9lb Hammer #5

My old lady’s favorite cultivar. Last bean in a 5 pack, popped by herself, turned out to be a vigorous hungry beauty. Running her in a 2x2 under FC3000. Shouts out to Jinx.


9lb hammer is some great stuff have a friend in Michigan that runs it makes some crazy good hash rosin with it great cultivar




Very healthy looks great . Never tried it , cool name

We got some on a trip to DC a few years back and my old lady hasn’t stopped singing it’s praise. Plus jinx does alot of charity and seems like the kind of cat I like to support.
The plant has been nice to grow. While it’s not hard to keep happy, it’s a nute hog for sure. I like the structure; didn’t require much training.
One downside so far is she doesn’t root easily. After 3+ weeks in the dome with nothing more than nubs, I put it in a cup and fed. It looks like it will probably take but that was my last Hail Mary and most times it doesn’t work for me. Think I got lucky. @Jetdro


Weird you said that . Been rooting cuts for decades . Can do it in my sleep and have a super high ratio and in quick time .

The last 3 times I have rooted cuttings it has taken much longer than normal and damn near lost a few which never use to happen .

Mine generally root in 7 to 12 days , last 3 sets have taken up to 16 days to root and then only to keep from dying .

Maybe it’s all the damn poly hy’s I’ve had here just recently . Never had one take as long as yours are however .

I have heard of the strain for ages , just never seen nor smoked it . Like the structure of the plant

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Normally I can root clones in my sleep usually easy pease but I had a lemon Thai cross that took 21 days to throw roots and she grew so slow also

Recently 2 clones same mom 1 rooted in 8 days 1 14 why ? All done the same way Finicky I guess


I have 9 Lb Hammer beans in the fridge. Your pics make me want to pop some.
Never enough time and space. :anguished:


If you want more motivation I just pinched a bud and my fingers smell like berries of some sort.


Moved to a 4x4. This girl has tip top structure for me. Branches outwards enough to give each top its own real estate.


Very nice plant, looks nice and healthy for sure. Whats the flower time on her?

Thanks boss she’s drinking like a fish, and I’m not sure as it’s my first run of her. Jinx says 50-60 days.


Agree, looks real nice

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Mmm I can taste it from here such a frost monster I can see why it’s one of my friends favorites to wash in Michigan the hash rosin that he makes from it is so top notch :drooling_face: looks like you found yourself a awesome pheno :+1: @hoss8455


WOW I’m loving the looks of that beauty and "I’ve heard good things about this strain very good grow @hoss8455


Very nice!!! I love 9lb hammer, grew a good Bit of it and she would zombify me lol.


I have 9Lb hammer seeds from JOTI. Are yours from JOTI?

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His is from jinxproof @Floyd

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