88g13hp seeds?

Thanks for the warning! I am sorry for your loss of money, hopefully at least nobody else will fall for this damn imposter afterwards! :confounded:

So the search for some legit seeds will continue… :thinking:

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DC Seed Exchange, Has the original 88 G13 x Hashplant seeds for sale. $60 a pack.


Someone on here may be able to get some to you. I know ndnguy was giving them out. It has been said for them to remain free.


@jimihendrix1942 thanks for the tip, is this a US shop? :slight_smile: I’m from the EU so shipping from somewhere near would be best for me.

@CocoaCoir that would be the easiest and nicest solution I guess :slight_smile: Maybe someone has reproduced some of the seeds and would offer or trade some of them? If someone does that, I’d be happy about a PM! :blush:


You may have some luck here


Thank you @CocoaCoir !
Sadly I have to make some more posts first to get the member status before I can comment in this topic because I just recently made my account here on OG. But now I have a starting point on where to ask for in the (hopefully near) future. :grinning: :blush:


I think you should specify the weed you’re looking for, first. Quite hard to answer with so much spectrum.

Oh this ok. Choose the outcross your know the most by heart, then just kill massively after a seed increase what you recognize then. The choice of the line belong only on the shortcut you want take and the “tint” wanted that this male you’re hunting will produce.


Seems pretty clear they are looking specifically for 88G13HP seeds.

There are definitely a fair amount floating around on this forum through various reproductions, and hazeman sells them, as already mentioned.

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Sensi still sell it in this case.

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Thank you both @Pleiochasium and @Fuel . :slight_smile: Pleiochasium got it right, I’m im search of the 88G13HP in the best case, but I would also be happy with another indica-heavy G13 cross that’s close to the original G13, e.g. a Skunk or maybe a NL cross.

If someone on the forum has some and is open for a give away or trade, I’d be happy for any hint!

Thanks also for the tips fuel, I’ll think about that when I get to do a seed increase, pheno hunt qnd then do the selection work (given that I’m able to score some seeds before :sweat_smile: )

Ok I’ll take a look at Sensi then, didn’t know that they had a 88G13HP in their collection. :hushed: but I heard that many classic strains from Sensi are nowhere near what they used to be since a few years… I mean it’s clear that strains will vary and evolve when they’re reproduced by seed over decades, but in my opinion it’s no cool move to sell a variety that’s not even close to the original , when at the same time other seedbanks are offering the same variety in its old form. Sorry for the off-topic and maybe that’s not the case with the G13. It’s just what I read in different forums from people’s recent experiences with Sensi… :thinking:


Sorry buddy but i’m lost now ^^Why all this headache to screen out an unrelated outcross, when you can have directly your males G13HP ? It’s not a critic, i try to understand the starting point. How you entered in this rabbit hole ?

Since you are in europe you can always try this


Oh all good, I think you misunderstood me pal! Maybe it’s because english is not my native language, although I’d say that I can speak it well in most of the cases, sometimes there can be difficulties in between what I want to express and what arrives on the other side of the communication… :woozy_face: Apologies for the confusion, I try to make it clearer:

I was originally in search of a 88G13HP but it seemed rather difficult in my country. My point was, I could easily and cheap get the G13 x Skunk or G13 x Afghan Skunk from Mr. Nice Shantibaba, a breeder from which I heard almost exclusively positive stuff. But with this cross, the original male was replaced, so not HP but Skunk and Afghan Skunk. I wondered if these are somewhere similar to the G13 x HP variety and if they’re worth the buy :slight_smile:

Thank you @CocoaCoir , I’ll take a look at that!


Don’t worry my English isn’t native either ^^

I understand a lot more the confusion now. 88G13HP is strictly the same (at least for me) than the G13HP, the source of both being the exact same seedbank … in EU. Without even debating about the “88” tag and the timeline that is quite a different story.


Hola Gang

I don’t see the need to buy seeds
That were always offer for free.



Hi Bare :slight_smile:

That’s good to know for sure, thanks! I’m glad to read your helpful statement before I bought anything :wink:

Can you give me a hint on who from the forum offers them? Guess I’m maybe a bit dumb, but I wasn’t able to find something recent via the search engine :slightly_frowning_face:


Are you making an offer?


And the line starts!! @Barefrog

I’m hoping it’s an offer @AppalachianBiscuits


I would like to sign in for the offer, too, if there is one @Barefrog :grinning: :slight_smile:


Indeed… this would be the first time in 3 years here I’ve actually ever seen them offered for free, if that’s what’s happening, at least on anything other than very small scale - a pack or two here or there. Lots of talk about how they’re supposed to be kept free, but they’re being kept free by a rather small group, it seems. I have some, but I bought them because I wouldn’t have gotten any otherwise, and have also heard Hazeman’s line is inbred in a different direction from the other lines out there and that I got ripped off because of it. Sign me up too if you’re actually offering them, @Barefrog. :slight_smile: