‘93 Mexican All Star testers

Mine are growing very slowly.Going to repot tomorrow One has a typical expression common in Mexican landraces I’ve been told it’s a wierd looking one.Very green and alive just thin and bizarre.The new Cultivars do not excite me as much as the older ones did.Some of them if the Thc was just a bit stronger it would be wheelchair weed


The spider ones leaves are starting to turn normal on the third set still a little weirdo but I’m not giving up.

the other one grew out a half inch.Good looking in that split them out of thier little cups and root balls and into bigger shoes @Upstate. Sprayed them down with some microbes and some bottled water.What Evers in that probiotic powder they love it.


Cap’n are those seeds from one batch of weed? Or mixed seeds from random bags of weed?

In the early 00’s when I grew more Mexican bagseed weed, I was always surprised how many of them were mutants or runts.

Especially dealing with seed that was straight out of Mexico, I would have super high cull rates. I would only keep maybe twenty percent of the plants. People would ask how I got such nice plants out of brickweed, and that was my answer. High cull rates.


These were donors so as far as the same batch I couldn’t tell you.The one with the one with the mutation I am watching out of pure curiosity I don’t think I would breed with it I don’t want to pass that on to a new generation.The other one came out fine just takes its time.If anything I would take the Oaxacan I was given and try to patch that into the DNA of the plant to give it a closer genetic match I would like to think it would be a better match.


Looks like it’s starting to snap out of it. Good job
Hi mutaton rates and wierd growth are probably the results of the poor treatment the seeds were given after harvest.


That transfer getting it out of its original little rootball and massaging out the roots into the new pot and a good spray down of Microbes helped 100%.I want to see how far I can take this one

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I wish some of that made it into my area. It was almost always sleepy weed, with some exceptions. I think the good stuff was smoked further south. But, the best batch i got was planted and grew Sativa trees that barely flowered. Now I know how good it would have been had it finished.


I remember getting that good up and go brick out of Buffalo but it was always hard to find.Those bales that had it always had super green colored smoke and it always freaked me out it wasn’t all brown and red.Maybe it was fresher and the grass didn’t have a chance to start to convert to CBD and Cbg I know you can harvest an indica early and it will act as a sativa sometimes and I don’t think the cartels were exactly watching the tricomes to tell if they were ripe they just wanted product to ship.We had to wait for it to get to us through all those shipping docks through NYC and Jersey port authority.Everyone else Cali side and further down south twords Texas could get it from the source.All the other stuff you are 100% right and it was definitely nighttime weed


Yeah, I was fortunate living in San Diego. The good stuff had a sunny, hard hitting hazy, hilarious kind of high that made music sound amazing. You wanted to get outside and be around friends. Then I started noticing more pretendica, the brick was this heavy, dull stone until i stopped smoking brick entirely around 1998.


@ClassicGenetix oh man that sounds amazing . Weed that doesent interfere with extroversion. Atleast i think i get what youre saying, you wanted to see the World. probably a bit a different Things you wanted to see and explore (nature, landscape , structures you like to just see and explore).

Todays weed prevents most of that. For me atleast.
Happy carefree qualities are so need these days… Actually Weed did this better than most other substances.


Absolutely. I miss the music enhancement, bright sunshine and get outside and connect with people feeling, but all while zooted.

I describe Cookies crosses and a lot of the modern polyhybrids as being a very low vibration herb, it makes me feel low, depressed almost. There’s a negativity and apathy to them that you don’t get even from other indicas.


absolutely, love the notion of indicas beeing better in this regard of not interfering. this is also what i say…


Cookies and all these new strains strive for one thing I am seeing higher THC content.When we go for one thing we tend to weed out all the things that made it special in the first place.I keep telling everyone who called me a nut for trying to dig up old strains thr weed today is all the same type of high.It’s very bland and yes it does make you feel bummed out you are right.\The new weed does not have the ambiance as it used to.It’s like a super model all nice in the outside and you want to be seen with it but deep down inside they are dull and the appearance is all they had to offer as content.


As the great Joey Diaz says, “If I want flavor, I’ll spend fifty cents on a lifesaver. I smoke to get high, Jack. I wanna see the devil!”


Sure does. Makes people want to sit on the couch and play video games. Sativas make you want to go walk your dog in a park after you wash the dishes, clean the house and water the garden lol. All while thinking about something else😁


Your description sounds just like those bright shiny apples in the Supermarket, just down the aisle from those bright red tomatoes. Both of which have a nasty mealie texture inside.
@romanoweed I would imagine the food in Europe is still actually food… is this the case where you live? Still Farmers Market?


yes, i still have to ask for assurance what people experienced… cause i only go off old memories, so i mostly know, but am so brainwashed by all the hybrids i was offered over centuries… nice to see things ressurected, and nice to be a part of it…

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aah, its the same with food. my place isnt that much of an idyllic oldschool region where people still have rich regional breeds they share… like mediterranian regions. I had one time the opportunity to eat an old Bean-strain… It was a relieve, and sickening in the same time to find out how bad our Supermarkets vegetable is…

The people are finding out more and more as time progresses, but few have the energy to actually change something… You just cant compeete against supermarketprices… its hella expensive and buissnes stays small. thats difficult.

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There are breeders desperatly trying to certificate older Strains for Foodmarket… there is like a law in place that only certified strains can be sold in supermarket…

They dont pass the yeald-test… there are efforts from monsanto type guys to privatisize this certification prosses., means they decide wich strains can be grown… wich is basically just bad…

So, it can only stay regional, if i understood right thats the only place where its even allowed to sell old breeds, in markets. i got a taste of this good stuff, but im to bizzy for chasing small markets.

Goverment doesent care for old breeds, like i told lately, and doesent even preserve them. they preserve only “improoved highyealding strains” . There is will for a change coming from people tho, but its hard in so many regards to compete, to make it big… (i hope i dont sound like “conspiracytheorist”, wich i am not)

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I grew up in the Deep South and good brick weed was ALWAYS rare. After 9/11 and multiple droughts through Mexico it became even more difficult. People don’t always put 9/11 and weed culture together, but they are linked very tightly. I remember the month after the attack nobody had weed. The border security went insane over fears of terrorists or weapons being smuggled across the border for another attack. Cartels were too scared to send loads, and when they did it was this terrible ditchweed from the drought.

Slowly but surely we started getting offered “kind bud” or “dank weed”. $60 for an 1/8 instead of $60 for a half ounce. It replaced “regular” weed on the market over the next two decades until now regular brickweed is damn near impossible to find.

Good brickweed was always hard to find, and sold fast. Most of it was brown crap that wasn’t worth smoking. That was the real reason “dank” weed took over. It was crazily expensive but it always got you high. There was a guarantee of quality. That brick weed, it might take you a week to find any, then you spend $100 dollars on something that couldn’t even get you high. When it was good though, it could be very good in terms of quality of the high. Rolling a fat J of some fresh green sativa from the mountains was always a good time.

Green brick was rare.

The crappy brown was more common.