70 seeds - industrial cannabis in wv, as noted by myself

thanx man, i’ll damned sure need it.

they’re starting to take off now that i’ve paid proper attention to them. it kinda looks like they want to trade places for some reason.



looks like it’s just about time to flip them. i think i want to take two clones from each of them but have to see what happens when i get the room set up and the light built. getting 100 of the wrong led was a minor setback but at least the ones i didn’t get were the cheap ones so another $20 got 100 but i have to wait on them. i’m gonna get a power supply from the farm today and start on the lights leaving out that one color just to test them to see if it’s gonna be viable. anyway, look like i’ve only killed three since they sprouted.



talk about a pain. i figured that keeping cost down was priority but i needed a flower chamber so i can flip them. i just happened to grab the box the new water heater came in from my mother in law about a year ago and cut it down to fit, then lined it with aluminum foil. now we’ll see what we’re dealing with in a few days and time to clone some. looks like i only killed one.



well, four days into flower and the lights didn’t go on today. i hope like hell that doesn’t screw them up. i swear it looks like i’ve got all females too. any other time that would be a good thing but i want to breed and now i may have to turn some females and make feminized seeds. i didn’t really want to do that, hadn’t given it much though actually, but would it hurt anything? i mean not having male genetics in the breeding stock.

edit: 240117

looks like i’ve got some females, the first pic is almost certainly one from my experience, but the second pic looks funny. any ideas besides get a better pic?


looks like i got a few females and at least two males. some are hard for me to tell.


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most of them showing, seems i have a few girls and at least three males, sadly none of the flo are male as of yet. i also think i messed up and made it harder to clone. anyway, here are the progress shots.

@greenmonster714 what do you think? i was planning on taking some clones and then putting them in the grow room in about two weeks.


At this point aren’t they pollinated? If your goal is clones I’d repot n throw them in the grow room with good light. Take some clones from lower growth when she grows a little. You can take clones anytime in flower.

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i was trying to get away with not repotting. in two weeks i should have a grow room available but for now it’s this half-assed cabinet. but if that’s what i have to do, so be it. i just started them on nutes last week. it took almost two months to use up what was in the dirt. ph is probably a little high in the water also as i have yet to check it. i was trying to just get them up and flip them to sex them. never done that before but heard of it. i guess you have to put in a little effort anyway.

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I’ve got a bunch of regular seed I’ll probably grow out next winter. They take a little more work and time but finding females is fun.
You can start seed 12/12. I’ve done it before to identify males but as soon as they all showed sex I return them to veg light schedule. Some veg them large enough to take clones and root them under 12/12 to find males.
I’m sure there are other ways folks do it but that’s my approach.

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these took almost two weeks to show about half of them, but two of the males showed up quick. they got re-potted and put into a tent with a brighter light sunday so they should be ready to clone about the same time i get the farm ready for them. so far i think i have four males, four females and three have yet to show but i suspect females.

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How so??? I m growing some CBD ,this year .I did like the cbd I smoked back in the day . I was just curious how it helped u or if it effected u different the regular bud? I can t wait to grow Blueberry CBD this season ,heard alot of good things plus I got a few Def cbd strains I m dying to grow too…

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i saw some cbd strains for sale but there is no way in hell i will pay over $80 for four seeds. that’s partly the reason i’m doing this. i traded for some that i can start crossing things with. if you make any seeds from the blueberry cbd i’ll trade for some.

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update: it’s pretty sad over at the farm. i ended up with four that hermied after i just chopped them for clones. the clones didn’t make it because i was showing a friend how to do it but didn’t watch it myself. they’re at the farm now though, kind of set it and forget it in the field. i was gonna take some clones maybe, wasn’t sure if they would also herm or if i just stressed them way too much. i basically cut them to just a stalk left in the dirt. anyway, i’ll get pix when i get back over there.


well, it seems that i forgot the part about planting some for the animals. i guess they decided to go ahead and take their share from mine. no pix because there wasn’t anything to take a picture of but a couple of nubs. anyway, it looks like the first year of growing hemp on my farm did not end well and ended way too early. next year i’ll plant a diversion for them. get them a good garden going on the back forty to keep them away from the hemp. i was thinking that it’s easier than shooting them but i’m not so sure and miss out on a lot of meat that way.


It’s not too late this year if you get started again right now. You can buy one of those solar powered animal repellers or get some human hair from a barber and spread it around the plants. You can also use soap shavings.
Don’t let a few setbacks stop you from doing what you want to do.


i’m not, just not putting any more out for the deer this year. if i could have gotten a pound of sample hemp seeds i’d put that out, but i have a half acre for that so the deer should save me some of that. no, i’m not done by any means, just preparing better for next year.

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Sorry to hear that. All the hemp farmers are just now planting their fields. You actually had them out too early this year. June is perfect time to plant. You shouldn’t have to wait a whole year

can’t get samples of seeds. i had an importer in tn that said to hit him up at end of march/early april but he ghosted me. no that hemp i had out was perfectly timed. one strain was a sativa that needs at least 19 weeks to finish. i’ve got some friends who grow hemp and need to talk to them about getting some samples. unless you know anyone i can get some luca 76 and futura 83. i need to get a half pound of each to see which one grows best on my farm. staying away from that chinese stuff, i heard that’s what goes hot sometimes. the french stuff is guaranteed not to be hot.