70 seeds - industrial cannabis in wv, as noted by myself

There are a lot of options now besides European or Chinese varieties. We have some great varieties in the USA now. Even something basic like cherry wine would not run hot for you. If you just buy a few different CBD varieties and make some seeds you would be way ahead for next year. I recommend you talk to After Thought Autos about his hemp collection. He has some very good advice about information about many different kinds of hemp

fiber is what i was planning on growing. iā€™m talking pounds of seeds, not dozens. iā€™ve searched for hours and all i can find in the us are expensive as hell and sold in 12 and 25 packs. iā€™m making paper with the hemp. i need at least a pound, preferably the luca or futura, but there is another one i heard of i think called liberty. i need to look some more, maybe have larry look for me.

the only reason i want those is from the small amount of research i have done and the few folks i talked to. apparently the chinese varieties are the ones that go hot, but not all of them. the french ones are the ones with the guarantee and you have to be an importer and iā€™m not. i found an importer but he ghosted me for some reason. i got real busy and actually welcome the break from the farm to get this house torn down. i pick the damnest projects sometimes.

You should check out hempseedsusa.com Varied types, prices are SUPER REASONABLE, in my opinion. Iā€™ll include MOST of their Selections in a PLANNED HEMP SEED GIVEAWAY. Good Luck in your efforts, SS/BWā€¦mister :honeybee: :100: :pray: :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Couldnā€™t you buy a few small packs of some good fiber varieties and make more seeds for next year? Then you wouldnā€™t have to buy any and you would have tons of seeds.

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Thatā€™s true and they are almost all hermaphroditic for the most part. Thatā€™s definitely why you have to be careful with Chinese hemp

you could but thatā€™s the main way they go hot. just takes one dude growing a plant that donā€™t catch the males quick enough and i lose a whole crop of hemp next year. also the terms of sale on the one website specifically prohibit breeding with them. like they could stop me, hell the name of the company implies i breed, just not hemp.

i will, thanx for the link.

looks like the chinese varieties. thanx anyway.

Missed this a million years ago - after many years of smoking weed, little by little, it started to spin me up instead of chill me out, more and more over the years, til i almost just quit. Ive reasoned it was due to the big push toward selective breeding over time to boost THC at the expense of everything else the plant has to offer. Just didnā€™t agree with what i was in it for.

Started mixing cbd buds in with stuff that used to mess with my head, and it allowed me to enjoy the power of that THC bud through a CBD modulation, each profile playing off the other. Back to enjoying the high life. :v::sunglasses:

Straight CBD bud vapor / smoke can be amazing on its own too though for things like anxiety / tension (for me personally).