9lb Hammer #5

Are you going to hit some of that Blue Sunshine pollen to the Hammer?

Real beauty!


I have another vial I got from a third party. But in true keeper fashion she’s the only one I didn’t get a clone to root of. She’s gonna be a reveg for sure though. Smells like mixed Berry pancakes. Or butter and berries I can’t tell which one is closer.


Oh nice! Sounds like it would be a good match

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My first goal is to find a male from the LBCOG x Blue Sunshine to hit back to the LBCOG cut. She’s truly special.
The beans didn’t get time to mature how I’d like so numbers weren’t great but that’s what I’m popping first.
Gonna be bad ass research for your male to see what qualities all the offspring share.



My Butterfinger head ass halfway dropped her and she just said fuck life. Only one side slipped out of my grip & she swung a little but was too top-heavy. Chopped at 54 days. Smells like the Berry syrup at IHOP not the Blueberry, the redish joint.


Nice job! Sorry it happened a little early. Just checking jinx website and he raised the prices 10$ but gives double the beans now(12). Will have to pickup some 9lb! Thanks for sharing your grow.


Hasn’t hit Grove Bags yet & already has flavor. The smell isn’t over the top when you smell the outside of a nug but when ground up or cracked she’s got a nice nose. The terpenes are a mix of some kind of fruit snacks but the baller joints. Some kind of dragon fruit/tropical mix fruit snacks. High dollar joints. Mixed in with a funk I can only describe as body oder esque. But it’s only a specific dark note of body odor. I fuckin like it and I hope it intensifies. Won’t speak on the high yet other than it passes the potency test.

Pics don’t do justice on how Orange she is.


going to have to scoop me a pack of 9lb and finally grow some your going to love the smoke looks killer @hoss8455


I’m pretty sure for October jinxproof is doing 12 seeds per pack rather than 6.

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@Weedison Yessir, I don’t need any more beans pulling my strings like a puppet, but I’ll probably grab a pack soon with the quantity increase.


I don’t need anymore either, and I’ve done good holding myself back from getting a pack thus far with his sale lol I still have some pucker punch seeds from him I love how the pucker punch grew

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Don’t look at the Watermelon Hustle then. I did see a bunch of packs go up on a strainly account.


That is jinx strainly account. He will redirect you to his website, whenever he is able to get back to you. It took him about 3 + weeks to message me back a few months ago.

Getting the first new growth from the reveg. Stoked to know I’ll be able to keep her around. Definitely my favorite from last round. Very potent, very tasty like Blueberry pancakes and body odor.


30 days after chop - 16/8 under Blue spec


Haircut & glamor shot. Super orange.