8 years of OverGrow sign up to be a sponsor, cannabis seed, veg or flower seed and or prize provider

I am down to donate seeds to the cause. I have plenty of those PNWHPxPuck f2’s and I am sure other fun crosses I made. Thanks for the mention @Heliosphear.


Sounds good - have many regs’ - 10yrs old + (like Hammerhead) and many one seed packs of Fem seeds

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Welcome to OG, @roosterindread! You may want to introduce yourself here. Very exciting to have you join our merry little band of stoner growers! Pot leaf hopper


I may be new but would love the chance to grow more and show my support in this community! I pledge to donate some Copa Genetics seeds I have a surplus of. That breeder has my utmost respect and wish to spread their work more.

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I was right, it’s a GRAV. I took it out of its original packaging for the first time to take this picture. It will come in said original packaging.


@mota WOW!!! That is my dream stream roller! :smiley: Helluva Prize!

@CARE_giver @DougDawson @CADMAN @roosterindread Welcome to OverGrow! @Radicle_Reefer @hawkman @JonPott invited Backstage.

Shout out to @Wizdom i can see by the board you busy doing your thing, just letting you know were gonna do it again.

36 OG’s have signed up to be a part of the 8 years of OverGrow Anniversary Celebration. Will you be next? :sunglasses:

Have a fantastic day.


@Heliosphear I’d like to donate.


Here are some other items I’d like to donate. Some of it may be a bit silly. Everything is brand new, in it’s original packaging (if there was any originally).

This is a smell proof bag. Don’t know if it works, never had a need to use it. It’s about five and three quarters inches by six and one quarter inches. The zipper locks. HA! I’m not sure I have the key. I’ll try to find it, but no promises.

This is pure swag, giveaways by a concentrate company. As you can see, there are five pins, two being doubles, each has its own little velveteen swag bag. The set will come in an original box.

Next up are a bunch of Puffco parts. Anyone with the appropriate pieces will know what they are.

Last but not least is this brand new and in its original packaging, G-Pen Connect Vaporizer.

That’s what I’ve got. :+1:


Update: Sticker proof

The blue sticker is the base, the full color is where they do 4 passes to build up the embossed part.


Very neat & clean :slightly_smiling_face:

I’ll donate to the cause @Heliosphear, got a shitload of cool fast flowering crosses I just harvested. I can do a couple hundred beans. Very cool


I really want to pitch in on this with some special unreleased Strawberry Hill beans
Problem is August into september is no good for me to be packaging and mailing to individual winners. If I can send them to one person for distribution in the coming weeks or when the prizes go out that would work for me.


@SHSC-1 Understood, I’m Thinking @Pigeonman could help yah out. If you don’t find someone else I will take care of them for you and send them to winners. gonna go ahead and add you backstage so we can help yah work it out.

@Orbitalnutria420 invite to backstage sent.

@globalhead Thank You, I feel that same about the sticker, no more will ever be printed (collectors item) but the logo will be made available for winners who choose a t-shirt as their prize.

Have a great Day. :sunglasses:


Awesome sticker! @Heliosphear You always come up with great designs! Hopefully we’ll be able to order that logo without winning?

I don’t want this one to be lonely.

Or these! :grin:

These big celebrations are always full of so many great OG memories! And OG mementos to remind me to remember the great memories! :joy::crazy_face:


I can toss some packs in. Thanks for the tag


I can totally help out @SHSC-1 so long as it’s all un-tracked letters as some folks donated stamps to me and if I need more I have some spare coin to go to these good karma moves. :+1:


I would like to donate funds.


@Heliosphear when, where we posting photos for this anniversary? I think you said there will be categories and such?

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I absolutely love the tree of life shit with user names on it.
will this be available again? @Heliosphear
Or did I miss the boat on an iconic shirt?
Thanks to everyone in the background at OG that makes this the best place on earth for adults :green_heart:

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@SunGrown invite sent to back stage.

@CADMAN Current Categories are Art, Cannabis, Gardens. A enormous amount of prizes and seeds are on the list already. So I’m thinking about adding Pets, I’ll put it up for a vote backstage.

@LzBoy The tree of life will be in the logo section for this contest for prize winners of a shirt, it will also be available in the logo section for those who purchase a shirt. If purchase a shirt and want a personalized logo that will be extra… takes out calculator $20 for the shirt, $5 donation to OverGrow, personalized logo will cost a extra 0x0+00+laborX0=$0 :rofl:

Have a great weekend OG’s :sunglasses: