‘93 Mexican All Star testers

I am making this thread to document these F3 testers in action. I have about 2,000 seeds that I will be giving away through OG members, and donated to the community. I am doing this test run to make sure they are worth growing before I share them. So God bless, hopefully they will be a great reproduction, and worth spreading around the world. Otherwise I will have a lifetime supply of sprouts to use in my ramen.

I did a germination test of 25 and 24 germinated within 24 hours. I planted 12 and all were up by March 10th. They are growing well and I will keep everyone updated.


Awesome project! Good luck :raised_hands::tada:


Thanks buddy. I have been shown so much generosity by OG members for literally decades. I am just happy to pay it back. Hopefully it will be something worth sharing.

I was gifted this strain by user Som. It has a pretty unusual pedigree compared to most strains. It is a cross of two of the best brick weed strains that he collected and crossed together in the early 90’s, and kept frozen since then. This weed is like the movie Encino Man. A total time capsule preserved since then and only taken to F3 now.

I only got one female and one male after culling all of the runts and intersex traits. Luckily they were two beautiful plants, and hopefully they will cross well together. Ultimately the proof is in the smoke.

Here is the female, and the seeded buds I got from it. I revegged the mom and I will also grow it next to it’s offspring. We can compare the sinsemilla momma next to its offspring and see how the offspring rates up.

The smoke is fairly strong, but I really like it for being unique. It is an up, and happy sativa high, but can induce anxiety in larger quantities. It can be a bit floaty, which is a feeling I haven’t felt in a long time since dispensary weed took over the market. It smells flowery and piney. Nothing incredible, or super terpy, but pleasantly familiar. Smooth smoking and finishes in around 60 days. It has plenty of positive attributes that I hope will be passed on to the progeny.


id run some of those seed if you have any left?
nice job though for sure


Very cool project, I am glad to see more of the sativas getting run. Good luck with your hunt!

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I have a ton left. I am just keeping them because I would hate to share something that isn’t worth the time to grow, or potentially even has intersex traits.

I remember sending a message to a “breeder” on IG and he offered me ten seeds for a hundred dollars of a new cross he made. I declined and he called me shady. If you ask me it is shady to sell seeds you didn’t even test! I call myself a pollen chucker but sadly I have more integrity than many seed sellers these days. I am happy to give them to anyone who wants them, but my honest advice is let me grow them first before you potentially waste your time. They aren’t going anywhere and there is plenty for everyone.


I don’t think anyone would have any issue with you giving them untested seeds at all, as they would know what they are getting themselves into, given that you have openly stated that they are untested…Plenty of so called breeders give out untested seeds, or even sell them at a lower cost… But they are yours to do what you like with them… :sunglasses:


just let me know when your ready


Really cool project! I’ll be following along to see how it turns out :smiley:

I for one love that you’re testing them too!


I would love some when you are satisfied but in the mean time Have you talked to @lambchopedd . He has just gave out AG .


Super cool hermano. I’ve got a number of bags of brick seeds from the 90s I’ve got to try and resurrect someday, so it’s awesome that you’ve already come this far🤙 How did it compare to Oaxacan?

Definitely tuned in for this!


Those look Primos excellent quality.

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Oaxacan or Gold strains are quite different from this plant. It is not an old pure sativa, and in fact even Som (the original creator) has no idea of the genetics. Just some short flowering sativa hybrids that the Mexicans were using in the late 80’s and early 90’s. Who knows what genetics the cartels had got their hands on by then or from where. That answer is lost to time.

So it is much more of a hybrid high than a pure sativa.


This is amazing , and much respect for popping them first . I’m definitely intrigued, looks pretty awesome tbh. Definitely a dope project. Would love to pop some of those as I love the uniqueness


I have a project similar to this popping up very soon after I figure out who’s who on the right side of my tent.I had some people gift me a bunch of brickweed from the 90sVery low germ rate So far I had two Pop this week.Tiniest leaves I’ve seen in a sprout yet.That one you have with thr pretty yellow pistils is a dead ringer for my first plant I ever grew back in 95


This seem like a fun project. Personally I never had the chance to grow out brick weed seeds from back in the day. Would like to get my hands on what you got once you’re ready to pass them out.



Gotcha, and agreed, all of the brick I got from the early 90s was very sativa leaning, and I noticed as the decade wore on it became more of a hybrid, or what they called “pretendica”, likely the influence of Dutch genetics randomly mixed in throughout the decade. I still love that old red eyed, sunny day stone and hope you find some good stuff to share. :call_me_hand:


had some brick weed i use to get around 2008-09 when thats all i could find around most of it would be some indica leaning stuff but every once in awhile i would get a batch that would blow the other stuff out the water great uplifting energetic red eyed stank up to all hell once smoked could smell it a half mile up the road collected some of those seeds later ended up being the first 3 plants i grew where from those brick weed bet theres some nice stuff in those seeds


Sorry guys, I haven’t given an update because I had a bit of a setback. I had to leave my grow due to unforeseen circumstances and decided to kill the seedlings since I couldn’t be there to care for them properly. I have enough seeds that I decided to just start back from scratch and germinate a new batch.

I did ten seeds this time and got full germination. I have since culled one runt and one mutant. Leaving me with 8. These are now roughly ten days old. 3 of them have pretty excellent vigor. I also planted two seeds of Molokai Frost x Stony Balogna. Partly for diversity in my garden, but also so I can see how the AllStar compares in vigor to other strains.

Among the AllStar I have observed that about 1/3 of them are pretty vigorous, 1/3 are about average, and another 1/3 are to be culled. There is definitely vigor in there, but needs to be sorted through. I will probably ask that these be shipped in quantities of 15 instead of ten. I might pop another five or so just to see more diversity, and make sure we get to see what is available in the line. I personally do a lot of culling. I believe in using only strong genetics.

So far my honest appraisal of the F3 seeds I made is about average. It’s not insanely fast growing, but neither were the f2’s. The vigor is good enough, assuming there are no hermi traits and the resin production is up to par.

The two Hawaiian hybrids are on the right. Definitely very vigorous. The rest are Allstars within 24 hours of germination from each other.


This is a cool project, good luck!

Makes me think about all the bag seeds I’ve eaten in my life. Whoops! Granted the stuff your working with was from when I was in preschool soooo…