231224 pic from 231222.

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They arenā€™t getting enough light. You can either lower the light you have or try something more powerful. When you transplant them just plant deeper in the next container and everything will recover fine


thanx for that. iā€™ll lower it and if that doesnā€™t work iā€™ll put the led on it and adjust as needed.


@Jgood my research thesis as a grad student was working with industrial hemp (fiber, seed, cannabinoid) and I may or may not have consistently thrown hemp seed from the truck along a 200 mile route in the Midwestā€¦


They look fine but they could use some strengthening of their stems. Some light air circulation should do the trick


they seem to like the new light but i didnā€™t add a fan yet. that is later. iā€™m not going to transplant them, just get them big enough to clone then flip. sadly these are not going to make it themselves, but are giving themselves to the greater glory of the program. i may straighten them up some when i move them to the farm, but the electricity isnā€™t turned on until the 3d of jan. i may just put them under more light and spread them out and let nature take its course.



i need to get these out of this closet and start taking care of them. iā€™ve got 300 leds on the way to make some lights with and the electricity is getting turned on tomorrow. i can get out and have the building wired and ready for the lights but i need to get some heat out there also before i bring plants out. the light i do have obviously isnā€™t doing the trick along with my non-feeding. from what i know it looks like a manganese and/or zinc deficiency. not to mention they are all trying to congregate in one place it seems.



now that iā€™m actually acting like i care i made a couple of adjustments. getting some food tomorrow.

edit: 240101


and that was too much light. they rebounded nicely after moving it up and putting a fan in there, well, most of them have so far. i fear iā€™ve killed another two of them though.


Congratulations and best of luck on your endeavor @sfzombie13!

-Grouchy :v: :green_heart: